61: silently draw a weapon Xiao Yan (for support)

"Afraid of the hammer? I won't come if I'm afraid."

Xiao Yan rolled his eyes, not the slightest panic.

Tony: "Okay, you're awesome, anyway, I'll follow you when the time comes, but whenever you're in danger I'll just run."

Is it so real?

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth twitched, but still took a deep breath and said. "Why don't we contract these two sufferers first?"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's an important thing."

Hearing this, Tony hurriedly returned to his senses and patted his head. This thing is still very important.

"Little one, come to the contract, from now on we are partners."

Xiao Yan looked at the can suffer from child in his arms, grinning a kind smile to say.

At that, the bear sufferer looked at Xiao Yan's smile, somehow a sense of fear emerged in his heart, and then began to struggle frantically.


I don't want it.

Let me go, let me go!!!

I'm still just a kid!

Even its brother struggled frantically as a result.

But alas, it didn't work.

In the end, they were contracted, and all gave a name.

One called Xiong Da, one called Xiong Er.

Xiong Da is Xiao Yan that, Xiong Er is naturally Tony that.

After the contract, the ferocious beasts and they are basically bound to each other, it is difficult to separate, and the heart is connected.

"Xiong Da ah, from now on I am your master, from now on you have to follow me to mix, I let you do what you do, this is for your own good, you know?"

The contract is completed, Xiao Yan hugged Xiong Da began to brainwashing up.

Xiong Da grunted and said. "You just say what you want me to do?"

Xiao Yan was stunned and looked at Tony. "Is my purpose so obvious?"

Tony24 thought about it, said seriously. "In fact, it is not obvious that the problem is not obvious, mainly because you have never covered up.

Makes sense.

Xiao Yan nodded, continued to look at the bear, grinning. "Hey, very good, Xiong Da ah, you see, you next is to mix with me, then you say is not only I become stronger, you can eat and drink?

Yes, it makes sense, right?

Nohda nodded after a moment's hesitation.

Xiao Yan continued to add strength, said. "Then you say, I want to become stronger, do not need a lot of heavenly treasures to assist cultivation, enhance the strength?"


This right, the old father often said to themselves, not to mention humans, they are also ferocious beasts, have to eat and drink more, in order to become stronger and stronger, so the old father in the family stored a lot of good food, but usually are to them to eat a drop, do not allow them to eat more, said eating more is not good for the body.

But the smart bear has long found, every time he fell asleep with his brother, the old man secretly ate a large mouthful.

Damn it!!!

The result of eating good food and drinking spicy food without bringing your own son!!!

So, the bear nodded again.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan face smile even more.

reveal the ultimate purpose.

"That bear big, later I will call out your father again, then you say homesick, take the opportunity to bring us in, then I am responsible for nagging you, you are responsible for bringing out all the good things of your father, to the master to become strong, how?"

What the hell?

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Neng Da could all of a sudden be silly.

You're kidding, right?

I want to do that, my father must not slap me to the earth, crawling can not come out of the kind.

And that's not even the key.

The most critical thing is, do you know how much I like those treasures of his? You let me go to get, that is to take my life to risk ah, take the risk of life even if, the key to my risk of the harvest, and finally TM to you?

Are you crazy?

Rolling Rolling.


This kind of thing, absolutely impossible!

The bear shook his head frantically.


Xiao Yan asked, puzzled.

Do you think I'm stupid?

Neng Da showed a look of idiocy, gestured to the fingers of his two hands.

Even if you want me to risk, you must at least give me some benefits, right? Finally get your hands on the treasure, you have to give me some.

Neng Da expresses himself.

Although that are their own father's treasure, but anyway, they have left this home, those things it also exchanged for a long time, pit their old man a little pressure.


The understanding of Xiong Da's meaning, Xiao Yan bristled.

This bear cub, but also know to share the dirty, not at all simple, and the owner of the labor is not the same.

"You're still so young, it's useless to need those things." Xiao Yan kindly said.

Xiong Da directly turned his head away, not even look at Xiao Yan a glance.

Are you fooling the bears?

I'm developing now, how come it's not working?

Do not give points dirty or not to go.

Xiao Yan and hastened to speak up, no matter how to say that the bear is still to go, no bear can not enter the cave ah.

However, no matter how Xiao Yan said, eventually had no choice but to bow his head and agreed to Xiong Hizi's conditions.

