Chapter 216 One shot

This guy, something is wrong.

Sitting at the banquet table, Kuris's face under the mask was dark and uncertain, and Figo's performance just now played back in his mind from time to time.

Seeing the captain's favorite way of punishing prisoners, those who flaunt justice will loathe and fear, while those with cruel temperament will admire and awe.

But no one has ever said the four words 'I'm very satisfied', or even urged to eat.

That attitude is like... the helplessness of adults when they play pranks on naughty children?

No, how is it possible.

Although the captain looks like a crazy kid who hasn't grown up, as one of the four space pirates standing at the top of the starry sky, unless they are powerful kings of the same level, no one else dares to face him with this attitude. To the captain!

Unless the guy is crazy.

Is the king of Qinghai crazy?

He looked at Figo who was eating a lot.

Several other high-level members of the Plague Pirates were also very uncomfortable. The expected response from Figo did not appear. Instead, they looked like clowns, with murderous intent surging in their hearts.

It's not an inexplicable hostility. After Ares and Figo talked for the first time, they were already preparing to keep Figo.

Because they care about each other, they don't believe that Figo will not care at all after Ares threatens the safety of the entire Star Sea. This is a potential enemy of the Plague Pirates, and it is still a dangerous enemy with certain strength. Of course, we must get rid of it as soon as possible!

Eyes communicate in the air.

Figo seemed completely unaware.

Just eat.

What kind of meat is this? The nutrition is actually countless times richer than that of giant sea kings. If a child can grow up from snacks, he may be able to easily SR without practicing.

The satiety of this kind of rice is also a hundred times higher than that of ordinary rice, which is suitable for the king of the body. This kind of colorful mushroom is also very delicious...

Figo tasted the dishes on the table that he had never seen before. The taste was mediocre, but the raw materials were not good enough. He quickly wiped out the dishes around him, and then turned around and waved.

"Give me some more."

Squatting on a chair to eat, Ares, who was happily discussing various methods of dying with Odak, what kind of pain he would experience before death, and what he would look like after death, turned his head, very happy, and said Waving over there.

So the two walked over with zombie steps.

They are indeed corpses, but they are endowed with immortality by special bacteria, possess wisdom, and are the best labor force.

Figo first saw that Ares and Odak were a good match, they were like grandparents.

As a result, the dining table environment became more and more weird. The high-level members of the pirate group who were originally the masters only felt that the food was hard to swallow.

Odak praised in his heart: "That's it, the more synchronized the performance with Ares, the higher the possibility of retreating, and then... help me take care of my wives, woo..."

"Grandpa Odak, you don't seem very happy, are you dissatisfied with the way of death?"

Ares asked him thoughtfully.

Odak was silent for a while, and sighed: "Ares, after all these years, do you really still blame me for saving you? Do you really still think that being a demon is better than being a human?"

"Grandpa Odak, I should be the one to ask you." Ares grinned and said, "Why are you so stupid to think that I want a normal life? Be it a demon or a human , In fact, it doesn't matter!

As long as it's not a so-called normal person.

Even if you can change my mind, can you give me a normal past? Can you make me forget about the blood on my hands? ! "

Odak looked at Ares' crazy and rational smile, and Ding Dong put down his chopsticks.

He finally knew where the disagreement was.

"When he killed those two children back then, you should have said that." Figo suddenly interrupted at this moment: "Say, 'Ares, well done, you have completed my final test, and you will be my most important thing from now on. It’s a tool’, or if you kill him directly, he won’t be sad.”

"Oh, so, then I will be very happy." Ares agreed.

Odak pulled a wry smile from the corner of his mouth.

Pirate leaders stared at each other in confusion, what is going on with this guy, how does he fit the captain's thinking so well, don't be the vice-captain in a while!

Fortunately, the next moment, the development of the matter finally returned to the right track. Ares said: "But the matter between me and Grandpa Odak is not up to you to judge. Be quiet, King of Qinghai!"

Kuris immediately seized the opportunity: "One more thing, King of Qinghai. The captain told you not to embarrass the mice we sent. Why, they have lost contact?"

"Huh?" Ares wrinkled his nose.

Odak's complexion changed.

Figo slowly chewed the meat in his mouth.

The atmosphere finally became tense!


At the same time, eight hundred miles away, a gun was aimed at the castle silently.

The god will flutter his cloak, and the eighth god will squint his eyes and make fine adjustments to the muzzle of the gun.

After reaching a certain strength, firearms become difficult to obtain, but in fact, it is just that fewer people use them, not that firearms have no prospects.

Firearms can also ignite lights!

And in the entire starry sky, the most famous spear god is none other than the eighth god general Divi Tsewan.

Although it is not the brightest light, his firearm light is also close to the fourth level, supplemented by the same armed color domineering, Tianlongxing's strongest firearm technology, and then blessed with special fruit abilities, the power is extremely impressive, with countless This is the record of killing three lamp kings with one shot.

Before intervening in the battle between Fravor and Beelzebub 14 years ago, he fired three shots from a very far distance, wounding Beelzebub!

He was ready to shoot again.

The bullet will pass through Figo's body, kill the mad scientist Odak, and complete the goal of warning Figo and killing the fugitive at the same time!

Of course, the king of Qinghai is different from the general three lamp kings, and has the opportunity to avoid the past.

That would be better, maybe the lunatic Ares would anger Figo because of Odak's death, and be looked at differently by the demon prophet Beelzebub, who lived in the East Cosmic Sea for countless years and contacted Ares first when he came out Figo, in his mind, was a real number of destabilizing factors.

The sixth God General is too arrogant, if not for his laissez-faire, the scourge of Beelzebub might have been eradicated by them earlier.

When it's time to do it, do it!


There was no sound of gunpowder exploding, only the faint buzzing of a mosquito flapping its wings.

A crimson bullet distorted the air, flew to the flying boat castle in an instant, passed through the open window, turned around, deftly avoided all non-target objects, and hit the banquet hall!


In the banquet hall, Figo just swallowed the meat, opened his mouth, and frowned suddenly.

Ares, who was squatting on the chair, also froze slightly, and rushed towards Odak in a rage.

bullet time.

Ares's ability to fly beyond what ordinary people can see is very slow. The surprised and puzzled expressions of the pirate cadres just climbed up. Odak thought that Ares changed his mind and would kill him now, and his face turned green and horrified. ...

Then, boom!

The sound of explosion sounded from Figo, and the flying boat castle rumbled and vibrated. The pirate cadres who were in the right position only saw a red bullet embedded in Figo's raised right palm, and the violent power was expanding out of it!

But the next moment, as Figo clenched his fists, the flames of the explosion that had just risen were completely extinguished, preventing Ares' flying boat from turning into fireworks.

Which bastard fired this? ! The boss hasn't given an order yet, are you crazy? !

With a plop, Ares threw Odak to the ground. Seeing this scene, he was also relieved, and roared: "Divi Tsewan!!"

Almost, almost, I couldn't kill Grandpa Odak with my own hands!

His figure disappeared with a whoosh.

The standing pirate cadres looked at each other in surprise, Divi Tswan? The eighth general of the Tianlongren? !

How dare that guy... wait?

Who fired this shot?

His gaze suddenly returned to Figo.

Figo threw the crushed bullets onto the table and murmured, "The Eighth General? What kind of thinking? What's wrong?"

He shook his head, and said to the pirates who were staring at the bullet: "Continue to eat? Come on, change another table, and I will explain to you while eating, why the mouse you sent to the Qinghai Navy... ...I caught them all!"

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