I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 431: The Ultimate Star Wars Weapon

Ding Xiang's words injected new hope into everyone.

In fact, they are also very clear.

Of course the Louisians are powerful, but in terms of personal power and even some unique aspects, the Pan-Human Guardian Association far surpasses the Louisians.

It is the weakness of human civilization itself that drags down the association.

However, this is an established fact, and it is also the significance of the emergence of the Guardian Association of Pan-Humanism.

Everyone vaguely began to look forward to what kind of miracle the Transhumanist Guardian Association would use to bring them this victory in such a situation.

At this moment, everything is the fate chosen by Dingxiang.

This tough battle lasted for three full days.

Every day's sacrifice is enough to make every human being tremble with fear. Not only the frontline, even some people on the earth have already felt great despair.

However, this atmosphere of despair did not form.

Because there are clones.

Clones will also feel sadness from their own emotions, but they will not be easily overwhelmed by sadness and despair.

If the human civilization at this moment is not dominated by clones, I am afraid that it has already fallen into the situation of self-destruction and self-abandonment as the Louis people calculated.

And in fact.

The Supreme among the Lui people has already begun to enjoy their emotions.

"A civilization with great potential will eventually be destroyed by us."

"There hasn't been such a pleasant thing in many years."

"They have given up, listen, this beautiful whine."

"I can't wait to enjoy that last moment of emotion."


Compared with the low-level Lui people who look like walking dead after being deprived of their emotions, every supreme being among the Lui people has extremely rich emotions.

They are like poets,

Like a god of joy, immersed in rich and intense emotions every moment.

This war against human civilization is an extremely rare happy event for the Louisian Supremes.

Even, for more pleasure, they dispatched the "Giant Worms" who were the real troops of the Louisians.

For the Louisians, only wars in which giant spirit worms appear are truly qualified to be called wars.

Because those huge bugs are not so much the combat weapons of the Louisians, but rather a symbol of the pride and glory of the Louisians.


Just when the Supremes were enjoying the emotion of the Louisian's victory again.

A supreme order appeared in front of the command channel of every frontline combatant.

——Leap out of the battlefield!

This order was so sudden that many people were unable to react.

However, this instruction is also so clear.

As a result, battleships activated their jump engines, retreated to the solar system, and disappeared on the battlefield.

Because they were attacking rather than defending, the evacuation this time was very quick.

Such an obvious change was obviously known to the Louisians.

The joyful conversation of the Supremes seems to have been affected by some kind of shock.

Because at this moment, only their legion is left on the battlefield, and it is a highly cohesive legion.

And this situation can only make them think of one possibility.

"Impossible! They can't have space annihilation weapons!"

"Yes, the probability of human civilization possessing space annihilation weapons is infinitely close to zero."

"Now it has increased to 15%. This strategy is prepared for space annihilation weapons!"

"Evacuate, fully disperse!"


Ding Xiang's plan is very simple, or in other words, everything is based on the grasp of the future and the advantages of information.

As she herself said, she has already mastered the combat mode of the Lui people.

In the enemy's combat mode, the probability of human civilization possessing space-like annihilation weapons is zero!

That's why they will besiege unscrupulously and shrink their legions together, because their combat mode will not be wary of this ultimate terrifying weapon in the interstellar war!

However, it was too late to react at this moment.

Ding Xiangka activated the ultimate weapon drawn by Shen Yi at the most appropriate time, when the most human fleet could be withdrawn and the local legion was killed the most!

— Dimension Distortion!

This is an ultimate weapon based on the high-dimensional concept. To some extent, it is similar to space annihilation. It uses conceptual power to destroy the material constant in an interstellar region.

at the moment of release.

All human beings, no matter they are on the earth or those who have fled back to the solar system, can feel their own thinking tremble violently, an unspeakable sense of disobedience surges up, and even brings a feeling of Nausea about throwing up.

However, it only lasted for a short moment.

It was like a moment when even the memory was erased.

Everyone was blank-eyed and didn't know what was going on.

However, a new task came soon.

"Jump forward, mission, take over the wormhole! Sweep out the remaining enemy troops!"

Take over the wormhole?

When she saw this task, even Tang Xueer was breathless and could hardly believe her eyes.

What is a takeover?

Only when the enemy is defeated is it called taking over!

Her heart beat violently, and all the information of the entire battle kept coming back to her mind.

The mission of the entire regiment as a decoy, the assault without sacrifice, and the final evacuation.

An unbelievable but seemingly only answer appeared in her mind.

"The whole army jumps!" she ordered.

The jump coordinates are near the huge wormhole.

This is actually extremely dangerous behavior.

Just like human civilization has established a defensive position near the earth, the fleet cannot move freely in the area occupied by the enemy. Not only will it not be able to produce combat results, but it will also be wiped out by the defensive position in an instant.

Only by clearing the ground, tearing open the gap, and advancing continuously can we successfully approach the strategic ground.

Otherwise, it is a brainless gift.

But now, the order from the headquarters is clear!

So, if you don't want them to send heads, there is only one answer

The enemy's strategic defensive positions have been destroyed!

The short-distance jump does not require much preparation time. After the jump is over, Tang Xueer immediately scans everything around her.

Then, she saw a scene that she will never forget in her life.


Endless, twisted wreckage!

It is completely unclear what these bugs and even these asteroids look like.

Blood and shells, energy and rocks... everything was crushed and drifted in the outer space.

It's like throwing them all into the mixing bucket, crushing them madly, stirring them, and pouring them out all at once!


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