At this time, outside the Beiwu Tianlao, many soldiers guarding the outside were staring in the direction of Beiwu City.

"What happened in the city?"

"I just saw the Territory Lord walking in another direction. He did not go to Beiwu City."

"Ah? Why is this?"

"Master Warden, are we going to provide support?"

Everyone looked at the leader and asked.

The warden shook his head.

"Notify everyone to withdraw into the sky prison and defend!"

Even the domain lord ran away, are they going to die?

Now relying on Tianlao, no matter who the other party is or what their purpose is, there is a chance to save the lives of himself and others.

When everyone heard this, they grabbed the few Wushuang Alliance people they had just captured and retreated into the prison.

After a while, Su Ren arrived here under Yun Xi's guidance.

"Beiwu Tianlao, irrelevant personnel please evacuate immediately!"

A mechanical voice sounded.

Then countless laser cannons were aimed at Su Ren and the two in the air.

"This is Beiwu Tianlao's automatic defense system."

Yun Xi explained.

"If they don't move away within ten seconds of hearing the warning sound, they will begin to lock on and attack."

At this time, the warning sound sounded again.

However, before the ten seconds mentioned by Yun Xi came, those laser cannons had already been fired.


"Su Ren, be careful. The people inside should have launched an attack in advance after discovering us."

Su Ren easily dodged these incoming lasers, and then chopped off all the laser cannons on the ground with one knife.

The people hiding in the sky prison broke out in cold sweat when they saw this scene.

This person was so strong that their external defense system was destroyed in just an instant.

"Master Warden, isn't that girl the same Yun Xi who was pushed to the execution ground and executed?"

"What happened in Beiwu City must have been done by the young man who took action just now."

"Why did they come to attack our prison?"

The warden glanced at Yun Xi and immediately guessed their intentions, and then said in a deep voice:

"Catch Yun Xi's parents. They must be here to save people."

Although he didn't quite believe that the other party could penetrate Tianlao's defense.

But beware.

At least it would be safer to have a hostage in hand.

At this time, Su Ren was looking at the external structure of the Tianlao, thinking about where to cut it open.

"Yun Xi, are your parents locked up at the bottom?"


"That'll be easy."

Su Ren picked up the knife and slashed it sideways.

Then Su Ren reached out and pushed through the air.

The top of the entire Tianlao was like the lid of a mineral water bottle being unscrewed, revealing the vast space below, as well as a group of Tianlao guards looking up at it with confused expressions.

The prison they claimed to be unbreakable was cut off with a knife.

Even the warden was scared to death at this time.

He knew that this young man was very strong, otherwise the Territory Lord would not have left Beiwu City alone.

But this is too strong.

When did the super alloy used to build Tianlao become so fragile?

Su Ren ignored the shock of these people and rushed to the bottom with Yun Xi.

When the guards reacted and were about to take action, Su Ren looked over and immediately frightened them so much that they dared not move.

On the bottom floor of the sky jail, the team that had been ordered to come to fetch someone had just opened the cell door and were about to take Yun Xi's parents out, when a cold voice sounded behind them.

"If you want to die, just touch them."

When several people heard this voice, they slowly turned their heads. After seeing Su Ren and the two of them, they immediately did not dare to move.

"Team...captain, they..."

"What captain!? Stop talking!"

The leading captain broke out in cold sweat and interrupted his men's words with a slap.

If this person came in so quickly, wouldn't that mean that the warden and others guarding the first floor were all dead?

When he thought of this, he became even more frightened, fearing that the young man would stab him.

When Yun Xi saw her parents, she recovered some of her strength and ran up.

"Daughter... you, you are not dead?"

The two were already in despair, but they didn't expect to see their daughter appear in front of them.

The feeling of being lost and found made them think it was a dream.

"My daughter is not dead. It was Su Ren who saved me."

"Su Ren?"

The two of them looked at the young man holding the knife, seeming to realize something.

"Is this the person you said changed your life?"

"We understand, are you doing all this for him?"

"I...I did it to save those people, no...not for him."

Yun Xi's voice became softer and softer, until finally it was almost inaudible.

The two of them have lived together for decades, and as people who have lived there, how can they not understand what their daughter is thinking.

The two just sighed and said nothing more.

This was their daughter's choice, and they couldn't say anything more.

"By the way, how did you get into the prison?"

Yun Xi's parents were so excited when they saw Yun Xi just now that they ignored it.

But now that I think about it, I suddenly feel something is wrong.

"It was Su Ren who led me all the way in."

"Wha...what? Killed in?"

"This is a prison!"

"You guys should leave quickly. This incident must have alarmed the Territory Lord. If he comes, you won't be able to leave."

"Father, mother, it's okay. With Su Ren here, the Territory Lord is no match for him."

Hearing this, the group of guards who were standing there either walking or not, lowered their heads lower.

So arrogant, these people started chatting in the prison!

Forget it, the Territory Lords have all run away, let them be arrogant for a while, and don't notice us.

When Yun Xi's parents heard Yun Xi's words, their eyes changed when they looked at Su Ren again.

Isn't even the Territory Lord a match for the young man in front of him?

No wonder his daughter would do these lifeless things for him.

Boys and girls always admire the strong.

Not to mention a strong man who looks so young.

While several people were chatting, a surprised voice came from the dark cell in the distance.

"Su Ren, is it really you?"

"Help me!"

Su Ren walked over following the sound and found an old man chained by more than a dozen super alloy chains. He was asking for help.

"Who are you?"

Su Ren looked him over and found that he didn't recognize him.

"I am an elder of the Wushuang Alliance, and my surname is Mu."

"I heard that you were surrounded in the Beiwu restricted area, so I took people to rescue you. Unexpectedly, I fell into the trick of that bitch Hong Yan, and was captured and imprisoned here."

Su Ren slashed open the cage and walked in.

"I'm really going to go to the restricted area to rescue you, you believe me."

He had been tortured for several days, and now that he saw the hope of being rescued, if he had not been chained, he would have knelt down and begged Su Ren.

"I didn't say I wouldn't save you. It just so happens that I owe you a favor. I can repay it by saving you this time."

Without Hu Bugui in Hongluan City telling him about Yun Xi, Su Ren would have missed the time to save Yun Xi.

Originally, Su Ren didn't want to have anything to do with the Wushuang Alliance.

This was just the right time to save Elder Mu, so he was able to clear both sides.

Although he didn't know what kind of favor Su Ren owed the Wushuang Alliance, Elder Mu quickly thanked him.

"Thank you, I will remember your kindness!"

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