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Chapter 3 Losing Money 2

Several people dropped some gold coins and fled immediately.

There are other men who are fortunate that they were not rude just now, otherwise, they will have to eat this loss now.

But this young master Qin Mo, wasn't he supposed to be a very cowardly and timid person before? Why are you so brave now?

Qin Mo ignored what other people thought. His eyes fell on Yunxiang. He said, "Miss Yunxiang, I have taught those rascals a lesson for you. Now, should you repay me?"

"How does Young Master Qin Mo want me to repay you?" Yunxiang asked with a strange expression.

"For example, let me touch your clothes!" Qin Mo said.

Touch your clothes! Don't you think this is not a hooligan, so you are not a rogue?

The prostitute's mouth twitched, Nima, they're just verbally teasing, you're better now, you'll have to get started as soon as you come!

Yunxiang looked at Qin Mo's eyes, she found Qin Mo's eyes were very clear, she suddenly said: "Master Qin Mo, I want to talk to you alone!"

"Okay!" Qin Mo glanced at the old bustard, who immediately smiled and left, and closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed, the people outside were also dispersed.

"Master Qin Mo, if you answer me a question, then I promise to let you clothes!" Only Yun Xiang's eyes became sly.

"What question, you can ask!" Qin Mo said.

"I heard that Young Master Qin Mo is a man of wilting. I don't know if it's true?" Yunxiang asked with a smile.

If other men heard it, they would definitely be ashamed. After all, such a beautiful woman asked him this question. It was a man, and it was estimated that he would be ashamed.

But Qin Mo is different. In Qin Mo's eyes, although he is Tianwei, this body is not his, it is just the body of a person with the same name and surname as him, and now he is a person with a system. not a problem.

Even if the system doesn't help him, as long as he reaches the Martial Core Realm, he will have the ability to reshape his body, and he can recover from the wilting body at that time.

So Qin Mo replied directly: "Yes!"

This made Yunxiang dumbfounded. She originally thought that Qin Mo would be too ashamed to answer. In this case, she would have a reason to refuse Qin Mo's request, but Qin Mo now answers like this, what should she do? Do you really want Qin Mo to touch it?

"Okay, I have already answered you, and now I should touch your clothes!" Qin Mo said.

"Okay, come on!" Yunxiang gritted her teeth and said, just touch it, isn't it just a touch?

Qin Mo immediately nodded and stretched out his hand.

"It takes 100 seconds to open the treasure chest, please wait patiently!" The system's voice sounded.

"Nima, System, are you trying to trick me? 100 seconds? You asked me to open this treasure chest for 100 seconds? Are you crazy!" Qin Mo roared in his heart.

It's okay to touch the clothes on a woman's chest, and now you need to touch it for 100 seconds? Are you sure you're not kidding me?

"99, 98, 97..." The system didn't answer, it was just counting down.

Qin Mo burst into tears all of a sudden. He doesn't have any feelings for women now, but he knows what the consequences will be if he touches a woman's chest. Now that he has asked himself to fetch the treasure chest, he still needs 100 seconds? God, how is this going to be done?

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