The sky was obscured by thick black clouds, and no light could pass through. The yin wind roared, wrapped in unknown cries, rolled from a distance, and ran to a farther place. One after another thick thunderbolt slashed from the black cloud, making a continuous and huge sound.

A small mink, standing on a ferocious rock, looked at the strangely shaped and densely clustered cracked rocks, looked at a piece of crimson magma, and looked at an unusually tall one in the distance, I don't know how many. The phantom of the 100-meter-high giant monster shook its limbs, and then fell down weakly.

"System, it's so scary here..." Mink, Song Yingying, said in a weeping voice.

This kind of picture, if it is placed in the game, may be very emotional. But being there, it's really just scary!

Such a tall monster! The thick, curved horns on the top of the head look so hideous! With a wave of his arm, he easily shattered a mountain!

Because of the distance, Song Yingying couldn't smell the blood, but she could see that he tore apart a demon and spilled the liquid! "Zi", there is no one thousand meters, eight hundred meters away!

Song Yingying covered her mouth and made a "vomit" sound.

too frightening!

The system reassured her: "Don't be afraid, Bo'er, just treat it like a cow eating a chicken."

"Is there a chicken that is several hundred meters high?" Song Yingying was so **** off by its careless comfort, she lay on the black cold rock, covered her face with her front paws, and wept.

So scared!

But the target she wants to attack is more terrifying than that big monster with horns!

What she wants to conquer is the Demon King! It is the most powerful existence in the entire demon world!

The world she entered this time was a world of cultivating immortals. However, she did not inhale the air wafting with spiritual energy. She didn't appreciate the fluttering monk flying with Yujian. She hadn't seen all the green mountains, white clouds, and waterfalls in the sky.

She came to the demon world that has a wall with the fairy world!

The story goes like this.

Once upon a time, there was a girl whose life was very hard, very hard, very hard, and then she embarked on the path of self-cultivation. He joined a large sect and became a monk. Because of the talent and hard work, the cultivation is very fast. She also met the male protagonist, a man who was equally talented and even had adventures. They are together.

There is an elder's daughter in the sect who also likes the male protagonist very much. She has liked the male protagonist for many years, and has also pursued the male protagonist for many years. Seeing that the male protagonist was abducted by the female protagonist, she was very unwilling and began to act as a demon.

She worked, worked, worked, and finally killed herself. The male protagonist and the female protagonist killed the elder father who had been protecting her, and chased after her, and finally she fell off the Soul Breaking Cliff.

Broken Soul Cliff is a terrifying place. No one has ever come out alive, not to mention that the female partner was seriously injured, so both the male and female protagonists thought she was dead and ignored her.

But the female partner is not dead! As the villain who runs through 70% of the whole text, where is this? After she fell off the Soul Breaking Cliff, she entered the world of demons by chance. Where is the demon world? That's what Song Yingying saw just now, the environment is gloomy and demonic, and there are killings everywhere! Big monsters fight with big monsters, little monsters fight with little monsters, devour each other and become stronger.

As a human being, although the female partner is fair-skinned and beautiful, there is no demon to appreciate it, they all just want to eat her! The female partner hides and hides, hides and hides, and fights and devours all the way, and eventually she becomes a monster.

She tasted the thrill of strength, and she was full of seeking revenge for the male and female protagonists, so she quickly changed her mentality, no longer rejected the demon world, and even liked it very much. She fought, devoured, and became stronger all the way, until one day, she met a male partner.

The male protagonist is called Mohai, who is the demon king who rules the demon world. On that day, when he was feeling bored from his practice, he went out to relax. On the way, he met a female partner fighting with demons. He was attracted by this woman. He only felt that she was extremely ruthless, ruthless to the enemy, and even more ruthless to himself. She has some pity.

"Stay alive and come to Tianji Peak to find me." He dropped a copy of his mind and left.

The female supporter survived, and practiced the mental method he gave, becoming a big demon, and then went to Tianji Peak to find him.

She is no longer the innocent woman who only cheated and obsessed with her. She became sultry and scheming. After she found Mohai, she tried her best to win her favor in front of him, and when she got close to him, she began to seduce him.

Although Mohai is the Demon King who leads the Demon Realm, he is very young, only eight hundred years old. In addition to cultivating and governing the Demon Realm, he has not had time to see the world. He didn't hold back, and quickly moved his heart to the female partner. Not only taught her more advanced mental methods, but even borrowed her inner alchemy to practice.

Seeing that this demon king is so innocent, the female partner doesn't even need to go to bed with him, not even kiss her on the small mouth, just throw a wink and he will obey her. She was very happy, and easily gained his love and trust, then poured him down with a thousand days of drunkenness, stole his inner elixir, and left the demon world.

She returned to the immortal world, changed her face, hid her head and revealed her tail, and designed one trap after another to deal with the male and female protagonists. When the plot progressed to 70%, she was caught by the hero and heroine.

When she was about to die, the magic sea came from the demon world and saved her. But because Neidan was away, his strength was greatly reduced, so he caught her and ran away, instead of being tough with the male and female protagonists.

After escaping the vision of the male and female protagonists, Mohai put down the female partner and asked her, "Why did you leave?"

Seeing that the female partner didn't care about him, she felt a little guilty and a little guilty. However, these emotions were quickly dispelled by the pain from her body, and hatred for the male and female protagonists occupied all her mind.

She put her arms around Mohai's neck and kissed him. While he was in a daze, he seriously injured him and then ate him.

Halfway through the meal, the male protagonist and the female protagonist came over, scolded her for being a jerk, and opened her from the wreckage of the Devil Sea.

There was only half of the body left in the Demon Sea, but there was still a breath left. He stood up and blocked the male and female protagonists: "She is the woman of this seat and can only be handled by this seat."

