I Have a Research Support System

Chapter 192 Winter Vacation (for Subscription)

Xu Qiu did not take the train home directly on the day of the holiday.

The reason is simple, the Railway Bureau is not run by his family, and he did not get the ticket for January 31st.

Tickets are difficult to buy, which is an unavoidable topic during the Spring Festival travel period in China.

Although the country has preferential treatment for student groups, for example, ordinary tickets are open to grab tickets one month in advance, and student tickets can be grabbed two months in advance.

However, there are not many student tickets, and there is only one direct train from Shanghai to my hometown. Therefore, even two months in advance, it is still difficult to get a ticket.

During the few days when Xu Qiu released tickets, before three o'clock in the afternoon every day, while hanging the free 361 ticket grabbing software, he kept refreshing the 12306 ticket buying software on his mobile phone at the hour on time.

Finally, the hard work paid off, and he snatched the hard sleeper ticket for February 1st.

In fact, if you choose hard seat tickets as the next best thing, it is better to grab some.

But the hard seat...

I think that when he returned home during the Chinese New Year the year before last, he didn’t get a sleeper ticket and ended up sitting in a hard seat for more than 20 hours.

Because there are no seat tickets, and many people only go home once a year, they will carry a lot of luggage, and it is very inconvenient to move around in the train, go to the toilet, etc.

In addition, the smell in the carriage is very indescribable, the smell of sauerkraut from the old altar, the smell of braised beef, mixed with the smell of sweat, an unknown smell...

What's more, hard seats are not as easy to fall asleep as sleepers. Even if they fall asleep, they will always be woken up by inexplicable sounds.

As for the choice of flying home, Xu Qiu also ignored it.

Firstly, the price of air tickets is expensive, 3,000 for a round trip, and the student ticket for a hard sleeper train can be discounted, which adds up to less than 600 for a round trip.

Secondly, there are no direct planes, and the planes that stop are not available every day. In most cases, you need to transfer in Kyoto or other cities, and you may even spend the night, tossing back and forth, which may consume time and energy. No less than the train, too troublesome.


The next day, Modu Station.

After checking the ticket and boarding the train, Xu Qiu climbed to the upper bunk alone and put away his schoolbag.

He didn't bring any luggage, only a schoolbag, a laptop and some food for the car. He didn't bring anything extra, such as clothes and shoes at home.

The lower berth of the hard sleeper ticket is the most expensive, and the upper berth is the cheapest, but the price difference is not much, usually a few yuan to more than ten yuan.

Many people like the lower berth, but Xu Qiu prefers the upper berth because no one bothers them.

Although Modu Station is not the starting station, the stay time is not short.

After he got on the train, it took more than 20 minutes for the train to start slowly.

A female flight attendant who looked to be in her thirties came over from one end of the carriage.

"No. 1 upper berth, the ticket has been changed."

"Please show me your ticket."

After a while, she walked under Xu Qiu's bunk.

Xu Qiu took the initiative to hand over the bus ticket together with his student ID card.

When he buys a student ticket, according to the usual practice, the train attendant needs to check the student ID card, mainly the validity period and travel interval written on the ID card.

The flight attendant took an extra look at Xu Qiu after seeing the words "Madou Comprehensive University" on the student ID card.

After looking through the inspection, she inserted the ticket into the ticket holder, and handed back the student ID card together with a plastic card.

Xu Qiu took it and said "thank you" out of habit.

The plastic card seems to have been used for a long time, and the pattern on it has been blurred, and the car number and berth number can be vaguely seen.


All the way is very calm, without any twists and turns.

The other five bunks around were very quiet, but there were occasional cries of children in the distance.

The middle bunk next to her was a girl of the same age, she was fair-looking, and she was also on the train at the Shanghai Metro Station, so Xu Qiu paid more attention to it.

I saw her student ID card when I was exchanging tickets. She is a student of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and she should be returning home during the Chinese New Year just like him.

Speaking of which, the Handan campus of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics is only across the street from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, but Xu Qiu has no interest in approaching him to strike up a conversation.

On the way, Xu Qiu entered the simulation labs I and II successively.

He just went in to take a look at the simulation laboratory I, then exited to the simulation laboratory II, and then completely copied the former's equipment, medicine and reagents.

