I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 282 Cleaning up the city Part 1

Relying on several vehicles as cover, people ignored the walking corpses rolling down the slope. Anyone who stood up had their heads blown off.

They retreated steadily to the river. Several pickup trucks all had their fronts facing outward. There were six vehicles in total. They opened up in a semicircle, and the rears of the trucks connected to surround everyone inside.

In this way, the area covered by people's firepower is reduced a lot.

Wells warned everyone loudly as he fired.

"Pay attention to the distance! Don't let them get too close. To the right! Watch your own area carefully. No one can be missed! We have to hold on until the ship comes over."

At this time, the rest of the people were hurrying to the pier. It was said that the pier was actually a viewing pier. It was not very far from the bridge, but the scattered walking corpses on the road were very annoying.

The car swerved on the road nimbly, miraculously avoiding almost all the walking corpses, and occasionally bumping into one did not affect the forward momentum of the vehicle.

The person driving the car was none other than Lu Jiayi. The back seat and the passenger seat were filled with soldiers. Judging from their expressions, they seemed to be used to this kind of scene.

Seeing that the sightseeing pier was just ahead, the car speed increased a bit and rushed towards the pier.

The pier is not big, and there are a few boats parked on both sides. They are not many, and they are basically sightseeing boats.

There is an entrance to the pier on the side of the road. The car did not stop and directly knocked open the lifting rod at the entrance.


As the brakes sounded, the six people got out of the car with their belongings. The most conspicuous ones were two huge oil drums.

Several people worked together to move the oil drums out of the car, and Lu Jiayi quickly shuttled among several boats, trying to find a boat that could light a fire.

More than a year and a half made it easy for things like batteries to run out of power. Lu Jiayi tried several boats in a row but failed to start them.

Just when he felt a little disappointed, he suddenly saw a piece of equipment on one of the ships. This made him feel happy, and he quickly jumped on the small ship that looked like a cruise ship.

He quickly rushed to the cockpit, stretched out his hand to hold down the ignition, and kept praying in his heart.

There must be electricity! There must be electricity!



"Quick, bring the oil up!"

After saying hello, Lu Jiayi climbed onto Class A of the yacht and joined the team cleaning up the walking corpses. Because Class A of the pier was very narrow, the number of walking corpses that could rush forward was limited, but they could not help but be numerous.

With only two or three guns, they soon felt the pressure. The corpses on the front kept falling, and the corpses on the sides kept falling into the water. Even so, the corpses kept approaching them.

Fortunately, the two barrels of oil were quickly moved to the boat. Lu Jiayi cut the rope immediately, and several people worked together to slowly push the boat away from the shore.

The ship was leaving the shore very slowly, and people could only continue to shoot to clear away the approaching zombies, but the group of corpses had already reached the deck at the stern of the ship, and several zombies had fallen on the deck before the ship completely left the shore.

The weight of several walking zombies hit the stern of the boat, causing Class A of the yacht to sway slightly. One team member lost his footing and slipped directly. By chance, he fell on the railing of the yacht. He heard his misery He screamed and fell directly into the water.

The rest of the people suddenly panicked. Facing the walking corpses so close at hand, they didn't know whether to save people or kill the walking corpses first.

Fortunately, Lu Jiayi quickly shouted when he saw something was wrong.

"Keep fighting! Leave it to me to save people!"

After saying this, he emptied the magazine instantly, even the dumpling-like group of corpses were stagnated. Then he jumped to the front of the yacht, picked up a lifebuoy from the wall on the side, and threw it with his backhand.

The lifebuoy landed accurately next to the man who fell into the water. The man quickly grabbed the lifebuoy firmly. Lu Jiayi used both arms to pull the rope on the lifebuoy and pulled him to the boat.

At this time, the yacht had left the shore, but the zombies on the dock were still falling into the river. Looking at the scene in front of them, several people understood Lu Jiayi's plan. Although it was not very friendly to people downstream, But now that it’s like this, who can care anymore.

Everyone worked together to pull the man who fell into the water out. Seeing him gasping for air, everyone couldn't help but make fun of him.

"Sartu, can you do this? You can fall down just by standing? Did you overdo it last night?"

"Hahaha. Yes, my legs are weak."

Saltu just rolled his eyes and ignored these guys. He reached out and grabbed Lu Jiayi's hand and stood up.

"Okay, hurry up and fill up the gas, let's go quickly to support Wells."


The situation of the people on the other side was pretty good at the moment. Because of the silencer, the sound didn't spread very far. In addition, their firepower was very strong. When the yacht arrived near them, the zombies could not gather in large numbers.

What happened next was much simpler. Except for some people who continued to clean up the corpses, the rest all started to move things from the car to the boat.

The contents of the backs of several pickup trucks were moved to the boat, and finally everyone was on board. Only then were they truly safe.

Lu Jiayi clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Okay, let's work hard and get everything ready in the afternoon. Get a good night's sleep and start taking action tomorrow. Wells has arranged his duty tonight and is ready to deal with emergencies at any time."


Lu Jiayi took out several things from a pile of rooms at the stern of the ship, the most conspicuous of which was a huge loudspeaker, and the rest were some gadgets.

It took an entire afternoon to install the loudspeaker on the roof of the yacht, and the rest of the team members took off their silencers and started shooting at the walking corpses on the shore.

In the evening, the corpses on the streets and alleys of Nuocheng became more dense. Night was always the time when the walking corpses were most active, and they always seemed particularly excited at this time.

Maybe it's the lack of direct sunlight. No matter how powerful the virus is, it can't let a mummy run around, right?

The whole Nuocheng was gradually shrouded in darkness, and almost all the zombies hiding in the corners walked out of the place where they hid during the day.

A burst of music suddenly sounded from the south of Nuocheng. The sound, which was not particularly loud before the end of the world, directly pierced the quiet night sky of the city.

All the walking corpses were attracted by the sound of the music, and they all looked towards the south of the city. Their steps paused slightly, and their originally aimless steps turned towards the direction of the music.

The originally peaceful city was like a stone thrown into the water, ripples instantly appeared, and all the zombies began to gather towards the south.

At this time, on the yacht, except for the two night watchmen at the front and back, everyone else was lying casually on the ground in the cabin.

Everyone plugged their ears with something and tried to get some sleep during this free time.

Although the music was very loud, it still did not affect everyone's sleep. Except for the two people who were keeping watch outside, it was very noisy. The rest of the people closed the cabin door, but it was actually okay.

In the cockpit, Lu Jiayi was also lying on the ground beside him, sleeping. A soldier was sitting in front of the rudder, steering the yacht back and forth to the south of the city.

Under night, the streets of Nuocheng are undergoing the biggest change since the end of the world.

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