I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 60 What is influence?

Watson was now familiar with the forest. The low, sharp branches that used to stand on the dream path now all rose up in cooperation as if to welcome him.

He seemed to have some kind of hallucination, and his thoughts drifted back to the future and the past - when he retired and returned to his hometown, he just got off the bumpy bus with his luggage and met Aunt Six who was cracking melon seeds and chatting under the banyan tree at the entrance of the village and Uncle Three who was smoking a pipe. They stood up in surprise and joy, overturned the wooden bench under their buttocks, and had a look of welcome and fear on their faces.

Watson walked through the intuitive path that connected his dream and the forest, and truly landed in the dark and ancient forest.

He stepped on the moss layer that was as soft as a fine blanket, and felt that the smooth touch under his feet was slightly different from the forest this morning. The dense moss seemed to be shaking slightly, but it was not the vibration of the earth's crust moving, but more like those flat fronds trembling with fear.

"What happened in the woods?" Watson walked forward with doubts, and after a few steps he knew the reason for this anomaly - it was the mottled moonlight splashing down from the gaps between the treetops and branches! It turned out that the moonlight that was lingering tonight had become dangerous and aggressive again. Compared with the previous nights, the bright moonlight was fuller and more shining like a sharp sword blade, dispelling the darkness of the woods, and also making the moss where the bright moon landed panic and slowly retreat like a tide. Watson looked up at the pale arc moon, and saw that the perfect moon disk without any traces of meteorite bombardment seemed to be trembling slightly, as if desperately suppressing rage and irritability, but the scattered moonlight could not help but be stained with the color and power of the wrath of the sky, and it burst into a strange influence when it fell into the woods. Just by staring at the arc moon, he could already feel the cold moonlight penetrating his pupils, and his eyes were also covered with a layer of silver-white color that was as bright as a mirror. The needle-like sharp moonlight pierced his spirit, like Jack's peas in the fairy tale, quickly taking root and sprouting in his soul, and the strange feeling quickly spread and grew in his heart.

Watson felt an unprecedented itch, and the strange itch did not come from the skin on the surface of the body, but from the simulated flesh and blood inside the soul!

He scratched his chest involuntarily, wanting to tear the skin to open the body cavity, reach in to take out the internal organs and bones, and rub them hard on the rough bark to soothe the strong itch like a thorn piercing the heart.

His ten fingers scratched the skin, and bright red blood oozed out. The weak pain stimulated the mind and awakened the mind. The moth in the skull woke up first, vibrating its scaly wings to stir up the wind and waves of nothingness, pulling up and expelling the strands of moonlight that were deeply rooted in the flesh and blood of the mind like hair.

Watson's eyes regained clarity, and he quickly moved his feet to leave the range covered by the moonlight, lowered his head and dared not look directly at the bright moon in the sky, and calmed his breathing with lingering fear.

"I was careless... The enthusiasm for the forest recently made me almost forget that Mansu is the world where Sichen lives. All the phenomena here are weird beyond common sense and imagination!" "I didn't expect that even the natural phenomenon of the moon's waxing and waning contains irresistible dangers!" "We must continue to act cautiously and carefully, don't look, don't listen, and don't move!" Watson warned himself, his body completely hidden in the shade of the trees. With the familiarity of the moth in the brain with the forest, he silently and slowly walked through the darkness with dazzling silver light. He hoped to find the third scripture about the secret history rules again tonight, so as to compare and confirm the secrets represented by the secret history, just like panning gold sand from a sea of ​​gravel. As long as he was exposed to enough secrets, one day he would be able to discover and summarize the laws and meanings of the secret history. But things in the world obviously don't work as he wants, especially in this Mansu world controlled by the Sichen. He searched for a long time, but he never found the inscribed chapters containing the secret history in hidden places such as mosses, tree roots, and caves. Watson even hovered near the edge of the woodland, hiding in the shadows and peeping at the jagged boulders in the distance, but he could not find the secret history for a long time, nor did he see the secret engraving process as cruel as the ancient bloody sacrifice at noon. Even if he used his eyesight to look at the huge black fruit shaped like a lantern hanging from the side of the strange boulder, he could only see a twisted darkness like a shadow condensed into substance. The surrounding stone walls also had inscriptions containing secrets. Even the inscriptions that revealed the four signs seen in his dream at noon had been covered by lichens and mosses. Those secrets may have been swallowed by a powerful existence. Watson wondered whether he should continue to wait, whether he should test the limits of Mansu Dreamwalking. After all, he had withdrawn from the dreamwalking several times before and returned to the waking world because of contact with mysterious things... If he stayed where he was, would something appear to interrupt his dreamwalking, or would the characteristics of his soul that symbolized the dreamwalking key and fuel be exhausted, and he would be sent back to the waking world?

Or was there a more terrible possibility that my consciousness would remain in Mansu forever, separated from my life body in the waking world... Then I would completely die and my soul would be scattered because of the loss of blood and flesh nutrition? !

Thinking that this possibility existed, Watson suddenly became a little anxious. He didn't want to die so silently, especially since his body was likely to become an incontinent vegetative state lying on the hospital bed, even if he was shot through by millions of bullets on the battlefield. However, even if he died tragically in a confrontation with aberrant creatures, even if he was arrested and imprisoned by Sherlock Holmes at the scene of the murder... no matter which ending it was, it would be better than waiting for death!

The moth in his skull seemed to sense his urgency, and vibrated its scales slightly to guide him to raise his head.