His main purpose is to try to open the simulation laboratory II, and let the simulation experimenters help him carry out some preliminary research work, such as the synthesis of the simplest PDI molecule.

However, after some exploration, he found that only the experiments he had conducted before could be carried out by the simulation experimenters.

That is to say, the current simulation experimenters do not have the ability to spontaneously explore new directions, and can only expand horizontally on the basis of Xu Qiu.

For example, he has synthesized P4T-2OD before, and it is possible for the simulated experimenters to synthesize P4T-2HD.

But if he was asked to do PDI, he would not be able to act, because Xu Qiu had never done it before.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Qiu decided to put this plan on hold for the time being, and wait until he returned to school after the holidays.

As for going to the simulation laboratory I to operate it in person, and then let the simulation experimenters start it...

It is possible to do this, but it is not necessary.

When it's time to rest, you still have to rest.


Get off at the station.

A burst of cold air hit his face, Xu Qiu hurriedly tightened the collar of his padded jacket, and walked towards the inside of the station.

He checked it in advance on the train, and the outdoor temperature is now in the minus ten degrees Celsius.

This year is not too cold. During the same period in previous years, the lowest temperature can even reach below minus 20 degrees Celsius.

He remembered the number nine song that was widely circulated when he was a child:

In 1929, no action, 39, 49, walk on the ice, 59 and 69, look at willows along the river, 79, the river freezes, 89, swallows come, 99 plus 19, and cattle walk everywhere.

The number nine is counted from the day of the winter solstice, and the day of the winter solstice is the first day of the first nine.

In this way, today happens to be during April 9th, and March 9th and 49th happen to be the coldest season in winter.

Xu Qiu entered the interior of the station, walked across the platform, and came to the exit.

The management of the station here is loose, and most of the time, you can leave the station directly without checking the ticket.

Parents are already waiting outside the station, eagerly waiting.

Xu Qiu joined them, and the three walked quickly to the car.

The air conditioner was turned on in the car, so it wasn't too cold, and they chatted around Xu Qiu along the way.

The topics are still those that have not changed for thousands of years:

"How are you doing in the research group?"

"Does the mentor get along well with other senior brothers and sisters?"

"How is school life?"

"Is there any shortage of living expenses?"

"Did you talk about a girlfriend?"

Xu Qiu patiently replied one by one: "Yes, yes, yes, no shortage, no."

Then, it was inevitable to be nagged again:

"Hurry up, XXX of your father's friend's house is getting married soon..."

"When can I hold a grandson..."

Xu Qiu could only laugh along with embarrassment, there is still a lot of generation gap between him and the previous generation.

Especially the generation of grandpa and grandpa came out of the countryside, and they are very obsessed with having children.

And Xu Qiu has a lot of Buddhism in this area, not to mention anything else, if he wants to consider getting married and having children, at least he has to wait until he graduates with a Ph.D.

Or a little later, after finishing my doctorate, the job will stabilize.

At that time, he might have been thirty...

It's not that none of them got married during their Ph.D. studies, but the proportion is very small. At least according to Xu Qiu's observation, the proportion must be less than 30%, maybe only 10%?

Even many female doctors are still single, such as the two in the group.

After returning home, it was finally quieter. Xu Qiu found his own big bed, and lay down on it with big characters spread out.

This is the feeling of home, it is quite warm.

The winter in my hometown is very cold, but because of the heating, it is warmer indoors than the magic city.

Of course, if you go out, as long as you stay outside for ten minutes, you will be beaten back to your original shape immediately, and you will be frozen into a dog.

Unless you wrap yourself into a big rice dumpling with three pieces inside and three pieces outside, but that would be very inconvenient and ugly.


In the next few days, Xu Qiu stayed at home, and his life was repeated between eating, sleeping, and reading novels.

Here in my hometown, there are no classmates who are still in contact. There used to be a few, but after graduation, they have not contacted each other for many years, and the relationship has gradually become estranged.

The only ones who are still in touch are a few friends who have played since they were young, and they can be regarded as the relationship of their parents' generation.

Xu Qiu's father, Xu Hongwen, was studying at a vocational high school in his hometown, majoring in accounting.

