I have a cos system

Chapter 29 Internal strife


The dual mental and physical fatigue made Li Bencheng reluctant to talk. At the moment, he was looking for gauze bandages to treat his injuries.

The claws were so cruel that they almost disembowelled him.

"Okay, let's all rest for a while. We will probably have to make a spiritual barrier for this guy later on. He is such a dangerous criminal with supernatural powers."

You two are not tired, but I can't. Save your energy.

Being scolded a few times was innocuous, but Bai Hao was not angry, but instead smiled.

He opened his mouth full of fangs and said, "Do you want it? Here you go."

A ball of red mist was spit out by him, and there was a faint face.


Now Dr. Wang couldn't stop him. After Dr. Zhao broke free, he kicked him with a football, with the intention of smashing his head into pieces and exploding it with hatred.

This fatal kick hit Bai Hao's head, but Dr. Zhao felt a cold electricity rush from his feet directly to his Tianling Cap.

A flash of scarlet occupied his pupils, and a strange smile appeared on his face. He glanced at the sleeping Lin Mengfu, Li Bencheng, who was dealing with his injuries, and——

"You bastard, give me the sacred stone back!"

At this time, Dr. Xiao Zhao said vicious words to Bai Hao that Dr. Xiao Wang could not understand.

"If I let you go, we'll treat it as evenly matched." Bai Hao sneered, "Based on your current state, you want to rob me?"

Li Benzheng quietly touched a pair of scissors.

Dr. Xiao Wang was still a little confused, but the next second a fist hit him on the bridge of the nose, followed by a vicious elbow and a hit on the head.

Dr. Xiao Wang never thought that his colleagues would attack him, especially since these moves were so ferocious and skillful that they were not like those used by Dr. Xiao Zhao, who was slightly fat and not good at exercise and only liked to play meat and pigeon games at home.

He felt dizzy and his mind was in a state of confusion.

Doctor Xiao Zhao strode over, grabbed his head, and turned away with a red grimace.

"Are you okay? Come and save me when you are."

As soon as Bai Hao finished speaking, a light blue energy spike pierced his chest.

"This power is average."

A long knife made of blue energy emerged from Doctor Xiao Wang's other hand. He pointed it at Bai Hao and said, "You bastard, you sneaked up on me while I was leaping over the Dragon Gate to steal the God Stone and the Soul-Eating Blood Clothes. I shouldn't have taken you in in the first place." You should be killed!"

"You can kill me now, come on."

Bai Hao's chest was pierced, but his mouth was really hard.

The blood on his head shrank, and he shouted in a low voice: "The divine stone is in my brain and in my soul. Even if I die, my soul will survive for a while under its protection. Your current power Can we break through the defense and get the sacred stone? The worst we can do is wait for the police to come and die together!"

The energy sword slashed down.

However, the blade finally stopped on Bai Hao's head without cutting it off.

When Li Benzheng saw Xiao Wang, whose head was covered by a red dead head, he turned to look at him and held the scissors in his hand tighter.

Xiao Wang is possessed by another person with supernatural powers, most likely the former blood-clothed priest Bai Hao mentioned before.

This guy was attacked by a sneak attack while he was jumping through the Dragon Gate. All that was left was a dead head with mental power. He was also a Xuan-level high-level superpower user.

"You just said that this place can be used as a spiritual partition, right?" The possessed Xiao Wang asked Li Benzheng.

Bai Hao's pupils were trembling, and the muscles on his body were twisting like earthworms. He didn't care even if the wounds were bloody.

The possessed Xiao Wang pulled Bai Hao's hair and pulled him up slightly.


The sword flashed, cutting off the things Lin Mengfu nailed through him, and then turned into energy chains, entwining like a snake, binding him and dragging him forward.

"Lead the way and act as a spiritual barrier for him."

Li Benzheng gritted his teeth and said, "Don't even think about it!"

The possessed Xiao Wang casually threw out an energy flying knife and pierced Dr. Xiao Zhao's forehead.

"Trash without superpowers. There is no need to live. It's a waste of my power to possess you."

Li Benzheng was stunned, watching a young life disappear in front of his eyes, and he was still a colleague who he spent time with day and night.

"If you don't agree, I will kill everyone here. Why, do you want to fight with me? You will die if you use your little mental power."

The former blood-clothed chief priest, the loser who was attacked by the Dragon Gate, and a Xuan-level high-level spiritual power user, naturally saw that Li Benzheng's current situation was not good. His mental power was too corroded by the blood-clothed clothing, and he had no strength left.

Li Benzheng tightened his grip on the scissors, but when he saw the other party condensing an energy flying knife again, he immediately said with unwillingness and anger: "Over there!"

"Very well, lead the way."

Bai Hao struggled in fear, but the energy chains produced spikes and pierced into his flesh and blood, locking all his muscle joints. Even though there were strong proliferating cells to protect him from death, he could not move.

Even the mouth that transformed into a wolf kiss was wrapped in two circles of energy chains and could not be opened.

Qiao Ji touched the necks of those people on the first floor. Fortunately, they were not dead. They must have fainted.

He stepped onto the stairs and the training ground was ready.

But thinking about the sound waves like before was disgusting, and he felt that a pair of headphones was really not enough.

'system. ’

He called in his heart.

【Super cosplay system is at your service wholeheartedly. 】

‘If I don’t cancel, please equip me with the Gourd Little Diamond Necklace in 5 seconds. ’

Qiao Ji didn't know if it could be done, so he just asked to test it out.

The system projected a countdown directly in front of his eyes.





‘Cancel and start the countdown again. ’

He cautiously climbed up another floor, and the countdown was almost over.

‘Cancel and start the countdown again. ’

‘Cancel and start the countdown again. ’

He kept resetting the countdown as he went upstairs.

The system didn't ask why and reset it without any complaints.

In this case, even if you are attacked by the same people as these people, you can automatically equip the Gourd Little King Kong Necklace and transform into a Gourd Little King Kong.

This is an insurance measure.

If nothing else, at least Sanwa's King Kong is not bad enough to withstand beatings.

Going up to the fifth floor, Qiao Ji finally saw the scene of the incident. It was severely damaged. The ceiling and tiles on both sides were damaged and it was a mess.

There were still bloodstains and drag marks on the ground, like a scene from a horror movie.

As soon as he arrived, he saw the young doctor he had seen before. There was a bloody hole on his forehead, and his dead face was facing him.

His whole body was tense, danger must be nearby.

Look at the trailing blood stains on the ground. You should be able to see it if you look for it.


He saw Lin Mengfu, sitting against the wall with her eyes closed, her school uniform stained red with blood.

Qiao Ji's heart skipped a beat.

He quickly stepped forward and touched Lin Mengfu. Fortunately, she still had a pulse, and there were no obvious injuries on her body, just some nosebleeds.

Even if you want to come up, please take me with you. I still have life-saving tools.

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