I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 46 City of Chaos

"Impossible, I am definitely not bewitched by the devil!"

"Every decision I make is based on my own self-interest."

"Even if I enter the royal capital, I will only be exposed to Gutafu's eyes. We traitors are easily deceived, but the chance is just a little higher."

"As long as I am strong-willed and don't come into close contact with [the devil], there is no problem at all!"

Fang Jinxing was furious about Diamond 6's "false claim" that he was bewitched by demons.

This is naked slander!

He is very conscious now and has no problem with his logical thinking.

"Hey, I just said you were bewitched by the devil, I didn't say you were bewitched by the devil."

"At first he just made you ignore some things and care about some things."

"When you fall under his control, he will be able to delete part of your memory."

"In the end, it can completely reverse your perception and turn you into a puppet controlled by him."

"You think that any decision you make is based on your own ideas, but what if these ideas are imposed on you by others?"

Diamond 6 looked at Fang Jinxing with pity on his face. It definitely didn't make sense. This guy had already started to get into trouble.

"Humph, it's all empty talk. No matter how much you say, it won't matter."

"You also know the whole story. If you really think that I am bewitched by the devil, I can withdraw from the membership!"

Fang Jinxing entered a high state of combat readiness, slaying demons, slaying demons, the Demon Slaying Association will not be kind to people who are "deviled".

"Haha, it's not up to you!"

"To tell you the truth, from the moment the assassination incident broke out, the president already suspected that you were infected by the devil!"

"The reason why I spent so long with you is to confirm this."

"Now that it's confirmed, it's easier to handle. At least it's a good thing for you."

The words of Diamond 6 made Fang Jinxing a little confused, "Is magic dyeing a good thing?"

How can this be!

"You have two choices now. One is to follow me back to the headquarters, and Guild Master Mo Ran in you will naturally help you solve it."

"And if you resist, then I can only take your body back."

Diamond 6's murderous intent became stronger and stronger, and he was obviously not kidding.


"As far as I know, we have killed the wrong people in the past without letting them go."

Fang Jinxing thinks that he may not be a match for the 6 of Diamonds. This guy is very restrained.

If he had a choice, of course he would not choose to start a fight!

But it’s hard for him to believe that the [Devil-Slaying Society] would be kind to him!

"To be honest, I don't know why the president would be merciful to you."

"My guess is that I want to confirm something from you. The one you are most implicated in right now is Gutav!"

In fact, since knowing the truth about Crozier Jike's death, Diamond 6 has vaguely guessed something.

Crozier Gik is a close confidant of King Gutav, otherwise he would not have been the prime minister for 20 years.

However, he actually chose to betray, which shows that something must have happened, and it originated from [Gutav].

Fang Jinxing's greatest value lies in his having been in contact with [now Gutav].

"Okay, I'll go back with you!"

"What a shame, but I made wedding clothes for others, which gave Najir an advantage!"

After careful consideration, Fang Jinxing chose the first path.

[Devil-Slaying Society] If you want to kill yourself, you can't escape at all, and there is no need to lie to yourself.

However, even at this moment, he was still thinking about the [Little King] card.

I definitely have no chance to fight for it, and I don’t know who will get the advantage in the end.

Soon, the two figures disappeared into the night.


"Boss, I have confirmed the information you gave me with the Hummingbird Team, and there are no problems."

"Leitlie and the others have entered [City of Chaos] before. I asked them to compile a piece of information and send it to you now."

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, Leitlie asked me to remind you that that city is very evil."

Thirty meters above the ground, in the silver-gleaming magnetic levitation sports car, Chen Qi was talking to Taronno while flipping through the data on the on-board computer!

Ten kilometers away, a city with bright lights lurked quietly, like a giant beast hunting in the night.

[City of Chaos] is the name of the city ahead. As for its original name [City of Tulum], no one in the entire Blue Taro Kingdom cares about it.

According to the information provided by Club 10, Nagel Buffon is hiding inside and has not left yet.


"Haha, that's for sure, otherwise Nagel wouldn't be hiding there!"

Maglev sports cars are fast. It only took 3 hours for Chen Qi to catch up.

However, when he approached [Tulun City], Chen Qi stopped and had no intention of capturing the magic weapon from the sky.

His [intuition] told him that the city ahead was not simple.

Chen Qi knew very well that his intuition was not prediction, but a collection of various information sensed by his body.

There must be something wrong. My body noticed it, but my brain didn't realize it.

So he asked Club 10 for all the information on [Tulum City] and asked Talonno to confirm it.

Unexpectedly, the Hummingbird Team actually entered Tulum City in person, which was an unexpected surprise.


The city of Tulum has a history of more than 300 years.

It was originally a very ordinary medium-sized city in Blue Taro Country, with a population of about 2 million.

But starting 30 years ago, the public security here began to deteriorate rapidly, and gang members sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Unlike those who are suppressed in other cities, the gangs here are mainly anti-customers and get along like a duck in water.

As a result, Tulum became a city of freedom in the eyes of all criminals. "Bad guys" from all over the country gathered here, turning it into a criminal city.

Of course, this is only the information on the surface of Tulum City.

The headquarters information given by the 10 of Clubs "decrypts" the reason why Tulum City will become a criminal paradise.

In the bloody coup, the city of Tulum openly opposed King Gutav, so it was liquidated and became a prison for many rebels.

For at least 10 years, Tulum was a prison city.

It was not until Crozier Gike became Prime Minister that some changes were made.

However, resistance and violence seem to have taken root in the city. After the city was normalized, the authority of the city government plummeted, and gangs and criminal groups rose up to take control of the place.

Because it has become a desirable place for violent elements, the crime rate in other cities has been significantly reduced.

Therefore, with the support of some parliamentarians, the loss of control here has been acquiesced.

As a result, [Tulum City] disappeared, and [City of Chaos] became the synonym for this city.

However, if that were the case, Chen Qi would not be able to stop at all.

The latest information from the headquarters shows that after the ninth round of the game started, a [mysterious player] was born here.

He may have become the real controller of [City of Chaos].

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