In the waiting room, Watson wore a palace jester mask. With the help of the waiter/search, he took off his disguised high-end suit and put on simple clothes that could barely cover his vital parts.

A certain maid, who was also wearing only three strips of cloth, brought a bowl of olive oil and planned to wipe it on the strong body in front of her, but he flatly refused.

Under the urging of a guy in a suit who looked like a host, he slowly walked into the Colosseum.

There is hard earth under your feet, and the soil is dyed with a deep dark red. Some wild grasses absorb the excessive nutrients in the soil and thrive.

He looked around and saw that his opponent had not yet appeared on the stage, and there were only a few spectators wearing ball masks sitting in the circular stands.

In the moth's vision, they are all just mortals with weak light in their skulls. They have neither outstanding rationality nor secret transmission power. They still have sleepy eyes in the corners of their eyes and yawns in their mouths.

Watson already understood that for this group of upper-class nobles, the upcoming duel, in which one of the parties was likely to be bloody, was just a refreshing stimulus after a night of extravagant entertainment. It's just a small theater.

His face hidden by the mask seemed to smile, and the evil laughter of the fantasy monster began to echo in his head again.

"Hehe, you dare to use us as entertainment. Let's just use them as an appetizer for this duel. The soft necks of those noble ladies are simply excellent pure white canvases. The bright red color splashes out after the canvas is torn. , bright red dipped in pure white, such a strong impact color, isn’t it a typical abstract color field painting?”

Watson glanced at the guards with guns and ammunition around the auditorium, and ignored the reverberation in his skull. Since his promotion in The Secret of the Moth, the problems in his head seemed to be getting worse and worse. In the past, it was still a momentary trance and hallucination. Now, All have had clear auditory hallucinations.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the Mamula Club!" the host shouted at the top of his lungs. His voice was so loud that for no reason it reminded people of a vegetable vendor shouting in a vegetable market.

"It's another sunny day, another thrilling duel, let us welcome our debut——"

"Shut up, we are tired of hearing your nonsense. Let's get started. My eyes have been looking at the white flowers all night, and I am in urgent need of some stimulating and hot-blooded color to cleanse my tiredness." An audience member sitting at the front shouted loudly scolded.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just a little shrimp for the wake-up show. What's your name? You may not survive until the next show." A woman wearing a pink feather eyepatch scolded.

"Okay, get out of here and let the two of them start fighting." A man with a hoarse voice urged.

The host was not angry when faced with this series of accusations. He just smiled apologetically and ran off the stage dejectedly.

And Watson's opponent finally appeared on the stage after repeated urging from the host.

The opponent was a burly man, wearing a lion-style hooded mask made of some kind of spun fabric. The outer ring of the mask was golden hair, and only his eyes, mouth and nose were exposed.

His upper body was shirtless, revealing his unusually strong chest muscles and a waist as thick as a brown bear. The muscles shone brightly under the torches that enhanced the atmosphere in the arena.

In a trance, Watson seemed to really see a metal lion cub with wisps of hot breath steaming from its body slowly walking towards him, baring its teeth and letting out a threatening roar.

The young lion kept pacing back and forth around the human in front of him. Its body was slightly bent and its center of gravity was leaning forward. Its muscles were relaxed and tense, always waiting for a good opportunity to attack.

However, the human being in front of him just stood there blankly, his eyes were dull as if he was wandering in the sky, and there were flaws all over his body!

The young lion is reckless but not stupid. It can't guess why the other party is so confident. Obviously you and I should be just first-order duelists who have just entered the path of secret transmission, and I am the one who possesses the two major offensive secret transmissions of cast and blade. A secret person who possesses both a sharp spear and a strong shield. I should be the one who is so arrogant and ignores everyone!

"Fuck, are you guys acting around here?!!!" It was the same spectator at the forefront. He looked at the two duelists who were reluctant to take action. He couldn't restrain his temper and took out his hand. The pocket watch was thrown into the field.

The young lion completely ignored the urging of the audience... Weak mortal, if you weren't at the Mamula Club at this moment, I would have torn you into pieces!

I don’t know whether the irritable spectator was intentional or not, but the pocket watch he threw was about to fall at the feet of the opponent in front of him.

And the opponent's eyes unconsciously fell on the oncoming pocket watch because of instinct.

The young lion's dark brown eyes caught the moment when his opponent was distracted, and they suddenly shrank like needles!

With a thought, the cast and the blade vibrated, and weak heat evaporated from the body, like an arrow made of condensed heat. The air in front of it showed a slightly distorted trace due to the sudden temperature.

This heat arrow is the result of the young lion's careful practice of the secret influence of the Order. It condenses the secret influence that should have spread indiscriminately into a concentrated ray, greatly increasing the power that was originally weakened by the spread of the range. It can already The initial impact on the waking world can almost reach the power of the real impact stolen from Mansu!

It once used this technique to easily penetrate a two-finger-thick wooden board, leaving a trace of charred holes. Even the second wooden board behind it was successfully ignited, igniting invisible fireworks and turning into a board in an instant. of coke.

The most intuitive result of this technique is that in the last duel, it blinded the opponent's eyes and ignited an invisible fire in the opponent's skull, burning his soul, making the opponent seem to be trapped in a sea of ​​​​fire, and his nerves seemed to be exposed to high temperatures. Licking, the body becomes dehydrated unconsciously, and simultaneously suffers the dual torture of physical loss and mental pain.

The enemy in the previous battle screamed miserably due to the high temperature inside his skull. He didn't even have time to say the words of surrender before his throat was smashed with one of its claws.

But this time, the young lion still used his old tricks, shooting out two scorching invisible arrows from his eyes, piercing directly into the eyes of the arrogant enemy in front of him!

The arrows condensed with the magic power of the cast and blade were almost colorless and invisible but extremely fast. They had arrived in front of the enemy in an instant, and accurately penetrated along the eye gaps of the ridiculous palace jester mask!

The young lion couldn't help but close his eyes when he saw the other person. He grinned with a victorious smile... Oh, you arrogant clown, suffer death!

It stepped on the ground with both feet, driving its body forward to pounce like a wild lion on its prey. Pure heat mixed with sharpness shot out from the pores on the body surface, attacking the enemy with eyes closed in front of it.

And the tips of the five fingers of its right palm began to emit sharp cold light, hitting the enemy's fragile throat.

The cub seemed to be able to see the bloody throat, and saw the warm blood soaking his right palm... However, it saw a pair of crystal clear green eyes like the most exquisitely cut diamonds, and witnessed some ancient And crazy malice!

There was a wild buzzing in its mind.

That is the fear of natural enemies carved deep in the blood. It is the despair of being enslaved in the darkness in ancient times. It is the warning left by the ancestors with their lives - run away, run away! They...are real monsters! ! !

The right palm it swung forward seemed to have been sliced ​​by an invisible blade. The skin that could withstand the cutting of the sharp blade began to peel away from the fingertips, and blood shot out from the bright red texture.

This chapter should actually be eaten in conjunction with the blocked Chapter 25, but the last rescue was unsuccessful and it took three days to continue the rescue... It was probably because Watson got a small gift from the extinct creature when he was promoted to the second-level moth.

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