I Have Invincible Naruto System

Chapter 360 - Return to nothingness

The person here is the deity, Mu Qiushang!

At this time, the deity is bathed in the vastness of blood, presenting the peak state of a young man, with deep eyes penetrating through the void, and black and thick long hair flying like a waterfall. At this time, he is a three-pointed god. The state of the deity, the vicissitudes of the torrent of history are reflected in the eyes, what a terrifying power is contained in this seemingly weak body, a dark black robe covers his body, and his feet are hanging in the air and watching Qin Tian indifferently .


After reaching the realm of Qin Tian, ​​especially the pupil power has reached the realm of six immortals, any phantoms and secrets hidden in the deepest place will appear in front of Qin Tian's eyes. Qin Tian's silver hair hangs down like a waterfall, and the hair is as sparkling as snow and silver. The nine goblin jade on the white imperial robes are clearly visible, and six pitch-black jade for seeking Taoism are always suspended behind him. His lavender reincarnation eyes are like ripples, soft and majestic.

Under Qin Tian's pupil power, all illusions were invisible.

The three divine rings of the young deity reappeared, and the three-pointed god of the Shinto god seemed to be at its peak at this moment. The first deity was the body of the young deity. Like the ancient divine residence, there is no sadness or joy, and the faces of all beings will finally condense into a teenager. Appearance, indifferently with a killing air.

The second deity is a heroic warrior wearing a black gold and blood-colored battle robe, with sword eyebrows in his temples and cold eyes, his body is surrounded by a strong curse, and the strong killing aura is almost condensed as a physical training. A bloody mist rose up, and even the void began to be distorted. Qin Tian didn't show too much shock. He had seen this man before, and it was indeed what Qin Tian saw when he entered the spirit world. That heroic god of war, Qin Tian had long suspected that this was actually the ancient god of war Xingtian!

It now appears that Qin Tian's direction of suspicion is very correct!There is a broken and silent world in his eyes. The heroic spirits are crying, the souls are crying, hoarse and struggling, and are suppressed in the killing air of the Jin Ge Iron Horse. The bronze great axe and the black gold shield are in hand, sighing. World!

As for the third deity, Qin Tian’s pupils suddenly shrank, unable to maintain a calm and watery state of mind. The long icy-blue hair was rising with frost, and the cold air was icy, in her ice-blue eyes. , Contains the terrifying horror of the horrible collapse of the mountain, the horrible elephant of the dead mountain and the sea of ​​blood, she reveals the boundless coldness, and the skin is like snow, like a frozen throne.

"Cai Li..." Qin Tian whispered, the lavender reincarnation glanced at the young deity coldly, "Your three-pointed god, now it is finally complete, refine the spirit world, control The Godhead of the Ice God..."

"Your pupil skills are indeed jealous of even the gods, and you can see all of my Shinto tripartites clearly. Such pupil power makes people salivate..."

The young deity smiled slightly, and it made people feel like a spring breeze. He shook his head slightly and said: "There is still a lack of Tao. The three-pointed god of the divine way needs a true divine position. The ability of the deity cannot reach perfection. I have the divine position. I also have the evil spirit, and now, what is missing is your fairy!"

Qin Tian's eyes were cold: "You seem to have the victory in this battle, but are you sure you can really defeat me?"

"How can I know if I don't try?"

The young deity sneered, and the slender woman's arms shook slightly, the five fingers spread out, the nine gods pierced the void, and after the waves of the space, even the demigod could not see the god The gods’ abilities are very weird. Even people of the same level of the three major distractions can only see their juvenile deities. Even if the distractions of the ice gods and the war gods can be vaguely perceived, they can’t. Really see.

But Qin Tian is destined to be an anomaly, and his reincarnation eyes possess the strongest pupil power in the world.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)"when."

An invisible wall stood in front of Qin Tian. Qin Tian didn’t change his face, and he didn’t even have any mood swings. The nine gods possess the aura of dragons and tigers, and the aura of the ancient beasts that cover the sky and the sun are vividly expressed. , The ancient gluttonous, 犴犴, 狻猊 and other fierce beasts turned out one after another, as if they had come from an ancient era, madly biting at Qin Tian.

