36: Psycho! [Request for Support]

A notice made the outside of the copy even more lively.

The group of people who were sad before, got excited all of a sudden.

Failed today.

Just come back tomorrow.

Anyway, you will have a chance every day afterwards.

Even Whitebeard had a few happy smiles on their faces.

Of course, it also made them more sure of Ye Xuan's bullishness.

Even a one-time copy can become a fixed copy, can it not be awesome?

"Damn, when are we going to have another Celestial Dragons?"

Whitebeard thought to himself.

If before because of Celestial Dragons, he was a little annoyed, but also that night to Mariejois near a punch, so that the whole Mariejois earthquake all night, resulting in Mariejois full of doubts.

But now, Whitebeard would like to have more brainiacs like Celestial Dragons.



More Celestial Dragons, when these Celestial Dragons go to die again, without the village chief, Whitebeard will be the first to rush up, left hand a Celestial Dragons, right hand a Celestial Dragons.

Clunk is directly smashed to death, as a way to pull close to the village chief care ah.

Not to mention getting benefits, he would be satisfied to get some hidden news.

After all, to his point, it is clear that sometimes a hidden message can bring a great deal of benefit to a person.


There was a flash of white light behind him.

Four more figures appeared, the four Uchiha Itachi.

Only compared to Whitebeard a few people, they look a bit worse for wear, some of their clothes are torn, and a lot of injuries, but not bad.

"Ahahahaha, what an exciting day, that last boss is really powerful, I kicked down with all my strength, but I didn't die, really, my strength is still too poor, I have to continue to train hard to do so."

As soon as he came out, Might Guy grabbed Orochimaru and Uchiha Itachi's hands excitedly and said. " Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi, in this world, we are comrades, let's train hard to become stronger! How about starting with 10,000 push-ups?"




Uchiha Itachi silently withdrew her hand, turned her head and walked away.


Laozi just finished fighting the copy and was so tired that he didn't even have time to check the harvest, and you let me do 10,000 push-ups with you?

You're out of your mind, aren't you?

Looking at Uchiha Itachi's back, there was sympathy in the eyes of the crowd.

It was Orochimaru, instead, who forced a smile and pulled his hand out hard, saying. " Guy, I think you can consider another question."

"What's the problem?"

Might Guy looked puzzled.

Orochimaru said in a hurry. "Now that you have gold coins, I strongly suggest you go buy an inner code and give it to Kakashi when you return to Kiba, so that Kakashi can come to this world and train with you, what do you think?"

When he heard this, Might Guy's eyes lit up.

Although after the battle of the copy, Might Guy feels that he and Orochimaru and Uchiha Itachi are now comrades.

But his best friend, there will always be only one ah.

That's right.

That's Kakashi.

Only Kakashi can understand his passion, his youth.

Thinking about it, Might Guy nodded with an excited look on his face. " Orochimaru-senpai, you're right, I'll go after I've done 10,000 push-ups."

"But Orochimaru-senpai, are you sure you won't do it with me? This is the only way we can become stronger!!!"

Are you sick?

Can you say what's wrong with you?

Can't you see I'm still limping?

Injured ah.

Fuck doing push-ups with you, even if you do push-ups, but also Fuck 10,000.

Is it okay to be a person?

The corners of Orochimaru's mouth twitched and he shook his head with a forced smile. "Count, forget it, I have things to do, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Orochimaru turned around and left, just like Uchiha Itachi.

It was clear that the leg was still lame, but for some reason, the crowd felt that Orochimaru left as fast as he could and disappeared in a flash.

Might Guy scratched his head, very puzzled. "It's strange, why are Orochimaru-senpai and Uchiha Itachi in such a hurry to leave? Is there another copy?"

With that, Might Guy looked around at the others, looking for clarification.

Face Might Guy's gaze.

The original group of people gathered around almost instantly scattered, not daring to stay long.

Even Whitebeard shivered and walked a little further away.

He's a senior citizen.

Don't want to be pulled to do push-ups at all, and 10,000 fucking ones.

See this.

Might Guy shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, let's just do my push-ups and go pull Kakashi in."

"By the way, I still have to turn on the live broadcast and explain to Kakashi and the others first, otherwise Kakashi will definitely not believe me, right?"

Might Guy even thought of this, and immediately just ran to the side and lay down.

Hey Hugh Hey Hugh began to do push-ups, while doing so, while turning on the live broadcast.

And let's not mention this side.

Outside the copy.

Another glow emerges.

A small team came out.

It's Xiao Yan and Tony's [think of it as ta went to practice technology] squad.

As soon as the four came out, they saw a group of people outside staring at them, they were startled and subconsciously took a step back.

And after coming back, the wayfarer walked straight away, the black widow went straight offline, leaving only the two still in place, looking at each other and looking at the crowd in confusion.

"What are you guys staring at us for~ Hoo-hoo?"

"Could it be that none of you have cleared the copy ~ hoo hoo?"

Whitebeard bristled; "Of course I passed, but curious about who else can pass, so here to wait and see, but you guys, why are all wearing masks?"

Whitebeard is strange.

When they came before, both had no masks on their faces.

Now they are all wearing the same patterned mask, is it the equipment?

"Oh~ this ah, found in the copy, look good and take it with you~ hoo hoo."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, put it on if you think it looks good ~ hoo hoo."

The two men hastened to explain up.


Whitebeard frowned, inexplicably feeling a little strange.

On one side, Ying Zheng asked oddly. "You two have leaky mouths? Why do you keep whistling here?"


This is it.

The old man said he felt something was wrong.

Whitebeard thought to himself.

Tony coughed awkwardly and said. "This, this is a new thing I learned in my world, so talk like this do not you think it is cute ~ hoo hoo?"

Is it cute?

Why do I think you two look like two nt?

The people around had a black face.

Calibrate shook his head helplessly. "Forget it, I can tell by the way you guys look that you don't understand how cute this really is, let's just go ~ hoo hoo."

Tony: "Makes sense ~ hoo-hoo."

After saying that, the two also intend to leave.

Only just ready to go, it seems that because the mask did not bring tight, a gust of wind blew, the mask fell off.

A moment.

The field fell silent.

Half a dozen times.


Whitebeard was the first to burst out laughing, slapping the big tree next to him and laughing so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

"The old man said how you two good with the mask, talk have become strange, originally really mouth leak ah."

"This ..this... Fuck saw for the first time today what it means to have a real nosebleed."

"Dude, that's not the point, the point is how it turned out."

"Hahahaha, give the master a whole lot of laughs."

Many people laughed out loud directly.

It is really too funny to see how the two look like.

The word "bruised" is not an overstatement.

Not only is it funny, it is also very miserable to watch...


This chapter is still an extra chapter, please support. *

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