I Just Can Score

Chapter 44 0-angle shot

The fans in the stands were all talking about the "begging kiss incident". Zhen Shaolong's performance was hard to be seen, and because there was no outstanding performance, "begging kisses" was almost called a "kiss cheating".

"Just now I was next to him. He said that kisses from fans can bring better luck! M-D, my girlfriend almost believed it!"

"What luck is not luck!"

"He's a player from St. Pauli, and he used his status as a player to cheat female fans into kissing him! There's no limit..."

Many fans are still jealous. Their version of the "kiss incident" is, "There are many women kissing him."

Actually, not many.

There is less than ten minutes between the warm-up before the game and the official game. At least half of the time is left to go back to the locker room and listen to the head coach explain the final work. The remaining five minutes are partly delayed on the road and the time for the fans to stand. It was only a little over three minutes.

How many female fans can you convince in such a short period of time?

The exact number is five.

In addition, the process of persuading a female fan, apart from embarrassment, is still embarrassing, and being kissed is not enjoyable, even if it is a very beautiful female fan. The time was too short, and there was another group of people watching, who were not in the mood and had no time to feel it.

So Zhen Shaolong is really just completing the task.

Now Zhen Shaolong is also working hard to complete the task. The goal is not only for performance, but also to give the coach an explanation, but also to make it easier to "beg for a kiss" to the female fans next time.

This is Miller Gate Stadium.

There are more than 20,000 St. Pauli fans in the stands around.

For many fans, an away goal is just a number. A home goal happens in front of your eyes, which is a real performance and a real goal. If you can score a goal at home, the reputation among the fans will definitely be greatly improved. Growth, when the time comes, the beautiful female fans may take the initiative to offer kisses?

That's enjoyment...

cough cough.

Zhen Shaolong shook his head to dispel unhealthy thoughts, and re-entered the game seriously. What he needs to do now is to find opportunities to score goals.

With continuous efforts, he finally got a chance.

Zhen Shaolong suddenly changed direction while running, and the Cottbus defender next to him slowed down by a step, so he took the opportunity to speed up and run out of space.

Surentik passed the ball over.

The pass of the ball was still a little slow, but Zhen Shaolong had a good position in the card. He glanced at the penalty area, and Luz rushed up to wait for the opportunity. He suddenly had a thought, "Should the ball be given to Luz?"

Forget it anyway.

"Felix has never passed the ball. Besides, I am number 13! Number 13 is the best. Everyone else should give me the opportunity!"

Zhen Shaolong convinced himself in an instant, squeezed the opponent behind him, and completed a 180-degree turn in the direction of the ball. During the process, he stretched out his right foot to rub against the left side of the ball, and the football rolled past the left leg, and at the same time He also passed the defender behind him.

Half turned around!

It seems a simple way to surpass others, but it is very difficult to deceive the opponent.

Seeing Zhen Shaolong's dribble and successfully throwing off the opponent's player, the audience immediately burst into exclamation from the fans.

The camera locked onto the figure of Zhen Shaolong, and the commentator of Deutsche Telekom 3 shouted, "Look at this time! A beautiful breakthrough! Zhen! His speed is very fast——!"

Zhen Shaolong dribbled the ball into the penalty area in one breath, but obviously his skills were not up to the mark. He continued to make breakthroughs in a small space. When other opponents came to defend him, he could only kick the ball diagonally towards the corner of the small penalty area.

This is a personal routine!

The opposing player must have never imagined that he would kick the ball towards the corner of the small penalty area, but as long as he can catch the ball, he will have a chance to trigger the "kill" effect.

Unfortunately, it failed.

Even if the opponent next to him didn't react, there was more than one player in the penalty area. Zhen Shaolong kicked the ball over,

It is impossible to sprint to catch up. The speed and direction of the football rolling is more like a pass to a teammate.

The TV announcers all yelled, "Pass the ball!"

On that side, Luz and another defender rushed towards the football. Luz was in a good position, but he was very disturbed and still couldn't touch the ball.

There was a sigh of regret.

"It was a good shot just now. After Zhen broke into the penalty area, he split the kick to Luz. Unfortunately, Luz's running was a step slower..."

Luz gave Zhen Shaolong a thumbs up, and grinned with big teeth.

Zhen Shaolong responded with a stiff smile.

nice shot?

This is really an unexpected gain. I kicked the ball to the corner of the small penalty area just now. I just wanted to catch up. I didn't think about Luz at all. The personal routine of playing is suddenly considered a wonderful pass, which can also be regarded as an unexpected gain. ?