The female partner took the opportunity to run away.

The sea of ​​magic is dead.

Yes, he is such a bitter male partner. Unlike other male supporting roles, he fell in love with the female supporting role, not the female lead.

For this reason, it seemed even more bitter, Song Yingying also sympathized with him and felt that he was pitiful and should not end up like this.

However, at this time, she looked at the big demon that was shaking the ground in the distance, and then looked at the little demons who were fighting everywhere, with her front claws covering her face: "Can I regret it?"

Endless fighting. After the fight was over, it couldn't stop for three minutes, and another fight began.

The demons are fighting all the time, the blood on the ground has not dried yet, and a layer of water is poured on it, which is always wet and sticky.

"Yes," the system said. "If the task is not completed, no points will be deducted. But if you regret it, you will be deducted double the points."

Double, that's thirty.

Before doing this quest, Song Yingying heard that there are 15 points to get for this quest, she was so happy that she blew a kiss to the system.

Listening to the deduction at this moment, I was about to faint.

For the tasks she did before, the full score was 10 points, and she usually only got 8~9 points, so she had to do at least four tasks to make up for it.

Just because you are timid, you have to get in for 30 points? Every point is earned by her hard work! Song Yingying was so distressed that she even felt that this was a blasphemy to herself who had done her mission seriously.

Points can be lost, but not like this.

"I want to buy a magic weapon." Song Yingying asked the system, "Is there any magic weapon that can withstand the three attacks of the big demon?"

She has no regrets! She has to finish this mission!

The system immediately called up the mall page: "Bao'er, I don't recommend you to buy that magic weapon, it's too expensive, it costs a hundred points. I suggest you buy this dress ring, the cheapest one has three suits, and A stealth suit is attached. If you buy this, you only need 5 points, not only will you have three sets of clothes, but you can also be invisible if you want to! If you meet a big demon, you can just be invisible! What are you fighting?"

When Song Yingying heard it, it was a good deal! The price is so high! It's like it was made just for her! Can't help but wonder: "What is this kind of ring used for in the interstellar space?"

The system is a product of high...high-tech, and according to itself, was created by a civilization very, very...far away from Earth. That is to say, it is not virtual, it is real, and everyone lives in the same universe, just far away.

"This kind of ring was originally circulated in the black market. Thieves liked this kind of thing. Later, children liked it and often used it as a prank. Because the cost is not high, only a little invisible powder is needed, so it is cheap." The system replied.

Song Yingying trusts it very much, and now there is no doubt: "Then I will buy this."

Five points are out.

Song Yingying looked down at the ring on the sable's paw, feeling a little more courageous in her heart. She is not a coward, she dares to rise to the challenge.

Although she spent five points, if she did well, she still had ten points to get. Thinking about it this way, I'm a little more reconciled.

Her task this time is not simple. The first task is to keep the sea of ​​magic away from the female partner and not to be involved with her anymore. Then, let him know what true love is, and he will not be fooled by women with ulterior motives in the future.

The first mission is okay, just stop Mohai and don't let him go that way to distract himself. He lives in a secluded place, and if he misses this time, the female supporting cast won't even want to know him.

The second task is a bit difficult. Song Yingying has never been in love, so how can she teach him what true love is?

Holding the map given by the system for free, Song Yingying ran towards the Wuji Peak where he was.

On the way, many little demons saw her, but because she was too young, she couldn't even stick her teeth between her teeth, and she was not worth stretching her claws, so she went smoothly.

There were also times when things went bad, and some bored little demons wanted to find something to pass the time, and grinned to catch her. She directly activated the stealth mode, and "swish" ran away from the little demon's claws.

The heat brought by running and the excitement of escaping again and again made Song Yingying less afraid. She ran for three days in one breath, and when she reached the foot of Wuji Peak, she remembered a question: "Why did you put me so far?"

Can't you put her under the Promise Peak?

The system is silent.

Seeing it pretending to be dead, Song Yingying was very annoyed, but after thinking about it, she didn't blame it anymore. It allowed her to see the true appearance of the demon world, and gave her three days to adjust and adapt, which was considered a good effort.

Looking at the sky, she really didn't know what time it was, so she asked the system: "When will the magic sea go out?"

"Two days later." The system replied.

Song Yingying began to arrange it.

In the past few days, she has thought a lot about how to stop Mohai and prevent him from going that way. She is just a little demon who has not reached the transformation stage. It is too difficult to stop the demon king. So she decided to change the method, that is to delay time.

Two days later.

Mohai was irritated by his practice, so he left the Wuqing Palace and prepared to go out to relax.

His body is a black dragon. Leaping into the air, he returned to his original appearance. The huge black dragon nimbly swam in the tumbling black clouds, and the thick thunder and lightning struck him, just like a child's fingers playing, not even a spark.

Mohai was a little dissatisfied and felt it was too itchy. With a flick of his tail, the black clouds and thunder and lightning were swept away, revealing a clear sky.

There is no daylight, no sun, and no stars in the demon world. The clear sky is like a dark curtain. When I first saw it, I sighed at its quiet beauty, but after watching it for a long time, I can't help feeling horrible.

After a while of activity, the magic sea was ready to move forward. However, the flames that suddenly ignited on the ground attracted his attention. He stopped his huge body and looked down at the ground.

I saw that the lit flames were connected together, and it turned out to be five different patterns.

After watching it for a while, he thought that two of them were pretty good-looking, flicked his tail, and whistled away in the wind.

Song Yingying looked at the distant Heilong, and then looked at the five characters she carefully arranged, "You come down from the Devil's Sea". Sable's face was full of shock: "Is he not curious?"

The author has something to say: Demon King: I'm sorry, I can't read.

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