At that time, many students at the same level stayed in the local area to develop, and they still kept in touch with each other from time to time. Their children also became acquainted with each other because of this, and they knew each other since childhood, forming a small circle.

Xu Qiu can be regarded as an outlier in this small circle. He is the only one who left the province for university. Except for him, everyone else chose to develop in the province.

Two of them did not pass the undergraduate degree, so they went to the vocational high school where their father was, and their sons inherited their father's career and continued to study accounting.

The teacher who taught Xu Hongwen and his class at the beginning has now become the vice principal, and the juniors will also be taken care of after entering. At least there is no problem with getting a certificate.

Several other people have taken the undergraduate or junior college exams in the province, two of them went to the provincial capital, and one went to the second largest city in the province, and the best one was admitted to a university named after the province. The only one besides Xu Qiu.

Two days before the Chinese New Year, Wu Tengfei, the second generation of rich family who owns a local supermarket, organized a party and invited people from the small circle.

Wu Tengfei, Xu Qiu and another Hu Yao, the three of them were the best when they were young.

In addition, Xu Qiu stayed at home for a long time and was a little bored, so he readily agreed.


The dining place is a hot pot restaurant.

Including Xu Qiu, four men and two women from the small circle arrived, and three of them brought their "family members" with them.

So the total is five men and four women. Nine people found a private room and sat around a round table.

Wu Tengfei brought three bottles of white wine from home, the 42-degree walnut old cellar. He put the wine on the table and greeted the waiter directly:

"Ten catties of mutton slices, vegetables, potatoes, lotus root slices, lettuce, mushrooms, chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, lettuce..."

Afterwards, he looked at the girls on the table, and said, "One more box of coconut juice and one bottle of Sprite, big ones."

Xu Qiu glanced at the menu, and the prices in his hometown were indeed much cheaper than those in Shanghai. Mutton was thirty-eight pounds a catty, and a plate of vegetables was about ten yuan, which added up to about five hundred yuan.

The hot pot restaurants here are not like Sichuan and Chongqing hot pots. The pot is a copper pot, and the bottom of the pot is clear water and white soup. At most, some sliced ​​green onions and ginger are added.

The dipping sauce is extremely limited. The only conventional one is sesame paste. As for the other types, they are some dipping sauces bought by the store itself from the supermarket.

The main thing to eat is the original flavor of the ingredients.

Not long after, the hot pot boiled.

Plates of meat and vegetables were brought up one after another by the waiters, filling the entire table.

Before the meal was officially started, Wu Tengfei got up and opened a bottle of wine. As the host of the meal, he had to pour a glass of wine for each boy.

At this time, Hu Yao, who was sitting next to Xu Qiu, picked up the wine glass, looked it over, and said: "The glasses here should be two or two glasses, there are five of us, one bottle of wine is definitely not enough, let's open another bottle. "

This is also a custom in my hometown. When pouring baijiu, you must fill the glass to the top. A normal bottle of wine is 500ml, but it is less than a catty.

"Okay, then greet Xu Qiu for me," Wu Tengfei nodded and said, "He came back from Shanghai all the way, so we brothers have to entertain him."

Hearing that Xu Qiu came back from Shanghai, several "family members" looked at him curiously.

"I'll do it myself." Xu Qiu waved his hands hurriedly, and when he wanted to get up, Hu Yao pushed him back to his seat.

Hu Yao skillfully unscrewed the cap of the wine bottle, first poured a full glass for Xu Qiu, and then filled it for himself.

The three people on Wu Tengfei's side also poured wine, and the other four girls poured drinks respectively.

Afterwards, Wu Tengfei returned to his seat and raised his head, "Thank you everyone for giving me this face. Let's go to this party first."

Everyone stood up to respond and clinked glasses above the table.

Xu Qiu took a big gulp, about a quarter of a cup down, and felt a burning sensation in his throat.

I haven't seen each other for a year, so it's somewhat unfamiliar, but this glass of wine has brought the relationship closer in an instant.

Next, while eating and drinking, everyone communicated in twos and threes. The main topics were eating, drinking and having fun, gossip on campus, inheriting the family business, civil servant examinations, and some current affairs.