"Okay, share the spoils, share the spoils, you say how to share.

Xiao Yan asked dryly.

When Xiong Huizi heard this, she immediately blinked her big Katsura eyes and raised her two hands to gesture.

Roughly speaking, it means 90% for me and 10% for you.

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment.

Then slowly themselves from the backpack took out a sharp flashing cold long knife, looking at the bear big ghostly said. "You said you want a few percent to come?"

Xiong Da: "...

Just kidding, there's no need to be so mean, right?

Xiong Da showed a smile worse than crying, pulled the mouth, and hurriedly compared up.

80% for me and 20% for you.

Yan: "..."

Without speaking, Xiao Yan took the knife and put it on the neck of Xiong Da.

The cold touch made Neng Da panic.

Xiong Da: "Fifty-fifty!!! Really can not be more ah!"

Xiao Yan silently pressed the knife, nearly separating the skin of Neng Da.

The bear panicked.

"I'm 10%, 10% is fine!!!"

"Hey, that's more like it.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan suddenly smiled with joy.


Can sufferers are not obedient at all, so early to understand the line, but also have to force me to take the knife.

Xiong Da:


And let's not talk about Xiao Yan and their next actions.

The Great Sea.

Whitebeard is online.

Sitting on a raft.

That's right, he's out at sea again.

When he came to this world, he felt more and more New World bored, not at all this world interesting, or this world fun, everything is strange, some are full of freshness for him.

So although it was night, but he was not sleepy at all, directly on line, want to continue to explore.

Riding the wind and waves, Whitebeard was already a long way out to sea.

Sitting cross-legged on the raft, Whitebeard cultivated while waiting quietly.

Gradually, Whitebeard's body, a breath burst.


Whitebeard opened his eyes, a flash of excitement in his eyes, he has been refining the fifth level, one step closer to the peak of body refining.

Although there is still a distance, but it is also something to be happy about, especially his strength has become stronger again.

Next", have to continue to earn gold, and strive to get those guys into the world sooner, and then create a new Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard thought to himself.

New World he still has a lot of sons waiting for his internal test code, he this old dad, is really not easy at all.

"Hmm? What's that?"

Suddenly, Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and flashed a shining light, revealing a look of astonishment. "It seems to be an island?"

The distant sea, because of the night, only vaguely see a black shadow, see not too real.

But as the raft came closer and closer, Whitebeard couldn't help but look delighted.

That's right.

He wasn't wrong.

It is indeed an island, not big, but definitely not small either.

For a pirate like Whitebeard, finding an island in the ocean is certainly something to be happy about.100

Especially for the sea city, the island, it means that there may be treasures on it, which is worth exploring.

Of course, this kind of treasure, does not refer to the gold, silver and treasure these things Whitebeard to come also useless, but refers to some valuable existence, including plants and animals, etc., which can be sold to other players to make money.

Nowadays, there are many players who have started trading.

Some players do not have the courage to take risks, they plant in the farm, rely on their own planted herbs to sell, in exchange for gold to get profit, and then use the profit from the mall to buy elixirs to cultivate stronger.

So, as long as you find something good, Whitebeard can also earn a lot of gold.

This is one of the purposes of Whitebeard Sea.

At this time there are no players out at sea, he is the first person, as long as the luck is not too bad, it is possible to eat full of oil.

Grabbing the majestic knife, as the raft kept approaching the island, Whitebeard finally took a violent leap, jumping from the raft directly to the shore.

"The island in the world of gods, there should be a lot of good things, right? Hahahahaha.

Whitebeard laughed out loud, with anticipation, and walked towards the island.


Just on the island not long, a ferocious beast roar sounded.

Immediately after a black shadow rushed out, very fast, so Whitebeard are amazed, fierce dodge.

Then fixed his eyes, found the existence of this surprise attack on their own, is a leopard.

[Black Shadow Panther:Seventy-two levels.

"Grandma, the first ferocious beast encountered on the island is this level, it seems that this island is not low level of danger."

Whitebeard cursed, but is not afraid, but rather excited.

To clutch the majestic sword is to prepare for battle.

The more powerful the beast is, the happier he is.

Because then, he can grow faster!!!

"To hell with the boss."

Whitebeard shouted angrily, a knife directly cut out, the blade is covered with the power of Shock Fruit, a knife slash and...

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