I Cut Down the Troubled World Alone

Chapter 52: It's boring again

Chen He acted very seriously, listening to the words of the old man in front of him.

Listen, listen.

He felt something was wrong.

security guard?

Get a salary?

Does it cost money to buy something?


Chen He's head was in a mess, and he didn't react a bit.

"Master, is this a problem?" Chen He asked.

"Problem? Can there be any problem? It's normal to spend money on buying things. The end of the world is the end of the world, but this is what we do in our sunshine community. Don't feel like it's nothing, but if you think about it carefully, you can find that, Such behavior is actually an existence of order, and there is order in order to have a future." Mr. Wang said incessantly.

Grandma Xu looked at her wife in surprise.

Mr. Zhou also looked at his wife and nodded tacitly, as if to say that Old Wang's thinking has changed a little quickly now, let's not say that he has a problem.

Instead, nod in agreement.

Chen He pondered for a long time, and finally nodded his head silently, agreeing with the old man's statement.

"Are you rich?" Old Man Wang asked.

"Uh..." Chen He was stunned by the question. To be honest, if the good people in front of him hadn't rescued him, he would have wondered if he had entered a mental hospital by mistake. He heard that some mental hospitals have good welfare. If patients provide good treatment plans, they will rent a community, arrange patients in, simulate normal life, and allow them to better integrate into society.

"Father, the end of the world is here, don't talk about money, I don't even have a mobile phone."

He answered truthfully.

Mr. Wang took out a red note, "Take it."

Chen He: ? ? ?

The old man Wang said, "Xiaofan will run errands for you. He agreed to pay 100 yuan. He will come back later. If he has no money to give him, he will have such a bad impression on you."

Chen He:  …

To be honest, he was eager to save his daughter. No matter what, he wanted to save her daughter. Even if he died, he would die together. Senseless.

He took over a hundred yuan by a ghost, and said thank you to the old man.

"If you don't have money now, you can't rent a house in the community, but it's okay, you can repair the network, Xiaofan told me recently that the computer is disconnected from the Internet, and I can't even watch web movies, sometimes it's boring, now I have you Yes, then there is no problem at all."

Grandpa Wang said with a smile.

"Father, this disconnection is not that simple. I am a broadband installer. I..." Chen He had a lot to say, but he was interrupted by the old man just halfway through.

"Young man, don't look down on yourself like this, you are an expert in this field, and you can just **** around." Old Man Wang said.

Chen He looked at the people around him and found that they were all nodding their heads seriously.

Feifei said, "Uncle, I believe in you, you will definitely be able to repair the Internet. If you can't, just read books and study. Learning is very simple."

She also wants to repair the Internet, so she can watch the little magic fairy Balabala.

Chen He:  …


"Xiangyang Road, that's the Bell Tower."

Lin Fan looked at the building in the distance, and knew that he had arrived at the destination. He was looking for the Xinfeng Hotel. There were low-pitched roars in his ears. Looking closely, it turned out that some zombies were standing on the street staggering and wandering.

"Didn't you see me?"

He glanced at the zombie, and he didn't see it if he didn't see it, and he didn't want to take the initiative to say hello to the zombie, so he continued to search.


He found Xinfeng Hotel.

There are several zombies in front of the door, greeting them friendly, naturally they are treated unfriendly, hacking to death with a sword, it is self-defense, and naturally they do not need to be responsible.

The door of the hotel was locked, the windows on the second floor were open, and he jumped up and jumped to the second floor.

Come to the third floor.

Saw a closed door.

Tap lightly.

"Tingting, are you there?" Lin Fan whispered.


Still quiet.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear a slight gasp coming from inside.

"Tingting, I'm an errand hired by your father for 100 yuan. Hurry up and open the door. Uncle is not a bad person." Lin Fan thought of the episodes on TV and had to show that he was not a bad person. After all, children today are very smart.

Still no sound.

Lin Fan did not open the door violently, but continued to think. Suddenly, he remembered another plot, which is a song that good people can sing.

"Tingting, uncle will sing you a song. This is a song that only good people can sing." Lin Fan thought about the lyrics, got ready, and opened his voice softly.

"I think of my mother's words every night, Lu Binghua's tears are shining, the stars in the sky don't speak, the dolls on the ground..."


The sound of the door opening.

A dusty little head stuck out.

Lin Fan smiled.

Indeed it is.

This song is really a song that good people can sing. Look... the child really opened the door.

"Did you really call from my father?" Chen Ting shrank her head, a little scared.

