I Have a Research Support System

Chapter 187 Congxin (for subscription)

At the dinner table, except for Duan Yun who occasionally drank a few sips of wine by himself, the other students were relatively shy, they only ate food and did not drink, and no one offered a toast.

The reason is that no one took the lead.

Seeing this, Wei Xingsi began to roll the roll: "Wu Feifei, get up and walk around, have a drink with some teachers, and your juniors and sisters."

Wu Feifei was Q first, and everyone was not surprised.

In the group, the boundaries between doctorate and master's degree are not clear. Wu Feifei was the first to join the group, and has now transferred to a doctoral degree. In addition, she has strong scientific research ability and is also responsible for uploading and distributing news between Teacher Wei and other students. Therefore, it is recognized as a master sister.

She first filled the goblet to half full with a wine dispenser, then walked up to Teacher Wei and raised her glass: "I would like to offer a glass to Teacher Wei, thank you for your careful guidance over the years."

Teacher Wei waved his hand and also raised his glass: "I should thank you. In the past few years, the research group has been built from scratch. You have a large part of the credit, and you have taken on a lot of affairs other than scientific research."

The two exchanged some polite words, clinked glasses, Wu Feifei took a sip, and Wei Xingsi also took a sip.

After Wu Feifei started, Duan Yun impatiently took the wine glass, stood up, and first went to see Mr. Wei.

Although Duan Yun's work was not very good this year, when toasting, Teacher Wei didn't mention these disappointing words anymore, and patted him on the shoulder to encourage him.

Afterwards, Duan Yun toasted Zhou Dagang again. He stood there chatting for a while, and it seemed that the relationship between the two was pretty good.

Seeing that Wu Feifei and Duan Yun were making almost the same progress, Chen Wanqing and Tian Qing also got up one after another, and started toasting in order of Teacher Wei first and then other teachers.

Wei Xingsi responded with a smile and encouraged each other.

Most science and engineering students are not good at words. When it is their turn to respect other teachers, the format is almost always "toast to teacher XX, and take care of me in the future".

The teachers were used to similar scenes, so they didn't care, and replied with a smile, "Come on, post more articles on Teacher Wei's side".

After a few graduate students walked around for half a circle, Xu Qiu and Han Jiaying looked at each other, picked up their wine glasses, and walked towards Teacher Wei one after another.

Before getting up, Xu Qiu gave an extra "don't force it too much", and the junior girl nodded lightly in response.

Finally it was his turn. Xu Qiu was still a little nervous. At home, he usually had dinner and drinks with relatives and friends. This was the first time he had a drink with his tutor.

Many postgraduate students call their supervisors "Boss". Although he and Mr. Wei do get along as teachers and students, the relationship between teachers and students in middle school is different after all.

So, when Xu Qiu walked up to Teacher Wei, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

When he thought of toasting at home, he always simply said, "Toast to you, I've done it, you can do whatever you want" or "It's all in the wine", and then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then turned the glass upside down to indicate that there was no Stealing and cheating, and no fish.

What you say is not important, what matters is the performance on the wine table, pay attention to a bold atmosphere, although the price behind this kind of atmosphere may be to vomit thousands of miles and wake up N times at night.

The experience at home is obviously not applicable to the current situation. Xu Qiu had an idea, he can learn from Wu Feifei's, and said:

"I would like to offer a toast to the teacher, thank you for your careful guidance." He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that Teacher Wei hadn't taught him much, but the words had already blurted out, and he couldn't change them.

"This year's performance is good." Teacher Wei didn't care about these details. He saw Han Jiaying who was following Xu Qiu again, and continued:

"The organic field of our research group will mainly depend on you two in the future. Come on." Wei Xingsi took the initiative to raise his wine glass.

Xu Qiu hurriedly went up to meet them. After the two clinked glasses, he drank half of the wine in the glass. The wine has a relatively strong stamina, so he couldn't drink too much.

Later, Wei Xingsi pulled Xu Qiu and showed off to the two deputy deans of the material department, Fang Guangwu and Zhou Mathematics:

"This is the Xu Qiu I told you before. Next year, he will blog directly here. He has been in my group for less than a year, and he has already published three SCI articles, including one AM. Just a few days ago accept."

"Hey, you are an amazing student." Zhou Mathematical paused and said, "I seem to have a little impression of the name Xu Qiu."

