At the Holy Light Sect’s station, Lu Chen’s figure appeared again.

After busy with the affairs of his own dimension and eliminating the influence of his own dimension, Lu Chen appeared in such a place.

The main thing is to come and see, inspect it!

In the end, the Holy Light Sect is also its own territory, if there are some problems, how bad it is, come and take a look and control the direction.

However, after Lu Chen came, he finally found that he thought too much, and even now there was no problem.

Everything is going on in an orderly state.

Lu Chen changed his appearance and walked around the Holy Light Sect for nearly half an hour, and did not find anything bad.

Yang and Yin violated this kind of thing and did not happen!

It’s a really nice place too.

All the chaos and waste in the outside world are not reflected in the slightest here, and it is a peaceful place.

It’s no wonder that so many people want to enter this place.

Lu Chen did not see any worried expression here, some were just full and satisfied, not pretended, but some fulfillment and satisfaction from the heart.

It’s a response that is obviously fulfilled both physically and mentally.

Lu Chen looked at some of the ordinary, most overlooked places that could show everything, and began to pay attention to some of the most interesting places.

Especially where the Holy Light Order treats some patients with external diseases.

This was an important place for the Holy Light Sect to come into contact with the outside world, and Lu Chen also wanted to know what it was like.

Lu Chen soon arrived at such a place.

A group of people with sick faces, or simply hanging bandages, or with disabilities, also appeared in Lu Chen’s line of sight, sitting on some seats, looking at a group of people who were exerting the power of holy light with expectation.

“Hey man, you’re here for treatment too!” A young man who was missing half an arm said to Lu Chen familiarly.

“Sort of!” Lu Chen said with a smile.

“What are you sick? It’s normal to see your face? ”

“There is a problem with the heart!”

“Heart? That’s really very troublesome, but with the power of the Holy Light, I believe that as long as you treat it a few more times, you must be able to recover, which can be completely different before! The boy glanced at his arm, and a look of longing appeared in his eyes.

“Your arm is…”

“In a car accident, I had to have my leg amputated, I was young and didn’t know what it meant, but when I started school and came out of my home, I realized that there was a hand that was really different!”


“There are some, but not many, and the real distress is not these, but sympathy, desperate sympathy!”

As the boy said this, a painful expression appeared on his face.


“Everyone I contact sees my arm broken, they are more sympathetic eyes, words of sympathy in their mouths, everything is me first, however, I don’t want that!”

The teenager’s breathing was short, paused for a moment, let his breathing calm down, and the teenager said again: “What I want is an equal life, but they will always sympathize with me, I can only eat with one hand, they sympathize, I wash with one hand, they also sympathize, they seem to do nothing else except sympathy!” ”

“They’re just well-intentioned!”

“I know, in fact, that’s what makes people even more desperate!” The teenager smiled bitterly.

If it is malicious, what else can the teenager do?

But these are all well-intentioned, and the young man can only accept it, even if his heart is tormented by this kindness one by one.

“I just want to have an ordinary life, an equal life!”

Lu Chen was a little silent.

“In the past, I always felt that my life was like this, and I even had suicidal thoughts!”

The young man said, raised one of his hands, and showed his wrist in front of Lu Chen’s eyes.

A little scar was on his wrist.

That’s a little mark cut by a sharp blade.

“However, when the blade pierced my flesh and skin, causing Yin Hong’s blood to flow out, I suddenly thought of my parents and my friends, they never gave up on me because of my disability, I died, how should they be sad?”

“How did you deal with that sympathy afterwards?”

“After giving up suicide, I also wanted to open up a little, as if those sympathies did not exist, and live their own lives as much as possible!”

“Not easy, right?”

A complicated expression appeared on the boy’s face.

It’s not easy!

But, fortunately, all this is a thing of the past, and he sees a hope.

Now, that hope is about to become a reality.

“At the beginning, I was really a little stupid, life is always full of accidents and surprises, because of accidents, I lost an arm, and because of surprises, my arm will soon grow back again!”

“Life is as it is…”

“So, I get a truth!” The boy said suddenly.

Interrupted Lu Chen’s emotion!

“What’s the truth?”

“Only when you live can you have hope, and only then can you complete the accidents and surprises of life!”

After saying this, the young man said to Lu Chen again: “Uncle, how are you?” ”

Uncle… Is it?

Touching the scumbag he used for disguise, Lu Chen felt that he still didn’t think about this still positive teenager, and said: “There is nothing to tell about my story, instead of listening to my story, it is better for me to give you a surprise in advance, right?” ”

“What advance surprise?”

Lu Chen did not answer the young man’s question, but stretched out a hand and grabbed the broken arm of the young man.

Golden light bloomed between Lu Chen’s fingers, and at the broken arm of the young man, some granulation and bone stubble grew rapidly, reforming an arm.

With the change of the teenager’s mood, some changes appeared, synchronized with the other palm, and there was no trace of discomfort, as if it was the arm he should have.

“You… You…” the boy looked surprised and shocked.

“I’m also a member of the Holy Light Sect!”

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