The explosion sounded abruptly inside the position. ▲∴▲∴,

A tiger hunting ii was directly hit by the green flash.

More than 20 soldiers hidden in the dark suddenly drilled and launched a raid on the encirclement of nac from the northwest corner. They fired as they pushed forward. Raindrops. They reveal their outlines, but the outline is still not clear in the dark.

Suddenly, two fist-sized sub-crystals flew out in the shadows, emitting light in the darkness, and finally bursting behind the nac's infantry defense line.

Jiang Chen’s pupils tightened and looked at the explosion in the distance.

He is very clear about what it is.

That ability to detonate the subcrystal.

These people belong to the church at dusk!

The soldier in the northwest corner of the line of defense responded immediately, and the muzzle was transferred to the unidentified armed forces.

"It's optical invisibility! Come on emp!" A soldier screamed, then pulled off the headset and pulled out the emp grenades.

Soldiers in the vicinity also pulled out the emp grenade and threw it in the direction of the fire. Layers of current sounded, and immediately swept out the triangle formation of the black warrior.

The lightweight black mechanical exoskeleton looks like a piece of jacket, with a streamlined rifle in his hand flashing a blue arc. From the low-noise shooting sound, they are holding a Gaussian rifle powered by an electromagnetic acceleration track!

From the point of view of the workmanship, their equipment is definitely not a wasteland factory that is produced from the rough process. 90% of the possibilities are from pre-war!

And they are the elite ecstasy in the church at dusk!

The flying bullets smashed a layer of layers on the energy shield, and the figure was violent. dew. The mad believers who came out were not flustered. They were very skilled at finding the cover shelter, scattered around the ruined tiger hunting ii, and engaged in crossfire with the soldiers of the First Corps.

Emp does not affect the Gaussian rifle. Its own shooting principle is to accelerate the metal projectile with high-power current. The instantaneous current caused by the electromagnetic pulse can be neglected. The penetrating power of the Goss rifle poses a great threat to the soldiers wearing the power armor. The t-3 armor is not enough to defend against the Gaussian rifle...

And eggs.

In front of the leader, everything is a cloud.

Just as the mad believers pushed to the sports center. The street behind them suddenly came from the roar of the engine.

The cement wall collapsed under the armor's collision, and the original tanks that had been attacked at the door had already circled their rear!

The May 2nd particle gun suddenly sprayed, and the blue light cluster burst in the center of the madman's formation, and the dissipated high-energy particles instantly disintegrated their energy shield. At the same time, the coaxial rapid-fired electromagnetic gun began to pour ammunition.

A dense 2kg projectile swept away and set off a series of explosive dust in heavy rain. The mad believers were crushed to the ground and then crushed into pieces. In the face of the squatter tanks, they are good at concealing actions and they have no power to fight back.

The battle has been fixed. The mutants and the church at dusk have no resilience.

The mutant soldiers who stood in the sports center began to retreat, and the nac soldiers who advanced to the side of the building rushed in with a rifle.

But at this moment, the green light flashed, and the explosion was once again flooding the battlefield.

The explosion came from the entrance of the sports center. The previous eight soldiers who rushed into the stadium had already been blown out of the street.

Jiang Chen squinted at the rippling dust and saw a figure coming out of it.

A dozen red dots were locked in the man.

There is no doubt that as long as he dares to make any changes, he will become a sieve in the next second.

The only thing that made Jiang Chen unacceptable was that the expression on his face was still the look of the air.

The raindrops wet his clothes. The fluff of the neckline was glued into several clusters by the rain, and his hand was inserted in his pocket.

"I want to see your head."

This is the first sentence he said after he came out.

"Catch him." This is the answer given by Cheng Weiguo.

Two soldiers armed with rifles approached and pointed their heads straight at his head, approaching him steadily.

"Kneeling on the floor, hands over your head!"

The man saw it and sighed.

"Do you just meet the gods like this?"

The voice just fell, and the change suddenly started.

It seems to be held by an invisible hand. The two steel bars that broke on the ground flipped and waved. The two soldiers had not reacted to what was going on, and they were stabbed by the two steel bars that had passed by. Pair wear.

The incident was sudden. Everyone, including Jiang Chen, was shocked by this scene.

"Get rid of him!" Cheng Weiguo immediately shouted.

The soldiers who turned from shock to anger immediately pulled the trigger.

The bullet shot in the past, but it was like a flying insect in the cobweb, and it was fixed in front of him. Watching this is like stopping a bullet in the Matrix. Jiang Chen’s face showed a slight dignity.

What is this black technology?

Seeing that the bullet was ineffective, Cheng Weiguo’s mouth slammed and slammed his hand.

Under his command, Hunting Tiger II rushed to the square in front of the sports center and pointed the 50-type electromagnetic gun at the gate.

When I saw it, the man just smiled. Then reached out and untied his coat.

The swaying gemstones, like a pendant, hang from the inside of the coat, sparkling with a deep red glint.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Chen’s pupil suddenly tightened.


Jiang Chen immediately ordered.

Cheng Weiguo looked at Jiang Chen with surprise and did not understand why he ordered a ceasefire.

Seeing that the tiger hunting ii did not fire, the man smiled with satisfaction and raised the ring with red light in his hand.

"Jiang Chen, I know you are here, come out, don't want to talk to me?"

Blood crystals and subcrystals are allotropes, but their energy reserves are far more than tens of thousands of times. Only a small piece of thumb is needed, which contains the energy produced by the fusion of one kilogram of nucleus.

Jiang Chen listened to Lin Ling, saying that the energy of the Creen particle decay in the three-dimensional element is only the tip of the iceberg of its real energy. It is precisely because of this that when Sun Xiaorou stabbed him, it was only a few stone-sized sub-crystals, but it produced explosive destructive power.

This ability to detonate the subcrystals releases all the energy of the Klein particles. In the same way, once he detonates the blood, the energy released will be far more than the energy of one kilogram of nuclear fusion estimated by people.

That is to say, at this moment, the blood crystals hanging in his arms, each one has the power to compete with hydrogen bombs.

Jiang Chen counted, counting the ring on his finger, a total of 121.

Cheng Weiguo saw Jiang Chen go forward and quickly stretched out and grabbed him.

"Marshal! You can't"

Jiang Chen waved his hand and signaled that Cheng Weiguo did not care for him, and then insisted on going forward.

Seeing Jiang Chen coming to him, the man smiled happily.

"Sure enough, you still know the goods."

Cheng Weiguo looked at Jiang Chen and went so unprepared to the man. He swallowed his mouth and reached out and gestured to the stalker beside him. The stalker knew and set up a sniper rifle alert in his hand.

Jiang Chen looked at the man who had been smashed by the steel bars.

"Be a self-introduction."

Seeing Jiang Chen’s face without any fear, the smile on the face of the person is getting more and more popular.

"Bo Yu, the universe of the universe, you can also call me the leader, or God." (To be continued.)

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