"I took your course last semester, "Material Preparation and Processing", and got an A in the final exam." Xu Qiu explained.

"It's not bad to get an A. I remembered that I asked you to get up and answer questions in class." Zhou Mathematical said with a smile.

"Yes, the question was about 'thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics', and you also interviewed me during the interview for the insurance research institute." Xu Qiu added.

"Congratulations to Mr. Wei for finding a good seedling, Xu Qiu, do you plan to study for a Ph.D. in the Department of Materials?" Zhou Mathematics said.

Xu Qiu was waiting for a reply, Zhou Xuexue continued: "Hey, I forgot that you have already blogged directly, that's good."

Fang Guangwu took the conversation and teased Wei Xingsi: "I remember the first student you accepted was Wu Feifei just now, she was quite strong, and now there is Xu Qiu, all the good students in the department have been accepted by you went."

"No way, no way," Teacher Wei said modestly, but the smile on his face couldn't be concealed: "Fang Xiaotong, who has the highest grade point in material science this year, will go to your group."

"Hey, grade points go back to grade points. Doing research is more important than ability." Fang Guangwu said.

Several teachers chatted around Xu Qiu for a while, and then gradually changed the topic.

Xu Qiu also toasted several teachers one by one, each time taking a big sip, almost a quarter of a glass.

He roughly remembered that the habit of drinking wine is to pour a third of the goblet, but seeing that other people poured half a glass, he simply agreed with others.

At this time, it doesn't make sense to stand alone and adhere to this kind of rules.

It's just like discussing that a steak is only medium-rare, not medium-rare, and it's meaningless.

Anyway, he only eats well-cooked ones, without a trace of blood.

After Xu Qiu and the teachers finished drinking, it was the turn of the students in the research group.

The students were more casual among themselves, clinking glasses with each other, drinking as much as they could, and no one tried to persuade them to drink.

Xu Qiu secretly paid attention to the state of other people's drinks. This can be regarded as a habit cultivated at home. He likes to see if anyone cheats, but he usually doesn't make a sound.

In comparison, Tian Qing was more cunning. She walked around, and the height of the wine in the glass basically remained the same. At the beginning, it was half a glass of wine, and now there is still half a glass of wine left.

Duan Yun drank more boldly, after a round, it seemed that he had refilled his cup several times, and he seemed to be a little bit hot, blushing like Guan Gong.

Others are mediocre.

Wu Feifei drank more than one cup, but she didn't react, she took the food calmly.

Chen Wanqing's face was slightly red, she filled a bowl of fish head soup, and sipped the soup.

Han Jiaying's face was also flushed, but she looked fine.

After one round, the two bottles of wine have been consumed.

Duan Yun held up the empty bottle, pointed to the two unopened bottles of wine, and asked Mr. Wei: "I'm done drinking the wine, do you want to open these two bottles?"

Wei Xingsi waved his hand: "Let's open it."

"Okay." Without bothering the waiter, Duan Yun used a corkscrew to unscrew the cork from the wine bottle, and then poured the wine into the wine dispenser.

Xu Qiu secretly sighed, he didn't expect Senior Brother Duan Yun to have such an alcoholic side, it was the first time he saw him.

I have to say that alcohol can indeed shorten the distance between people, and the students talk a lot more.

Even Xu Qiu, under the influence of alcohol, was more eager to talk than usual. He chatted with Han Jiaying and Chen Wanqing at random.

After a while, Wei Xingsi saw that everyone had almost eaten and drank, so he called the waiter and ordered: "Let's serve the main course, and everyone has a bowl of noodles."

After eating the staple food, everyone had another round of drinking to finish off the remaining two bottles of wine.

Xu Qiu made a rough count. If the goblet is half a glass, he is relatively restrained. After drinking about four glasses, he feels that the problem is not too big.

Most of the time, Tian Qing drank half a glass of wine, and in the end there was only one bottom left.

Wu Feifei and Chen Wanqing had about two cups each, and Han Jiaying had about one and a half cups.

Duan Yun drank the most, and he didn't know how many times he refilled his glass. Anyway, except for what Xu Qiu and the others drank, the rest of the four bottles of wine went into his stomach.

He looked slightly drunk, but at least he didn't get under the table.

Several teachers shared a bottle of Moutai, which was less than two taels per person, so it was all good.

