As soon as Qin Jincheng spoke, the other elders also looked at Chen Changfeng with a look of surprise.

"I may have heard it wrong, it should be four, right?"

"Four Star Yuan Fruits, this result is already good

!" "Yes, yes, after all, Su Slash is only sixteen years old!" "Su Slash

won four Star Yuan Fruits in the early stage of the Soldier Master Realm, and he is also considered a leader among the geniuses who have entered the Dark Star Forest over the years!"


One elder after another smiled and discussed, obviously very satisfied with the result that Su Shu was able to obtain four Star Yuan Fruits.

Although they were all martial artists of the Yuan Dan Realm, they felt that there would be no problem with their ear power, but Chen Changfeng's words were too different from what they expected, so their first reaction was that they felt that they had heard it wrong.

If it was said that Su Slash had obtained eight, or even ten, they might all believe it, but forty, that was an achievement that had never appeared in the Dark Star Forest for more than a hundred years!

Moreover, if it was really forty Star Yuan Fruits, how could it be possible to come back so soon

? The time required for refining was more than that, right?

Those elders thought so in their hearts, and the look of surprise on their faces slowly faded, and it was almost confirmed that it was Chen Changfeng who said it wrong or that they themselves had heard it wrong.

Hear those words.

The head Qin Jincheng also smiled dumbly: "It's that I'm thinking too much, forty Star Yuan Fruits, it's really impossible!"

Chen Changfeng glanced at those people, and said with a strange face: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have the same thoughts as the senior brother in charge and the elders."

"What, Senior Brother, what do you mean?" "Senior Brother

, Elders, I know you don't believe it in your hearts, but you really heard it right

!" Chen Changfeng's voice was a little louder: "Su beheaded him on this trip and refined forty Star Yuan Fruits, I saw it with my own eyes!"


The sound of gasping cold air sounded.

In the main hall, those elders were shocked one by one.

Their eyes widened, and even though Chen Changfeng was already so sure, they still couldn't believe it.

"Forty Star Yuan Fruits! The highest record

of Star Yuan Fruits brought out by the Dark Star Forest is thirteen, right?" "Su Shu, what kind of adverse weather luck is this, you can actually get forty Star Yuan

Fruits?" "Senior Brother Chen, I have a question, how can forty Star Yuan Fruits be refined in such a short period of time?"

One elder after another looked at Chen Changfeng suspiciously.

"For you and me, of course it's impossible

!" "But for Su Chop, it was a matter of course, and it was extremely smooth, refining forty Star Yuan Fruits in just five hours!" Chen

Changfeng remembered the scene when Su Slash God was powerful and shocked Li Changxing on the first day of Tiannan, and his tone was also a little excited: "After that, he also refined a Star God Fruit!" "

On that day, the starlight and the Great Sun appeared at the same time, ranking in the sky on the east and west sides of Su Slash!"

"On that day, Li Changxing was on the first day of Tiannan, prostrate on the ground, his body trembling

!" "On that day, Su slashed the god body, and then became a god body, and the god was powerful!"

Chen Changfeng finished speaking.

The whole hall fell silent.

There is no question.

There is no argument.

Not even a compliment.

Because everyone was stunned by his words.

I can't even turn my mind around.

Tiannan only crawled on the ground on the first day, Su slashed the god body, and then became a god body!

Qin Jincheng was the first to react, his hand covered his chest, and the power of True Yuan surged all over his body, suppressing the situation of his heartbeat and blood rushing because he was too excited, and then slapped his palm on the table in front of him.

"Okay!Great!Hahahaha!My Yuntian Sword Gate has to be slashed, it's simply that all the ancestors of the past dynasties have manifested their spirits, and my Qin Jincheng ancestor is blessed by Yin De!" Qin

Jincheng laughed without hesitation, and then, he said to Chen Changfeng: "From now on, there is no forbidden place for Su Slash in the Yuntian Sword Gate, including the Sword Tomb!" Elder

Miao of the Punishment Hall was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly said: " The master, the sword tomb is the place where the heads of the past dynasties bury their swords, and it contains the lifelong sword comprehension of the heads of the Yuntian Sword Sect, and

the rules of the ancestors are only allowed to enter by the masters!" "Yes, although Su is talented, the rules of the ancestors cannot be broken!" "

Everything else is easy to say, but this is not the only one!" "

Wouldn't we be deviant in doing this?"

How will the disciples of the Yuntian Sword Sect in the future look at this matter, will they think that we don't respect the spirit of our ancestors?"

said one elder after another.

These elders are one or two hundred years old, they stick to their habits, and they are most taboo about this kind of thing that violates the rules of the Sword Sect Ancestor, in their opinion, this is a great rebellion!"

"That's it......

" Qin Jincheng frowned, and then said: "Then pass on the position of head to Su Chop! In short, we in the Yuntian Sword Sect must spare no effort to give Su Chop the best thing we can provide, otherwise, wouldn't it make Tianjiao dusty?"

Moreover, I, Qin Jincheng, believe that with Su Slash in my

Yuntian Sword Sect, the future development will be far beyond the past! Back then, when I Qin Jincheng succeeded to the head of the sect, I vowed to make the Yuntian Sword Sect stronger, but I had no choice but to have limited talents, so I could only go this far, and now that I have a more suitable candidate, why not give way!"

Qin Jincheng smiled freely, not caring about the words of those elders.

The elders were speechless for a moment.

Chen Changfeng smiled bitterly: "Senior brother in charge, I can understand your feelings, but have you ever thought that Su Shu doesn't look down on this position at all


?" Qin Jincheng was stunned for a moment, and then nodded helplessly.

"It's my negligence, Su Chop's talent is so good, let him be the head, be bothered by a lot of miscellaneous things, delay his cultivation, it's really a waste! However, Su Chop's kendo talent is peerless, but after all, the time of contact with kendo is too short, and the sword intent of contact is not much, if he can comprehend the sword intent of the previous masters, he will definitely be able to touch the bypass, which will be of great help to his future kendo road!"

Seeing that those elders were about to open their mouths to stop him again, Chen Changfeng's eyes rolled and said: " Elders, since you and the senior brother in charge have differences, it is better for you to take a step back.

Tomorrow, let Su Slash go to the Sword Tomb, we can witness with our own eyes, if he can be recognized by more than three head sword spirits, then allow him to comprehend the sword intent

in the Sword Tomb in the future! On the contrary, the Sword Tomb is still a forbidden place for Su Slash, how about it?"

"This ......"

The elders hesitated.

After gathering together to discuss it, Elder Miao sent the representative of the Punishment Hall and said

, "Yes, but there are twenty-seven heads of my Yuntian Sword Sect in the past dynasties, and Su Qi wants to break the rules of the old ancestor, unless, he is recognized by more

than ten!" "More than ten......"

Qin Jincheng frowned.

The first time he went to the Sword Tomb, he didn't have any sword spirit approval at all.

The second time, the first ancestor recognized him, and he was able to comprehend the sword intent.

It took twenty-three years to obtain the approval of the ten ancestral sword spirits.

Although Su Slash is peerless in swordsmanship, he wants to be recognized by the ten ancestral sword spirits for the first time, how can this be ???

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