"Huang Quan Biliang Ban!"

In the lavender reincarnation eyes of Qin Tian's left eye, among the ripples, nine pitch-black jades slowly emerged, and a great momentum slowly descended, even if it was the spirit of the gods facing such a divine forbidden realm. The oppression will greatly reduce the combat power, and if the terrifying pupil power of Qin Tian's left eye bursts out of the flood, six different world bridges are slowly opened behind him.

The left eye, the power to control the space!

"The Imperial Palace of Heaven!"

The nine great gods were exiled to the lava purgatory space forever before they approached Qin Tian.

"Shoo!"The gods did not move, but Bing Shencai Li and the god of war Xing Tian moved. After crossing the distance of time and space, no void fluctuations occurred. They appeared on Qin Tian's body like a ghost, attacking back and forth! This is a god-level battle. It uses the fusion of the highest level of divine power and thought power. All defense methods will be ignored by it. This is a fighting method specifically aimed at gods. Even if they are both gods, I am afraid that they are slightly different. Shen may fall!

"Round tomb side prison!"

Qin Tian’s pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle, and then suddenly expanded. The vast pupil power was vented wildly. Two shadows from the world of the wheel tomb appeared, one behind Qin Tian’s body, the shadow of the world of the wheel tomb. Ignoring all the physical attack methods in this world, it is similar to the Shinto Tripartite God, the bronze battle axe of the God of War Xingtian, the blood curtain of the sky is twisted in the void, and the anger is smashed down. The ice god beads of the sacrifice lit up, and the milky white cold air was abrupt.


This seems to be a battle in a different dimension. People in this world cannot see the real battle scene even if they are in the realm of a demigod. The shadow of the wheel tomb and the Shinto three-pointed god seem to shuttle in different dimensions, but they really collide. Fight together! The terrifying sound of the explosion made the sky different, the golden lotus fluttered, the song of feathering resounded ethereally through the clouds, the purple thunder roared and the dark clouds covered the sun, and the red clouds were all over the sky. Really falling, on the contrary, it was like watching a battle in another world through a mirror.

The rare war of gods in the Xuankong Mountain kicked off. The heroes of the hundreds of races were fascinated by it, and even more so, they were addicted to it. In the auspicious, the lotus is born with thousands of flowers, and the mist protects the thousand layers. Anyone who uses the spiritual eye pupil technique can never dream of seeing the real scene clearly.

The world was shocked by this earth-shattering battle, but they didn't know that it was just a warm-up before the real battle started. If they knew the truth, they might just faint.

"God, fighting here is expected to destroy the entire continent, enter the space where I start the ball!" Qin Tian slowly got up and said calmly.

The corner of the young god's mouth showed a lighthearted smile, but he didn't take it seriously: "There is no need for the creatures of this continent. If I achieve Consummation, all the creatures of this continent will be reborn!""I'm not discussing with you, but an order!"

Qin Tian let out a cold snort, and nine gouyu jade pieces appeared in his right eye, the secret power of controlling time!

"Sand of time, eternity!"

Time seems to be in the hands of Qin Tian alone, like an hourglass that appears in the void. Qin Tian manipulates with the power of one person. His invisible palm holds the veins of time, controls the gears of time, and freezes the eternal flow of time. Long River, everything is completely still, and even the gods' three-pointed gods are completely solidified. Although the consciousness belonging to the god level remains clear, everything is out of his control.

"Sand of Time, Trace the Flow!"

Time suddenly reversed, the ice god Caili and the god of war Xingtian were uncontrollably pressed back into the god’s ring over time. The nine gods drew back from the yellow spring biliang board and exploded in the void. , The overwhelming coercion of the young deity was all pressed back into his body. At this time, like a child without the power to bind a chicken, Qin Tian pressed it with one hand.

"Eighty God Air Strike!"

Peipei's secret power that pierced through the void unhindered hit the god, the god suddenly broke, his hair was messy, and he was hit into the starting ball space.

Suddenly thousands of auspicious golden lotus in the hanging mountains sank into the void and returned to nothingness.

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