Zhen Shaolong didn't care.

His ball feeling evaluation is at most at the mid-range level, or the mid-range level of the Bundesliga Bundesliga. It is good to be able to dribble past individuals. It is too difficult to rely on personal breakthroughs to find opportunities.

The windfalls don't stop there!

Many people agreed that it was a good shot just now. Zhen Shaolong personally broke through the opposing player and went to the penalty area to help his teammates find opportunities. His performance can almost be described as perfect. The fans also have a certain degree of recognition for Zhen Shaolong.

Many fans began to pay attention to Zhen Shaolong's performance.

Then, here comes the problem --

"This guy doesn't need to participate in defense? He seems to be more 'powerful' than Luz, and Luz will retreat to defend!"

"Is he a center forward?"

"Luz is the center forward, but he is at the front. Maybe he is fast and has good skills? The breakthrough just now was wonderful..."


It's not a big deal if a forward player doesn't play defense, but it's a different story if the player is not a center forward.

In professional football matches, every player has to participate in defense. Some small clubs with poor strength will leave a striker in front because the whole field is passive and needs to counterattack, but usually it will be a center forward who can score goals alone.

Even if it is a technical striker, that is, the second striker, it should retreat appropriately to participate in the defense.

St. Pauli has a 442 formation, and Luz is obviously the center forward. Zhen Shaolong's size and skills can only play as the second striker.

The situation is reversed.

Luz is also very sad and depressed because of this, but Zhen Shaolong will not retreat to participate in the defense.

As for the reason?

'Scoring goals is the job of a striker' is just one of them. In addition, there is another one. His endurance index is still not high. He has to insist on running back and forth to play. It is not certain whether he can support the halftime. To save as much as possible.

When Cottbus attacked, it was Zhen Shaolong's rest time.

He seems to have a lot of rest time, but there are not too few opportunities to participate in the game. It didn't take long for St. Pauli to play another wave of offensive. Zhen Shaolong also saw the opportunity, because Surentic, who attacked, completed a long shot from the outside of the penalty area .

The effect of "Prediction" is triggered!


Zhen Shaolong used the effect of "Prediction" without hesitation, and then the trajectory of the football in three seconds was clearly displayed in his mind--

In the goalkeeper's arms, in the goalkeeper's arms, in the goalkeeper's arms.


A national curse blurted out.

Next, Cottbus continued to attack, and Zhen Shaolong continued to stand in the frontcourt and wait for the opportunity.

The situation in St. Pauli was suppressed, but there were also many offenses.

During Cottbus's attack, he dribbled the ball from the side to the bottom line and made a pass. The opponent's midfielder went forward and headed the ball. The football was put into the arms of Honarev.

Albrecht's speed on the wing was very fast. After dribbling the ball across the center line, he passed the ball to Sulendik.

Surentik kicked 30 meters, and the ball was accurately delivered to Bol's feet.

When Zhen Shaolong saw Surentic pass the ball, he immediately started to rush into the penalty area quickly, and the defensive players next to him immediately followed.

Bol welcomes the ball and transfers!

The rolling direction of the football is right in front of Zhen Shaolong!

"Look at this ball—"

The commentator's shouts did not bring much help, because Boll's ball was a bit strong, and the ball was very fast, and it was about to go out of the baseline.

Zhen Shaolong gritted his teeth and continued to sprint!

The defensive players who followed gave up a little bit, but Zhen Shaolong didn't give up, he swung his legs vigorously and ran forward!


Work hard!

Hurry up!

Zhen Shaolong unleashed the maximum horsepower, ran with all his strength, and also moved the defensive player next to him by a distance, but in the eyes of others, no matter how hard he ran, it would be of no avail, because the football was approaching the bottom line, even if he succeeded in throwing the ball Blocked, but also face the blockade of at least two players.

bottom line.

Two people surrounded him behind him.

In such a small space, even a top-notch player can only cheat a corner kick at most?

That seems to be fine too.

Zhen Shaolong didn't think too much about it. Seeing that the ball was about to roll out of the baseline, he pushed forward with his left foot, turned his body sideways with his right foot, and shoveled in front of the right with one foot. The intersection of the restricted area line and the baseline.

"Must Kill", activate!

Then everyone in the audience saw that logically it was at most a cross from the baseline, but instead it turned into a goal from the baseline.

The football spun around an arc, bypassed the goalkeeper and defender on the route, stuck to the post from the far corner, and went straight into the side net.

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