After sending 'Yi Fu' away, Yana became more interested in this ancestor who had just arrived.

Indeed, after the ancestor of Hram lit the fifth lamp to kill the fifth god general, the clansmen became a little overly optimistic, even she was the same, the reason is very simple, the demon clan has been suppressed for too long There is no hope in the struggle, and now the dawn is finally seen, how can it not be inflated?

Under such circumstances, demons who can maintain their rationality, or are willing to be rational, are not to say that they are extremely intelligent, but at least they must appear to be more general than other demons, and may be able to lead one side.

Sent someone to simply investigate the ancestor's subordinates and soon returned. Yana was surprised to learn that Yi Fu had been in the starry sky for decades, but he didn't even offer a reward. Anyone who revealed his identity was killed.

Want to take him under his command?

Yana hesitated.

After she 'betrayed' Beelzebub, she didn't take away any of her younger brothers and sisters. Her current subordinates are all descendants of Hiram for countless generations, and few of them are familiar and trusted by her.

And just two or three hours later, the ancestor of Yifu came to look for her again!

"Is there anything else?"

Figo said: "I just left from Yana Mozi and met the ancestor of Donkeme. She learned that I was the ancestor who just arrived, and she was very enthusiastic about me. She invited me to the restaurant in the human town and greeted me. I will follow her went.

There was no one in the restaurant, so the ancestor of Duo Enkemei broke down the doors of two families in the town at will, arrested a few people, threatened their lives, and looked for the chef of the restaurant. The older child threatened to ask the chef to prepare delicious food for us. "

Yana frowned slightly.

"I don't know what the three ancestors thought, but I think there is no hope for the demon clan if this continues." Figo said seriously.

"For the next war, I think we shouldn't just wait in Baiyi Qunxing and wait for the Tianlong people to be ready to encircle and suppress, right? And if we want to fight out, the army of the demon clan must be restrained, otherwise there will be endless disasters .

Slaughtering and bullying the weak will not bring about any change in our situation, but will only make the Tianlong people happy, because they can continue to preach the brutality of our demon race to the entire starry sky, and arouse all races' resentment towards the demon race.

In the next war, I hope that our demon clan will not rob the innocent for a piece of meat, try to avoid the impact on the innocent, at least, try to do better than the Tianlong people, reverse some Inherent impression!

After this war, some people mentioned the demon clan again. If they could say something like 'I thought I was doomed at the time, but I didn't expect the demon clan to let me go, and it was not as cruel as the rumors' Really win! "

Yana found these words familiar.

She looked at Figo's six-meter-tall figure, and a triangular face appeared in front of her eyes.

Thoughts similar to Yato?

Only by restraining themselves and not bullying the weak can the demon clan have a future and hope?

In the past, she laughed at Yatuo for being naive, for being an idiot, and didn't like that guy very much, but since Yatuo died in a ridiculous way, Yana realized that she missed Yatuo a little bit.

Yato is purer and more ideal than her.

She asked: "Ancestor Yifu, according to what you said, your children have been made into fruits, and they are in pain. What do you think of people with abilities? Can you tolerate their existence?"

"I can't tolerate it, but I have to endure it." Figo replied: "At least until we defeat the Celestial Dragons, we won't be able to pursue the ability users all over the starry sky."

Is that so? Yana was silent for a moment.

"It's not that simple to do it, but I know what you're thinking, ancestor Yifu."

She motioned for Yi Fu to leave, but Figo said, "There is one more thing. Just now, when the ancestor of Duo Enkemei was catching the chef's child, he used a bit too much force in his hand, pinching the child a little bit. I persuaded her.

I didn't expect that she wouldn't listen to my persuasion, and instead called me a weak guy and a traitor to the demon clan. The words were a little harsh, so I broke her leg. "

Yana: "..."

Don Kemei was also the ancestor who lit the three lamps, but there was no body lamp in the three lamps. It is normal not to be Yifu's opponent, but the conflict caused his leg to be broken...

She pressed the devil's horn with some headaches, and said in a deep voice: "At this pre-war moment, we can't kill each other, even if the ancestor of Duo Enkemei insulted you first... Forget it, you go back first, don't leave casually for the time being residence."

"I see."

The strong among the demons are respected, Yana can't severely punish and has no right to severely punish ancestors like Yifu, she just dispatched the demons with medical abilities to treat Don Kemei.

About half an hour later, there was another huge roar that exploded in the manor!

Yana's heart network expanded, her face turned black, she had wings on her back, and flew over with one flap of her wings.

I saw more than a dozen demons surrounding a ruin in horror and vigilance, yelling something sternly, and in the center of the ruins, five demons who lit two lamps were bound together by heavy chains, and were trampled by Yifu. underfoot!

"Stop! What's going on here?"

"Yana Mozi."

Figo raised his head and said, "They are the children and subordinates of Don Kemei, and they came to seek revenge on me."

Seeing more demons gathering here, Yana shouted in dissatisfaction: "Go back! Don't you know that our demons forbid killing each other?! What's more, Yifu is the ancestor who lit the three lamps. You are in the following Offend!"

"Devil Yana, you can't take sides with him! He was the one who put Mrs. Mother first..."

Yana's killing intent surged, and the power of corruption spread out. The demon clan who dared to refute suddenly felt cold all over, and his hair rotted and fell out.

After issuing the warning, no one dared to refute Yana's majesty. The panic dissipated, and Yana looked at Figo again: "You also let them go and follow me."

Soon, she returned to the center of the manor, and before Yana had time to say anything, Figo said first: "It seems that the ancestor system of the demon race should also be changed.

Under the current system, all demon races only have their own ancestors in their eyes, and the ancestors value only their own children, which is different from any race. Only fathers and mothers can command the children and grandchildren, and even the orders of Yana Mozi have people who dare to refute...

If a war is launched, shouldn't they be broken up? The same ability of the same lineage can be organized into a legion and used together to bring greater lethality, right? How can we abandon the advantages of our demon clan? "

Yana looked at Yifu's ancestor who made another serious suggestion, and said silently for two seconds: "Some things are not as easy as you think."

"Can't even overcome such a small difficulty? Oh, that's right, even the ancestor of Heram wanted to recruit you, he first took Yana Demon as his daughter. The ancestor only believed in children, which is deeply rooted in the demon clan, but With all due respect... such a system is not healthy enough, even if I myself am the ancestor of our demon race."

Yana: "..."

Was this guy influenced by the revolutionaries who rescued him? How does it seem to be a revolution in the demon race? Although the suggestion sounds reasonable, but...

Yana seemed to know why she didn't know Yi Fu's family before.

She was speechless: "You go back first, and I will pass on your thoughts to the ancestor."


That night, Yana saw the found 'Yifu ancestor' again.

"...Is there anything else?"

The next chapter is later, about twenty minutes.

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