Xu Qiu didn't take the initiative to talk, and most of the time he acted as an audience, listening with a smile.

Occasionally, when he was asked about his current situation, he would focus on the key points, such as "Madou is pretty good", "I plan to continue my PhD in Shanghai", "come to Shanghai to play when I have time".

After that, Xu Qiu also had mixed feelings in his heart when faced with envious, regretful, or indifferent eyes.

He couldn't help thinking that if he chose to take root in Shanghai in the future, he would gradually become estranged from the people in this small circle.

Four years of undergraduate, five years of doctorate, nine years in total, once you leave your hometown, you may never come back.

After the meal, Wu Tengfei and the others had activities, saying that they would go to KTV to show off their singing skills.

Xu Qiu politely declined. Today, it was all acquaintances trying to persuade him to drink. He probably drank almost half a catty of wine, which was already a little close to his limit.

Fortunately, the degree of wine is not high, but still a little dizzy.

He took a taxi and went straight home.


In the following days, I returned to the repeated life of eating at home, sleeping, and reading novels.

Soon, it was New Year's Eve. The family of three had New Year's Eve dinner at home, watched the Spring Festival Gala, and there were activities such as lighting up the fire and setting off fireworks.

Xu Qiu felt that maybe he had grown up, and now the Chinese New Year has no sense of the New Year.

He still remembers that when he was a child, the fire was built with coal and dry firewood by himself, but now, the community property is responsible for the fire, which directly uses honeycomb coal. Although it is more convenient and durable, it always feels like it has lost its soul.

The same goes for setting off fireworks. When I was a child in the countryside, I didn’t have many things to play with. During the Chinese New Year, I held all kinds of cannons and played for a long time.

For example, if the second kicker is placed horizontally, or the firecrackers are covered with an iron basin, then the iron basin will be blown up very high, because it is in the countryside, there are not many hidden dangers.

However, once he played off and threw the firecracker into the basin, but he ran slowly, and the basin bounced up and hit his hand. Fortunately, the power of the firecracker was not very strong, and his hand hurt for a few days, leaving nothing behind. sequelae.

But now, looking at the large and small fireworks in the warehouse, he no longer has any desire to play.

These firecrackers were all bought by Xu Hongwen. There are several colleagues in his unit who do business in this area every Chinese New Year, selling fireworks and firecrackers. He has a thin skin and he really needs it, so he buys two from his colleagues every year. Three hundred dollars for a cannon.

The time came to twelve midnight.

Xu Qiu sent WeChat New Year greetings to relatives and friends, including several people in the research group and Teacher Wei.

The content is copied from other people, and if you change the name, it becomes your own.

However, he doesn't like to send in groups, and each one is sent separately with a title.

Xu Qiu thought that in the past few years, New Year's greetings text messages had to be sent in advance, otherwise they would not be sent until twelve o'clock on the hour, and the line might be congested, and it would take more than one o'clock to receive them.

But now that text messages are smooth, people have started to use WeChat to pay New Year greetings.

At this time, many New Year greeting red envelopes also appeared in the WeChat group.

Xu Qiu snatched a few at random, and most of them reminded "slow hands, the red envelopes are over", and occasionally snatched it for a few cents.

He doesn't care either, the red envelope is mainly a lucky draw.

Then he distributed several New Year greeting red envelopes in several major groups.


The days after the year were busy.

You need to visit relatives everywhere, and wait for other people to come to pay New Year's greetings at home.

Most of the relatives on my mother's side like to play, and get together to play cards, mahjong and so on.

The relatives on my father's side are relatively better off, and they eat more carefully and drink more.

On the way, Xu Qiu also received a call from Mr. Wei, saying, "He asked for AFM, but the editor refused to accept it. He plans to make another appointment with the editor of ACS Energy Letter."

Xu Qiu was not very surprised either. He spent more than an hour using ENDNOTE to change the format of the document to ACS, and then sent the file to Mr. Wei again by email.

The days without experiments passed quickly, and soon, it was time to return to school.

Compared with the time stipulated by the research group, it was delayed by one day, and Xu Qiu had already talked to Teacher Wei in advance.

He brought some special products from his hometown and embarked on the journey again.

The 4000 owed last week has been completed.

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