After all, those who can get to the current level must not drink at all. If they can drink, they will definitely not get drunk after two or two drinks.

At about eight o'clock, Teacher Wei glanced at his watch, went out to buy the bill first, and said to Wu Feifei when he came back:

"Take them to play, how much money you spent later, ask me to reimburse you."

"Okay." Wu Feifei nodded.

Judging by the appearance of the teachers, it is estimated that there will be activities at night, but I don't know where to go.


After going out, Xu Qiu blew the cold wind, feeling a little overheated, he shook his head, and gradually recovered.

Han Jiaying's concerned voice came from behind: "How is senior brother, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Xu Qiu waved his hand.

"This is for you to sober up." Han Jiaying handed over a box of flavored yogurt as if offering a treasure.

"Thank you." Xu Qiu hesitated for a moment, and took the small blue box of Weiquan. He glanced at the dim sum section of the restaurant in the headquarters, and the lights were still on. She should have bought it there.

The school girl was still carrying a plastic bag, which contained the same small blue box of yogurt in his hand. It seemed that she had prepared it for other seniors as well, which was quite considerate.

Xu Qiu manually folded the edge of the yogurt carton, tore off a small corner, and drank it upside down.

After the yogurt entered his stomach, it was a little cold, and he felt a lot more awake, but he knew that it was probably a psychological effect.

Xu Qiu looked at the entrance of the restaurant in the headquarters, Wu Feifei, Chen Wanqing and Tian Qing gathered in the leeward corner, Duan Yun probably hadn't come out of the bathroom yet.

He took another big mouthful of yogurt, and said to Han Jiaying next to him, "Let's go there."

"Okay." Han Jiaying followed behind him, walked over, and then distributed the yogurt in her hand to several seniors.

Several girls were more elegant, took the straws from the junior girls, and drank the yogurt with the straws.

After everyone waited for a while, Duan Yun returned.

His face was still red, he walked a little wobbly, took Han Jiaying's yogurt, followed Xu Qiu's example, tore open the package and took a big gulp.

"Duan Yun, are you okay? If not, let Xu Qiu take you back to the dormitory and have a good rest." Wu Feifei asked.

"That's right, senior brother, how about I take you back?" Xu Qiu asked with concern.

"I think it's okay," Duan Yun waved his hand and said, "Where can we play later?"

Xu Qiu was a little worried, the senior brother couldn't speak clearly.

And he also knew that the wine had a lot of stamina, and it was unknown whether senior brother Duan Yun's drinking capacity could stand the test.

However, seeing that other people did not seem to continue to persuade, Xu Qiu had no choice but to give up.

"I always go to board games before, how about going to KTV for a change this time?" Tian Qing suggested.

"Okay." Han Jiaying echoed.

"I think it's okay." Wu Feifei said.

"Me too." Chen Wanqing also nodded.

The girls quickly reached an agreement, and Xu Qiu did not raise any objections, acquiescing to their choice.

His singing level is so-so, and there are not many songs he can produce.

Before he went to KTV with his college classmates and friends, he usually acted as an audience, rang the bell next to him, and called 666.

He only hopes that the girls in the research group can have a few Maiba-level, so that they will be able to feast their ears.

Wu Feifei's execution ability is very strong, she quickly searched for KTV on Daxue Road on Dianping.

I quickly found a shop with a good environment, called Yueyin KTV, and bought a coupon, 268 four-hour package, and a pot of chrysanthemum tea as a gift.

This price is not cheap, but today is New Year's Day, so it is normal for the price to increase.

Moreover, the average price for six people is about 40 yuan per person, which is comparable to the price of playing board games and is acceptable.

After confirming the destination, everyone headed towards Yueyin KTV.

Xu Qiu walked in the last row, and he wanted to keep an eye on Duan Yun to prevent him from falling into the ditch.

Fortunately, the journey went smoothly, and Duan Yun basically walked in a straight line.

After arriving at the KTV, Wu Feifei showed the QR code at the front desk.

After that, everyone entered the private room under the leadership of the staff, and the moment they entered the door, the unique fragrance in the KTV came over the surface.

As soon as Duan Yun entered the door, he lay down on a corner of the sofa. It seemed that the stamina of the wine had picked up and he couldn't hold on anymore.

