I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 568: Qualifications Beyond the Gods

It's hard to imagine what kind of shock such a scene brought to these people.

All of them are extremely weak at the moment.

Even everything around is full of danger to them.

However, in this dark world, the sage is still like a real god, above everything!

Such a scene may remain in the hearts of these people forever.

And Shen Yi.

Just looking down at them.

"I can restore all of you to healthy bodies, but remember how you feel now!"

Shen Yi's voice still appeared in everyone's ears, it was incomparably real, but also seemed a little illusory.

"Remember your weakness, this will be the original state of you, and even every human being, in this world, because this is not a paradise for human beings, it is just the last wreckage of human beings in the face of extinction !"

"However, I hope you can understand that this weakness is not permanent!"

"Humanity has not had God's blessing since the very beginning, nor does it need God's blessing!"

"After jumping out of the paradise and leaving the paradise of human beings, we will have the qualifications to become gods, and even surpass gods!"

Following the last sentence, the soft light surged on Shen Yi's body, and gradually spread, as if to dispel the dark clouds in the sky, shining on everyone, bringing incomparable warmth.

Ye Feng and the others began to feel the strength again in such warmth.

They could clearly see that their thin bodies began to plump up gradually, and their dry skin became shiny again. Some even broke free from their wheelchairs and stood up again.

Although it is far from being as powerful as it was in the past world.

However, they seem to feel that they have gained a new life!

Because they can understand clearly.

The power of the past is only the power of gods, not theirs. This weak appearance is their original appearance,

But now, every inch of strength in the body belongs to them!

"Next, open your eyes and take a good look at this world." Shen Yi left these last words, his figure began to fly upwards, turned into a streamer, and disappeared into the sky in an instant .

"Master Sage, you must stay in the past world to delay the destruction of that world as long as possible." Catherine's voice appeared in their ears.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

Many people were stunned.

Because, Chu Lin and Catherine are also suspended.

In this world, can they also have such power?

"This power was lent to us by the sages." Chu Lin seemed to see what everyone was thinking, and he explained according to the prepared script, "Just like you get power from God, it is a pity that the sages cannot use this power. Given to everyone, we are just chosen to assist the sages to save mankind."

In a word, it made many people's eyes glow with fire.

Does this mean.

As long as they can get the approval of the sages, can they also have some such power?

Even if it is far inferior to what they had in the past world, but in this world, it is an absolute symbol of status.

But at this time, no one will speak out.

Everyone's expressions are very respectful.

Because Catherine has already said that the sages will delay the destruction of the world created by the gods as much as possible, so they, who have the power bestowed by the sages, are the spokespersons of the sages!

It is also able to dominate their existence.

"Next, follow us." Catherine continued, "First of all, there are not many animals, beasts, and even plants in this world. It is already approaching desolation."


Many people were taken aback.

Even subconsciously looked around.

They are in a weird place, surrounded by buildings made of metal, and even the ground is hard cement.

Looking around, there are indeed no plants.

However, this is too desolate!

In the past world, every king wanted to occupy a land rich in products. Ordinary people could live without relying on anyone or doing any labor, just relying on the materials of nature.

There is no such thing as an absolutely desolate land. Even a desert is rich in species!

"I think you should understand." Chu Lin said immediately, "If you want to live here, the first step is to cultivate fields and plant plants. This island is the place for you to experience."

"Island?" Ye Feng couldn't help murmuring.

He sniffed the air vigorously.

Indeed, one can smell a trace of sea smell.

But why did it appear on the island?

Chu Lin quickly gave them the answer.

"Although human beings have left here, they have left countless huge ruins. These ruins almost occupy the entire land, and there are even many things like dolls." Chu Lin raised his hand, and A huge projection is summoned, so that everyone can see the picture in the projection.

It was indeed as he said.

In the picture, there are endless, neat and densely packed huge buildings.

Even to the point of astonishing them.

Even in the empire, there is no such a magnificent scene.

From this point of view alone, it seems that, just as the sages said, human beings have reached the top in this world, and without the blessing of God, the power possessed by human beings may not be weaker than that of having the blessing of God of them.

"What is that?" Some people couldn't help but exclaimed.

The rest of the people also quickly understood what he was referring to, because in the projection screen, there was a large, dark "big bird" flying across the sky.

It is an automatic maintenance force dispatched.

It was rare for Chu Lin to obtain such a scene, and taking it out at this time will undoubtedly bring a certain degree of vigilance to these severely degenerated humans.

And they've discussed it.

"Looks like some kind of flying puppet?"

"Is there still human beings left in this world?"

"No, the sages have said that there are no human beings in this world anymore, and human beings have completely abandoned this world."

"Are those the dangers?"

"If it's something like an automatic puppet, in the absence of a controller, it will indeed regard every human being and even a creature that approaches as an enemy."


Those here are, after all, high-ranking and powerful people. Although they are equally panic-stricken, they are also trying to understand this world that is too strange to them in a way that they can understand.

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