The boy sighed, feeling really helpless about the message his parents sent him.

He will graduate in half a year. It would be too troublesome to return to China and have to study again for another year.

The boy's name is Li Heng. He is 17 years old this year. He has no special hobbies and no bad habits. His academic performance is also very good. He is a proper child of other people's families.

Li Heng also has a half-brother.

His name is Li Yuan.

I heard from my parents that Li Yuan had a complete breakup with his family some time ago and had already moved out.

When my mother mentioned Li Yuan, she was filled with disgust. Last time, she said that the guy smelled like fish and he might be killing fish at RT-Mart after being expelled from school.

Li Heng shook his head when he thought about this. He had never dealt with his brother since he was a child.

Perhaps because the two had different biological mothers, the two were often hostile to each other, and some of them were instigated by their mothers.

Whenever the two of them had a common topic or shared interests, his mother would come out and scold Li Heng.

She repeatedly warned Li Heng that Li Yuan's existence meant that the family property would be divided.

He will take what is yours.

The young Li Heng firmly believed in his mother's words.

But as he grew up, Li Heng gradually looked away after staying abroad for a few years.

"In the final analysis, we are brothers. Broken bones are connected with tendons. When we go back, we should apologize to him properly..."

In one's lifetime, money does not need to be so important.

But everyone regards it as very important, and everyone regards this desire as truth and ideal.

Li Heng believes that this is wrong.

There are far more important things in this world than money.

For example, family affection.

When he looked at other people's brothers being intimate outside, he would inevitably think of what happened between Li Yuan and him.

If there was no instigation between the two of them by their mother, could they be like those people now?

The more lonely a person is, the more he longs for the salvation of family or friendship.

But after so many years, the conflict between Li Heng and Li Yuan is definitely not something that can be solved in just one or two sentences.

"I just hope that we won't completely cut off contact like this..."

Li Heng was thinking this while the fat man kept talking on the side.

On the road outside, the earth suddenly cracked open without warning!


There was a loud noise, and something suddenly drilled a big hole into the flat oil-splashed road, and it began to collapse downward!

The bus driver had no time to react. Even though he had stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the bus still plunged into the big hole!

The person who caused this incident was an angel whose whole body was covered by holy wings!

He found a low-level Vampire hiding in the sewers of the city, and then directly tore the dome of the sewers into pieces!

It penetrated the reinforced concrete and asphalt road and took the lower vampires into the sky!

The sun was scorching outside, and the vampire's whole body began to smoke under the sunlight, and his body instantly ignited with flames!


Mo dropped the lower vampire in the sky, like throwing a ball of fire to the ground.

But before the fireball hit the ground, the burning objects inside turned into ashes.

"The lower vampires, the ninth generation, are the weakest. They don't even know the queen's residence. Poor man, you will be judged by fire."

Mo blew off the ash on his hands in the sky. According to the current known information, the blood clan spawned by 008 can be traced back eight generations.

Counting itself, it can be traced back nine generations.

The first generation is the 008 True Ancestor, and its ability is undoubtedly powerful.

The second generation is a prince. The prince cannot control the blood of others like the true ancestor, but he can control his own blood and the blood he can come into contact with.

In addition, the prince will not burn in sunlight and will only show weakness and weak light, but is still afraid of ultraviolet rays and flames.

The other abilities are only 90% of those of the True Ancestor.

The third generation is a Duke. Like the prince, his ability to control blood has been weakened again. His body will be burned when exposed to sunlight for a long time, but not for a short time.

The other abilities are only 80% of those of the True Ancestor.

The above, true ancestors, princes, and dukes are the upper-ranking vampires.

The Marquis, Earl, and Viscount are the middle-ranking vampires. They all cannot see the sun and will burn when they see it.

At the same time, the power inherited from the true ancestor is only 70, 60, 50%.

The recovery ability is still very strong, and he is a well-known vampire type in film and television works.

Further down are the Barons, Blood Riders, and Blood Slaves. These three are lower-ranking species and only inherit 40%, 30%, or 20% of their power.

The Baron at least has some ability to control blood, but the Blood Rider can't even control his own blood.

The blood slaves are even worse. Apart from being physically stronger than ordinary people and having a decent recovery ability, they have no other special abilities.

They can't even fly, but are often thirsty for blood, and turn to dust whenever they encounter a bit of sunlight.

It can be said that he does not have the life of the vampire, but he has the disease of the vampire.

I don't know if it was because they knew about the angel, but all the vampires disappeared overnight.

Mo searched around and found only this lonely ninth-generation blood corpse.

This ninth-generation blood corpse was originally just a homeless man. He was accidentally transformed by an eighth-generation blood knight who drank too much.

Mo didn't ask for the information he wanted, so he ended the life of the bloody corpse in a very natural way.

But his move also caused considerable destruction.

He drilled a big hole in the ground. Countless vehicles fell into the hole, and the vehicles behind him rear-ended them one after another.

People who were not affected took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures of Mo.

The sound of clicking kept sounding. Although they could only catch a bunch of densely packed wings, this did not prevent them from believing that it was an angel.

Photos of Mo were posted online.

Most people believe that this is a messenger sent by God to the earth to cleanse the earth of these demons.

After all, he killed a vampire with his own hands in front of everyone.

But some people think that this is not an angel at all.

He killed a vampire, but killed countless ordinary people.

If this was an angel, then humans would not need God to save them.

At the same time, this photo was also noticed by the vampires hidden in human society.

On the street at night.

A man walks into a bar and orders a whiskey.

During this period, he glanced to the side with the corner of his eye and saw a handsome man drinking by himself in front of the bar.

From time to time, women would approach him.

Seeing this, the man picked up a cigarette and put it into his mouth, "It's better to keep a low profile these days."

After hearing the man's words, the handsome man looked forward and said, "You mean that angel?"

"Did you see it too?"

"I heard it was done by the GOC."

"Oh, do they have that ability?"

"Not sure, but you have also seen his destructive power. That is not something we can compete with."

"What did the True Ancestor say?"

"Lord True Ancestor said that he wants to eat dessert recently."

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