Watson placed the flat of his palm on his forehead to block his upward-looking line of sight to avoid inadvertently seeing the shape of the arc moon, and followed the moth's guidance to look towards the rugged boulders.

I saw a figure standing on the top of the rugged boulders as tall as a Gothic cathedral. The person's face was turned back to the moonlight and I couldn't see his true face. He just raised his arms parallel to the ground, stood upright with his legs together, and his head was slumped. The ground tilts down, like the cross on top of the church, or like the statue of Jesus suffering.

This is the second time Watson has met a human in the Mansu Woodland. In his heart, he actually wants to go up and talk to him. Whether it is to exchange knowledge of Si Chen's code or exchange the skills of life and death fighting... it is all very special. Not a bad choice.

But the other party's magnanimous appearance, bathed in the strange moonlight, gave Watson an ominous premonition - the other party was either a high-level esoteric practitioner who was able to ignore the influence of this restless moonlight, or... It means that he has fallen under the influence of Hu Yue and lost his mind!

Watson first looked away and carefully examined his own situation, whether he was also indirectly affected by Hu Yue, whether he was also quietly planting the seeds of restlessness... The result was that he was safe and sound. It seemed that as long as he was not directly exposed to Yue Hua, Under the pouring of water, or directly witnessing the trembling Arc Moon, I am still not affected by the weirdness.

He continued to focus on the figure on the top of the rugged boulder, paying close attention to the other person's next move.

The figure with arms raised like a cross is still standing on the top of the peak. The clothes that the other person brought with him in the dream were rustling in the high wind. It seemed to be a thick nightgown made of silk. It seemed that this person should be a famous person. Female dreamer, or transvestite male dreamer.

The dreamer who maintained the cross posture was also swaying slightly in the wind, as if if a strong wind blew in the next second, he would be blown over and fall——

Watson's soliloquy in his heart had not yet ended. The sky in the sky seemed to really hear his inner voice. Suddenly, there was a violent hurricane. The branches of the forest were rustling with fallen leaves, and the figures on the top of the boulders were also like The rootless leaves fell, as light as leaves drifting in the wind. Finally, they fell to the ground with a slap, and dots of bright red splashed out, sprinkling on the green moss and splashing graffiti on the boulders.

But what puzzled Watson was that the moss that once greedily devoured Elson's body was unable to avoid the delicacies falling from the sky, as if he was seeing some terrifying food and fell into a layer of deathly silence under the moonlight. The layer of moss seemed to wake up suddenly, trembling violently, rolling around like waves, and quickly retreated, leaving a large open space next to the fallen corpse.

Watson became more and more surprised and curious, and he murmured in his heart, as if asking for the opinion of the moth in his skull.

"Is there any threat or adverse effect on me from looking at that body?"

The moth inside the skull is just silence, but sometimes silence is a wordless answer.

He climbed to the top of the tree with confidence and hid in the dense canopy. Looking into the distance through the gaps in the branches and leaves, he saw the body lying in a pool of his own blood. The ties of his nightgown had long been untied, and his clothes were like It was open to the outside like a window, just as its snow-white chest was also exposed, and its internal organs that still retained vitality were also exposed to the ruthless moonlight, still struggling to beat.

Watson suddenly felt a strange influence sweeping over him like a raging wave, just like the different feelings he had when he faced Patrolman Lance, Deformed Harris and Flash Blade Leader William.

He wanted to close his eyes tightly, but his eyelids opened uncontrollably. The buttons of the hospital gown loosened one by one, and the breeze gently untied them, exposing his chest.

Even though the arc moon's light had been blocked by the tree canopy, he still felt the new wounds and old scars begin to ache, and the closed flesh and blood seemed to be unable to help but want to open again, causing the scars to reopen!

At this time, the moth inside the skull slowly flapped its wings to collect all the feelings.

Watson suddenly felt relieved, and the back of his head was already sweating profusely from the bizarre feeling just now, making a large piece of the hospital pillow wet.

But the impact of seeing a corpse with an open chest was so profound, far greater than the strange influences he had experienced before, that even when he returned to the waking world, the influence of longing to be opened still remained in his heart.

It's just that the impact this time... seems to be a little different. Now that he has calmed down, there is no longer the threat of losing control of his mind. Instead, it is like a strand of restrained and controllable emotions entangled in his heart. He unconsciously wants to control it. Release and resonate with the world.

"I seem to be able to control this emotion?"

Watson got up and came to the door of the ward. He closed his eyes and recalled the opening emotions in his mind. Under the resonance of the emotions, some vague mysterious power attached to his fingers and was transmitted to the doorknob through his fingertips. Lock.

The cold and unintelligent mechanical creation also seemed to be affected by this ray of emotion. The internal gears turned and actually turned on their own to open the door!

At this moment, the resonance-like emotion in Watson's heart has only dissipated.

It dawned on him.

"It turns out that this is the correct way to open Mansu!"

"Steal supernatural power from Mansu that can affect reality through dream walking!"

Watson stared at the finger that was wrapped with power, and planned in his heart:

"This power seems to have other magical uses besides opening locks... There are many closed gaps in the mortal body."

At this point in this chapter, the power system of this book has been roughly revealed. Secret transmission - distortion (second setting) - influence - ritual - aspiring youth...these elements in the original work have all appeared, even readers who have never been exposed to the game should Can also read.

With this, the first volume ends taboo-by-taboo.

Huh! According to the routine, should the author leave a suspense break so that readers can continue reading?

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