The next morning, Hall 1 of the Academy of Sciences was decorated with lights and festoons, full of guests.

All the academicians who were able to attend the meeting if their physical condition allowed, and including the candidates for co-opted academicians, nearly a thousand people were present.

Shen Qi met many well-known figures in the Chinese scientific community.

Mr. Yang, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for parity non-conservation, has resumed his Chinese nationality. He is an academician of the Department of Mathematical Physics. The old man came to the venue with the help of his assistant to perform his duties as an academician of the Academy of Sciences.

Old Man Yang asked to see Shen Qi by name, and Shen Qi met with Old Man Yang in the spare time before the meeting.

"Mr. Yang, I greet you. Are you in good health?" This is the first time for Shen Qi to have a conversation with Mr. Yang at a close distance. There are many comments on Mr. Yang from the outside world, which can be described as varied, but it is undeniable that Mr. Yang is one of the most important physicists in today's world. The real boss of the world.

When Mr. Yang was studying, the whole world was at war, and he experienced many things in world wars. Now this old man has difficulty in moving, but his thinking is clear: "I am old, you are still young, while you are young, do more useful things." meaningful things."

Shen Qi said: "So I came here today to attend the meeting."

Mr. Yang: "After being elected as an academician, I will hold less meetings and do more learning."

"Okay, you are right to criticize." Shen Qi nodded repeatedly, the old man had to be coaxed just like a child.

Eh, after being elected as an academician... Shen Qi suddenly realized something, so I won more than two-thirds of the votes?

For the second selection of academicians, the voting for academicians of each department has ended, but the results are kept secret and have not been made public for the time being.

Mr. Yang said just now, Shen Qi, after you are elected as an academician, you should hold fewer meetings and do more practical work.

Shen Qi analyzed from this information that his academician certificate should be stable.

That's how people are, they like to worry about nothing. Shen Qi's academic achievements have shocked the world. He was born in Yanda University, and he resolutely chose to return to China after he was in full swing in Princeton. Now he is Yanda's celebrity.

According to a comprehensive prediction from the aspects of academics, patriotism, and the energy of the organization behind him, it is normal for Shen Qi to be elected as an academician, and it is abnormal to lose the election.

Old Yang said again: "Yang-Mi equation, can you solve it? I think you are the only hope in the whole world."

"I also want to solve it, Mr. Yang, but this matter can't be rushed." Of course, Shen Qi wants to solve the Yang-Mi equation. One of the tasks for the 15th level of mathematics is to solve the Yang-Mi equation, N-S equation, and P vs. NP problems. One of the.

Yang in the Yang-Mi equation is in front of Shen Qi at this moment. Mr. Yang said: "Physicists cannot solve this problem, only mathematicians. I am almost 100 years old. Before I close my eyes, I will I want to see someone give a general explanation."

"I will do my best, I will do my best." After Shen Qi made Mr. Yang happy, the current academician co-option meeting was officially held.

Dean Bai presided over the meeting, and he quickly entered the topic: "According to the provisions of the "Academician Charter of the Academy of Sciences" and the "Implementation Rules for the Co-option of Academicians of the Academy of Sciences", after correspondence review and voting by all academicians, a total of 48 co-opted academicians and 10 a foreign academician."

"The distribution of the 48 co-opted academicians is as follows: 9 from the Department of Mathematical Physics, 9 from the Department of Chemistry, 14 from the Department of Life Science and Medicine, 4 from the Department of Earth Sciences, 5 from the Department of Information Technology Science, and 7 from the Department of Technical Science."

"Next, the personal resumes and major academic achievements of the 48 co-opted academicians will be displayed one by one. Starting from the Department of Mathematical Physics, the order of display will be ranked according to the strokes of the individual surnames."

The first one is a professor of physics from Shanghai Jiaotong University, surnamed Ding, 51 years old, male, ethnic Han, native of Huai'an, northern Jiangsu, party member with political background, the main research results come from nuclear physics... just this one page PPT, made in the form of a resume.

After the presentation, Dean Bai said to the audience: "The academicians who have been appointed by the Department of Mathematical Physics agree with Ding Wenhe to be elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences, please raise your hands."


Raise more than a hundred arms.

Dean Bai: "Thank you, please put it down. Those who disagree with Ding Wenhe's co-election as an academician of the Academy of Sciences, please raise your hand...No. Those who abstained, please raise your hand...No. According to the results of correspondence review, voting of all academicians, and meeting review, The meeting agreed that Ding Wenhe should be co-opted as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and it was approved by applause!"

Clap clap, applause sounded, Professor Ding stood up and bowed to express his thanks.

The results of the first two review and election links are actually the final results, and the review at the current meeting is in the nature of a process.

Behind Professor Ding are three Professors Wang, two Professors Liu, and then it is Professor Shen Qi's turn.

Shen Qi's personal resume is relatively complicated, and it can't be displayed on one page, but two pages are displayed.

"Shen Qi, 26 years old, male, ethnic Han, native of Nangang City, politically a member of the party."

"Educational experience, Bachelor of Mathematics Department of Yanda University, Master and Ph.D. of Department of Mathematics of Princeton University. Bachelor of Department of Physics of Yanda University, Master and Ph.D. of Department of Physics of Princeton Institute for Advanced Study."

"Work experience, professor of Princeton Department of Mathematics, professor of Yanda Zhengting and director of Shen Qi Mathematics Research Center, distinguished professor of physics at Nangang University of Technology."

"Main research results or academic contributions, such as proving the Riemann conjecture, creating the Shen-Qi twin matching method, establishing the theoretical system of Riemann zeta function prime number distribution, proving Hodge's conjecture, establishing the SLW algebraic geometry/mathematical analysis/topology theoretical system, proving that Debach's conjecture and related number theory conjectures, proposed functional analysis and Muller-Shen theorem in Banach space, Shen-Qi proximity theorem..."

Someone read it according to Shen Qi's resume, until here, it was one page.

Then turn to the second page and continue to read: "For the first time, the order-disorder phase transition mechanism rule (Shen-Qi phase transition rule) of a class of compounds in condensed matter physics is proposed, and the basic mathematical physics equation (Shen-Qi equation) is established. In terms of complexity, He has made outstanding contributions to the study of the microstructure of amorphous alloys..."

"Won awards, Fields Medal, Chern Award, Ramanujan Award...Kastler Award."

There are a total of eleven mathematics awards and one physics award.

This resume wasn't written by Shen Qi, and he didn't know who wrote it, but it was pretty good, basically summarizing his main life experiences and academic achievements before he was thirty years old.

The academicians present all felt that the research and awards that Shen Qi did in his twenties would take others a lifetime to complete.

The academicians elected by the Academy of Sciences will not make other comments, and everything will be based on data and achievements.

Dean Bai: "Academicians appointed by the Department of Mathematical Physics agree to Shen Qi's co-option as an academician of the Academy of Sciences, please raise your hand."

All academicians of the Department of Mathematical Physics raised their hands, and no one objected or abstained.

Dean Bai: "According to the results of the communication review, the voting of all academicians, and the review of the meeting, the meeting agreed that Shen Qi should be elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences, applause!"

With applause, Shen Qi was co-elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences.

Subsequently, 9 co-opted academicians of the Department of Mathematical Physics took the stage.

Dean Bai issued academician certificates to nine new academicians.

Academicians are life-long, and unless they make extremely serious mistakes, this title will last for a lifetime.

The current co-opted academician conference was successfully concluded, and the Academy of Sciences announced the results of this selection to the public.

Shen Qi set a record, at the age of 26, he is the youngest academician ever.

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