The staff was not surprised by this, calmly tested the sound, put a disposable protective cover on the microphone, brought a pot of chrysanthemum tea, and closed the door to leave. A small world was formed inside the private room.

They didn't order fruit plates, beer, etc., it was too expensive and not worth it.

Tian Qing and Han Jiaying were eager to try, each grabbed a microphone, and then went to the karaoke stand to start ordering songs.

Chen Wanqing and Wu Feifei took their time and found a seat to sit down. It seemed that these two mainly came to listen to the music.

Xu Qiu was sitting close to the teapot, also half lying down. Although he was not drunk, the effect of alcohol still existed, so half lying down was more comfortable.

On his left is Duan Yun, holding his stomach with both hands, seems to have fallen asleep, on his right is senior sister, she glanced at him, then turned her head away.

Soon, the accompaniment sounded and subtitles appeared on the screen. The first song was "Nuan Nuan", Tian Qing and Han Jiaying sang together.

As soon as the two opened their mouths, they amazed the audience. Xu Qiu felt that their level surpassed at least 90% of non-professional singers.

He is not surprised that Tian Qing has this level. She had performed in the research group while playing the ukulele and singing a cappella.

Although he can play so-so, he can sing well. Now with the bonus of the KTV environment, it is normal to reach this level.

It is the first time for Han Jiaying to show her singing talent, but she can only say that she hides her singing talent well. She dances well, sings so beautifully, and is also versatile.

After singing a song, the two continued to sing together, "Ningxia", "Time Boils the Rain"...

It wasn't until they got tired of singing that they were replaced by Wu Feifei and Chen Wanqing.

Xu Qiu also took the microphone under the strong request of the seniors and the juniors.

He originally planned to paddle the water to listen to the songs all the time. He was so tired from singing. He sang three songs in a row and his voice became hoarse.

It is said that KTV Maiba can sing with a voice-saving singing method, and he can sing more than a dozen songs in a row without breaking the sound, but he can't do it.

In the end, he presented a song "Too Much", and he sang it fairly well, at least not out of tune.

Soon, the microphone returned to Tian Qing and Han Jiaying's hands.

They stopped singing before purely for physical reasons. After stopping for a while, drinking a cup of tea, they were able to fight another ten songs.

After a while, Xu Qiu was dragged to sing "Coral Sea" with the school girl, who was the instigator.

After singing the song, he looked at Han Jiaying from afar.

Under the illumination of colorful spotlights, the junior girl's rosy face was extraordinarily alluring.

Is this what it feels like to be in love?


There are too many variables, including the influence of alcohol, the addition of a dark atmosphere, and the hormone-inducing fragrance in the private room.

Xu Qiu shook his head. After a while, he returned to rationality and kept this feeling hidden in his heart.

Time passed quickly, and four hours passed in a blink of an eye.

In the last few minutes, Tian Qing ordered "The King of Love Songs" to end.

Because most KTVs allow one more song to be sung after the timeout, the "King of Love Songs", a mix of love songs lasting more than ten minutes, has become the uncrowned king of KTV's closing songs.

Generally, each person sings a few lines, and then passes the microphone to the next person to continue singing.

When it was Xu Qiu's turn, he had just sung a few lines when a hand suddenly stretched out from the side.

Startled, Xu Qiu took a closer look and found that it was Senior Brother Duan Yun.

He woke up, heard the singing, and was in high spirits.

Xu Qiu reluctantly gave up the microphone, and Duan Yun howled hoarsely after taking it.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

However, it seems that Duan Yun slept for four hours, and now he is awake from the wine, but his throat has not recovered yet.

It's hard for him to fall asleep in such a difficult environment.

This is good news for Xu Qiu. If Duan Yun is still drunk, he must be responsible for sending it back.

And sending a drunk person home is simply a hell-level task.

Everyone left the KTV and took taxis on the side of the road.

Chen Wanqing and Wu Feifei were together, Xu Qiu and Han Jiaying were together, exactly two cars.

After getting in the car, the two sat in the back row, without talking all the way.

Under the night light, Xu Qiu saw the junior girl's hand was swinging back and forth by her leg.

Do you want……

After struggling for a while, he still chose Congxin and did not act.

Thanks to Tang Yule and Bai Yi Zhan Jian for rewarding 100 starting coins. Ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday, and currently owe 4,000, and try to pay it back this week.

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