I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 125 Spread Your Wings and Soar

With the parrots came to the square of the zoo!

The sight here is wide, mainly lawns, there are not too many things to block, it is most suitable for flying.

If you change it to a place with denser trees, or among high-rise buildings, the parrot may faint when it flies, and you will not be able to see the figure of the owner, and as a result, you will never return.

Normally, the first time you let a parrot fly, you have to tie a rope to the parrot, or cut the feathers of the wings a little shorter, so that you can't fly too far, but Fang Ye is too lazy to do this. People who understand the heart of nature are still afraid of this. .

I was a little apprehensive when I was about to fly.

"Okay, fly, fly!"

Fang Ye leaned his arm forward, and Jin Martin and Jin Zhi claws grabbed his arm, and his body leaned forward.

Tilt to a certain angle, flapping its wings involuntarily to defy gravity.

As soon as the arms were sent forward, Jin Zhi and Jin Martin were like two gliders on the runway, and they flew up!


The voice was hoarse and screamed excitedly, and in an instant it flew dozens of meters away, leaving only a small point that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!

When Jingwen and Jingwu saw their companions taking the lead, they also flew out!


Jingwen flapped her wings and flew higher and higher, soaring in the clear blue sky, feeling a cheerful mood rising in her heart, and all the melancholy in the cage vanished in an instant.

The bright sun shines on his body, his blood is heating up, and the breeze is rippling beside him, and he seems to be able to smell the slightest sweetness, which is even sweeter than his favorite walnut.

Ah, I am so happy to be born as a bird!

Looking down at the zoo, green lawns, green trees, the place where I usually live is so beautiful!

It is flying with a happy and pious mood at the moment, every cell revels in the joy of flying, and enjoys every second of free flying!


A familiar whistle suddenly came from behind. Jing Wenfei was so excited that he didn't react yet, but Jin Zhi and Jin Martin, who were flying in front, suddenly turned a corner and called out "quack".

"It's time to go back! Go back!"

It seems to say so.

Yes, this whistle is the sound of the breeder calling us over!

Jing Wen came back to his senses and found that Jing Wu, who was beside him, had also started to turn, and his feverish mind calmed down, and followed Jing Wu and flew back side by side.

"Quack!" "Quack!"

"It's such a joy to fly free outside! What do you think?"


Jin Zhi in front slowed down a little, flew to the two beauties, and said with a sense of humor: "Hello!"

Jingwen rarely responded in a good mood: "Hello!"

Red and green macaws are beautiful in their own right!

The red chest and abdomen, the wings with gradients of blue and green, and the slender red and green tail feathers fly like a rainbow across the sky.

Several macaws shuttled and flew in the blue sky, making a noisy "quack" sound, which is even more pleasing to the eye.

Several parrots flapped their wings quickly, and when they reached the front, they gliding with their wings held flat for a distance, the speed slowed down a little, and they flapped their wings upright a few times to increase the resistance, and landed on Fang Ye's arms in an orderly manner. Like helicopters landing on an aircraft carrier, "Quack" cried out and looked at him.

Seeing that the parrots returned smoothly, Fang Ye calmed down a little, and didn't feed them, he said with a smile, "Keep flying, keep flying!"

In the previous training, the feeding after whistling was to make the parrots realize the connection, and the purpose was to let them hear the whistle and fly over. After the connection was established, there was no need to feed them every time.

Of course, at the end of the release, they will still be fed some delicious nuts as a reward.

Shaking their arms, the parrots couldn't fly happily, and immediately flapped their wings and took off from the aircraft carrier, and continued to fly to the sky.

He Yifei watched the parrots fly into the distance, and sighed, "Ah, this flying in a circle is really different, and there is light in my eyes!"

Originally, the animals could only be kept in cages, lying on the concrete floor every day, slumped. He just treated the breeder as a job. Feeding and cleaning, he felt no different from raising chickens on a farm.

With Fang Ye taking over the zoo, the animals have been greatly improved in terms of living environment and food.

And he carefully observes the animals every day to see how they feel, thinks carefully about enrichment measures, how to make them happier, more comfortable and healthier, and feels that the work of a breeder has become interesting, meaningful and full of energy.

Fang Ye looked at the flying figure of the parrot and touched his chin.

That's right, it's still a bgm!

Turn on your phone, select a song "Nevada" from the player, and play!

The piano prelude sounded as ethereal as ice-cold spring water, and then the beautiful female voice sang a gentle melody.

I've been painting every fence I know

I've painted every obstacle I know

Every color bleeds into the same

The cascading colors may have become blurred

'Cause before you go and walk away

because before you leave

Yeah, you better know where you're going

Yeah, you better know where you're going

In the calm, there is a kind of vitality, the power to break through the bondage!

Little Martin was having fun and made a rolling maneuver in the air! The wings snapped across the blue sky like scissors, spun around abruptly, and clucked triumphantly.

hey~ hey~

Accompanied by bgm, the parrots fluttered and soared in the sky, chasing playfully, the quack calls gradually drifted away, and gradually returned!


As the whistle sounded, the parrots flew back one after another and landed back on Fang Ye's arm.

One, two, three, how come there are only three?

Fang Ye and He Yifei suddenly panicked, "Damn it, Xiaowen! It won't really fly away!

"Xiaowen! Xiaowen!"

"Dudu! Dudu!"

The two shouted loudly and walked towards Xiaowen Feiyuan.

Ash and Martin flew up and led the way with "quack" in front.

It didn't take long to see Xiaowen on a banyan tree in the lawn. At this time, he was staring at a peacock with big eyes and a little nervous.

Where did this fly to? Where is my brother? Brother, what kind of bird are you, why are you bigger than me?

Seeing the other parrots and Fang Ye, he breathed a sigh of relief, flapped his wings and flew down, and exchanged feelings with each other by "quack".

"It's great to see you all!"

"It's okay, we're all here!"

"Don't fly far, fly with everyone!"

Fang Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took out the nuts to reward a few parrots!

After letting the parrots fly, they were sent back to the cage.

After Xiaowen was released, he no longer looked melancholy at the ceiling with tears in his eyes!

In a good mood, I took the initiative to get close to my partner.

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