I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 493 Political Education

Everyone in Shen Nuofei's family is talented, and Shen Qi Mathematics and Physics Research Center is also full of talented people. She likes these two places very much.

In the next period of time, Shen Nuofei showed up at Shen Qi Mathematics and Physics Research Center every now and then, and she became the center's favorite, and the younger brothers who wanted to establish a pure friendship with Shen Nuofei lined up at the gate of Shuimu University.

In the first quarter of each year, employees with titles of associate professor or above at Yanda University will receive relevant training. There have always been only two themes: honesty and justice, patriotism and dedication.

This year's trainers are from the First Party School, and the principal will teach them in person.

The principal of the party school graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Mizuki University, and also served as a member of the Privy Council and head of the Organization Department.

The principal is a scholar-type leader. Although this year's honesty and patriotism education also has elements of the outline, the principal's lectures are very professional and exciting.

Shen Qi participated in this training in Yan University Auditorium, this is his compulsory course, he must attend the class and complete the full credits.

The principal played a documentary in which the protagonist was Tao Qimin, the director of the Liver Disease Research Institute of Yanda People's Hospital.

Professor Tao Qimin devoted her whole life to the research of domestic hepatitis B vaccine. In the 1970s and 1980s, her team developed the first hepatitis B vaccine.

At that time, the liver disease vaccine research and development team of the People's Hospital of Capital Medical University was extremely excited and excited. However, due to various constraints, the team could not contact the gorillas used for animal experiments.

Professor Tao Qimin made an astonishing move that exists in myths and legends. She injected a sample of the hepatitis B vaccine into her body to test the virus herself, which is comparable to Shennong.

Professor Tao returned home and told the two young children: "Mom is going to get an injection, and she might get sick. Stay away from me for now."

When the documentary played to this point, Shen Qi couldn't help being moved.

Scientists in that era really devoted themselves to scientific research, regardless of personal interests, and had a fearless dedication to science.

In order to enable the large-scale production of the domestic hepatitis B vaccine with the internal code name 7571 as soon as possible, Professor Tao transferred his unique technology and process to other scientific research institutions and pharmaceutical companies free of charge.

Everyone knows what happened next. The domestic hepatitis B vaccine developed by Tao Qimin's team was successful, benefiting a generation and saving countless lives.

After Tao Qimin's documentary was played, the principal didn't speak for the moment, letting the students experience the relevant spirit by themselves.

All the professors and associate professors of Yanda applauded spontaneously, especially the scholars from the School of Medicine, School of Life Sciences, and School of Chemistry of Yanda University.

"Comrades, I have a background in chemistry. Professor Tao is the scientist I respect the most. A scientist who is selfless and dedicated like Professor Tao has made such a sacred cause. However, it is sad that today in the 21st century , Someone actually poisoned the people with poisonous vaccines." The principal said calmly, but he heard the thunder in a silent place.

The effect of the first half of this honest and patriotic education was obvious. All the students were silent, and everyone had their own feelings.

In the second half, the principal continued to show relevant pictures, news reports, and short videos, and explained: "It's not a joke, it has always existed. Today's international situation is becoming more and more complicated, and the methods of stealing information are constantly being innovated, which is hard to guard against."

"All comrades here are well-known scientific researchers in various fields. Most of you are the heads of scientific research projects and academic leaders. Keeping state secrets is the most basic law that every citizen must abide by. I did the organizational work For many years, it is really hard to guess about people's hearts. I want to remind all comrades that while you are upright, you should also pay attention to the thoughts of your employees..."

The headmaster showed a piece of material, which was internal to the party school and had not been publicly reported.

According to the data, there is an international student who went to the United States to study for graduate school, studying optical quantum communication.

This international student has a wealthy family, he doesn't like money, he likes mature beauties with strong exotic styles.

During his postgraduate study in the United States, the international student met a Filipino woman who was ten years older than him.

Then the international students go smoothly, successfully study for a Ph. D., and have a double harvest of academics and love.

After graduating from a prestigious American university with a Ph.D., the foreign students came back and entered a state key laboratory.

Then, the returnee doctor was arrested.

The principal made a final summary: "Socrates said that everyone instinctively likes beautiful things, unless they are blind. There is nothing wrong with pursuing beauty, or pursuing beautiful women. After all, this era is an era of looking at faces. However, we must insist on Bottom line, this is the basic principle. This is the end of my lecture today, thank you. By the way, when you leave, please sign in with your face at the entrance of the auditorium."

The principal of the party school has a routine. Professors and associate professors do not need to sign in when they enter, but sign in when they leave.

With the development of science and technology, the maturity of facial recognition sign-in technology means that signing on behalf of others has become history.

Shen Qi successfully brushed his face, and he got the political study credits.

The professors and associate professors who slipped away in the middle are useless, they get 0 points, their political awareness is not enough, and they need to retake another day.

The political retraining at the first party school level is not so easy. In addition to listening carefully to the lectures, the students also have to take exams and write ideological reports. If you don’t pass the exam, and the ideological report is perfunctory, then continue to retake it until you reach the political standard.

Skipping classes and losing life is the same for students or professors.

Zhou Yu'an is so annoying, he is a professor level, he slipped away halfway, he is not qualified for politics and needs to re-study.

"It's actually a sign in with your face!" Zhou Yu'an complained extremely. He had previously entrusted Associate Professor Xiao Junlong to help him sign for him.

"It shouldn't be, Lao Zhou, you joined the party in your sophomore year, a veteran party member with ten years of party experience, the deputy secretary of the central party branch, and you are not up to political standards." Shen Qi shook his head and sighed, even I dare not skip the class of the party school principal, Zhou Yuan you You are so courageous, who can play routines better than the principal?

Coincidentally, Ouye also skipped class.

Ouye is a person with no party affiliation, but she is an associate professor of the School of Mathematics. According to regulations, she also needs to receive the education of integrity and patriotism from senior intellectuals in key universities.

"It's very embarrassing. My wife, an ordinary person, is not up to political standards, and my brother, an old party member, is also not up to political standards. I am the only one who is up to political standards." Shen Qi's political awareness is very high, but the people closest to him of people have shaken their political attitudes.

"It's the first time in my life to retake a course, so shameful..." Ouye didn't retake any courses when she was a student. Her weakest was physical education. The physical education teacher knew that Ouye was in poor health, so he didn't make things difficult for Ouye. , as long as Ouye can run or even cross the finish line, Ouye will pass.

It never occurred to me that Professor Ou would need to re-learn politics after joining the workforce.

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