"Of course, let's go."

Lin Fan smiled, held the child's hand, and left the hotel.


On the street, a cake shop.

Su Xiaoxiao was very frightened, and the figure appeared again.

And the other party even caught a little girl who looked only eight or nine years old.

She watched secretly.

Found that the other party seemed to be aware of it, but stopped, waved to her, and showed a wretched smile.


Su Xiaoxiao covered her mouth, squatted in the corner, and resisted the fear in her heart. She was sure that the other party was a bad person. Instead of catching her, she caught a little girl. Thinking of what happened to the little girl next, she was frightened. shivering.

Damn it, beasts, scum, the damned apocalypse is to let these beasts do whatever they want.

I really want to have the same powerful abilities as the protagonists in those heroine zombie novels.

Then she can save the little girl.


Lin Fan felt that the survivor in the cake shop was really strange. She was really frightened and had a mental problem?

never mind.

Leave it alone.

Survivors with mental problems are terrifying.

It is easy to hurt others.


Sunshine District.

"Uuuu, Tingting..."


The meeting between Chen He and his daughter was another touching scene.

Lin Fan waited with a smile.

Mr. Wang gave a thumbs up, expressing his greatness, and then he coughed lightly when he saw that the father and daughter recognized each other almost.

"Xiaofan's errands are very efficient, Xiao Chen, hurry up and give the expenses to Xiaofan."

Chen He came to Lin Fan, held Lin Fan's hand, kept saying thank you, then knelt down with a thud, kowtowed to Lin Fan again, and finally handed the hundred dollars to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan happily collected 100 yuan. He felt that the money was really easy to earn, but it was a bit tricky for people who couldn't sing that song.

With the addition of Chen He and his daughter, two more people were added to the community.

Li Mei took the initiative to let Chen He and his daughter live with their mother and daughter.


In front of the computer desk.

Chen He stupidly looked at the network marked with a red × in the lower right corner of the computer.

Lin Fan stood behind with anticipation.

"How is it, is it repaired?" Lin Fan asked.

Chen He was a little nervous. "There may be a big problem with the network. We need to go to the base station and the computer room to check it out. It may not be repaired for a while."

Lin Fan was a little disappointed, "Well, I'll take you to see it when I have time. You don't know how helpless the internet is disconnected. I still have a year of internet bills."

Chen He looked at Lin Fan, his eyes were a little innocent, and a little helpless, "Would you like to take a look for a while?"

"Okay, there's no problem." Lin Fan knew that this kind of thing would definitely not happen in a hurry. He needed to take it slow. As long as he had an idea and confidence, he would definitely be able to fix it.


After coaxing Mengmeng to sleep.

He casually looked at the interface.

It's time to get bored again.

【Name】: Lin Fan.

[Power]: 205. (extraordinary)

[Physical Strength]: 130. (extraordinary)

[Speed]: 126. (extraordinary)

[Points]: 0.

"Have I cut down so many zombies?" Lin Fan muttered to himself, one point is a zombie, there are hundreds of them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially today, the most are cut.

"Hey, it's too unfriendly."

After adding some points, he didn't feel sleepy.

He tried to make a fist, and it felt full of power. With just this punch, it should be able to kill ten cows.

Come to the balcony.

Looking at the night in the distance, it was really dark.


His sight was getting better and better, and when he saw far, far away, an explosion suddenly occurred, and a fireball shot up into the sky.


The roars of the zombies resounded in the yellow market and passed on in the quiet night.

"The yellow market seems to be getting worse."

He was a little sad.

What a beautiful city, why did it become like this?

"Starting from bit by bit, I will go downstairs to clean up the corpses tomorrow. I want to make the sunshine community clean, and I want to make this street bloom again with the grand occasion of its glory days."

"I believe……"

"I can."

He clenched his fists against the night sky, full of energy.

He knows that the power of the individual is limited.

"I am weak and inconspicuous in the apocalypse, and I can only deal with a little unfriendly zombies."


There are survivors who are fighting hard, there are survivors who have been reduced to rations for zombies, and there are also betrayal by their companions, in order to just live longer.

Darkness is coming, and as the end of the world goes on, it will be more terrifying and darker.

In the Yellow Market.

Room 704 in the Sunshine Community is always dimly lit.

As if to say to the group of survivors... Persevere, believe in yourself, there is still a glimmer of light in the yellow market illuminating the darkness.

PS: The details in the previous chapter were not well written, so I revised it a bit.

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