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Chapter 200 High Risk Occupation: The Protagonist's Parents

six o'clock in the morning.

The morning sun is about to break, and the whole city is about to revive, and some things that move at night will also disappear.

Yao Fu, who had been 'patrolling' all night, also stuffed the battle clothes he had taken off into his backpack at this time, and prepared to go home lightly.

But as soon as he came to the corridor in front of his house, his mind seemed to explode with a bang, and his whole mind went blank.

"Officer, this is... this is..."

Yao Fu hurried forward, his lips trembling.

Because the door of his house was already broken into disrepair at this time, surrounded by ruins, and a bloody trail of blood spread from the room to the end of the corridor.

The door was sealed with a warning tape, but through the broken door, several police officers and people in white clothes could be seen in the living room, surveying and taking pictures.

The strong smell of blood filled the nostrils.

This is the breath of human blood.

Although he doesn't seem to be as bloodthirsty as a vampire, he is still quite sensitive to it, and it is impossible to make a mistake.

"No, no..."

His lips trembled, he kept comforting himself, and his eyes looked hopefully at the police officer who had heard the sound and was walking towards the door.

In fact, he can rely on his own super power to easily detect the situation in the room with ultrasonic waves.

But now he doesn't dare to use it, or in other words, he doesn't want to face the guesswork that has been faintly formed in his heart.

"What is your relationship with this family?"

A police officer walked out with a serious face, slowly took off his white gloves and handed them to others, while asking Yao Fu.

"This is my home, I... I... Officer, can you tell me what happened? My parents..."

Yao Fu seemed to have lost his ability to speak, his mind went blank and he muttered for a long time before he finally organized a complete speech.

"……Feel sorry."

The police officer was silent for a moment, and then said: "It seems that there was an attack by gangsters here. When we got the news, your parents had already been killed."


Yao Fu was drained of all his strength by these words, his body went limp, and he slumped to the ground.

This answer that he was most unwilling to face, after all, did not change because of his desire to escape.

Rich regret instantly occupied his blank mind.

If, if I hadn't sneaked out today, could my parents have been killed?

I have superpowers, and my physical fitness is the same as that of Superman, so it is easy to deal with a few gangsters.

If he hadn't sneaked out to be some ridiculous superhero, his parents would never have been killed.

You can't even protect your own parents, so what's the point of being a hero to protect others? What's the use of such shit superpowers?

"No, it's not right... Maybe there's nothing wrong with being a superhero. What's wrong is that I'm not good enough. I should have discovered those gangsters in advance and killed them..."

After remorse, comes hatred.

It seemed as if his mind was about to explode, with mixed feelings, and all kinds of contradictory and conflicting thoughts echoed in Yao Fu's mind uncontrollably.

After all, he is just a high school student with a little adventure at this time.

Wanting to be a so-called superhero is more out of vanity and unreconciled childlike fantasies. I don't have a deep sense of consciousness, nor a strong will, and I haven't even experienced my own independent life.

The sudden loss of his parents, regret, hatred, confusion about the future, and overwhelmed by the current situation, all of which have been imposed on him, have left him at a loss as to how to deal with it, and he has completely lost his ability to think.

"Please forgive me."

The police officer sighed in relief, and said: "Your parents will also hope that you can cheer up and face the future life, and the most important thing now is to find the murderer.

Little brother, do you know who your parents have offended recently? Or think about whether you have any special things recently? "

"Something special?"

Yao Fu was startled, his lips pursed, but he didn't make a sound.

Special things... The only special thing he can think of is probably the fact that he has acquired superpowers. Is it possible to say it...


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his chaotic mind, and beads of sweat gradually soaked on his forehead.

Get superpowers?

He thought of the whole story of how he gained superpowers, the mysterious syringe that stuck into his body when he fell, and didn't know what it contained.

It can turn people into superman or vampire without any side effects, no matter how you think about it, it is an incomparably precious item, right?

Thinking back to the heroism in the past two weeks, as well as the various Batman reports that made me immerse myself in it, and felt secretly happy and secretly happy...

If the injection liquid that allows oneself to gain superpowers is artificially made, then the lost person must also know its effect.

I still use the banner of a 'bat' with great fanfare, unscrupulously showing off my uniqueness...

"Officer, can...can you tell me how my parents died? Where are their bodies?"

Yao Fu's lips trembled again, and he looked up at the police officer who was talking with him as if begging.

"The body has been sent back for inspection, and it cannot be handed over to you until the case is clarified."

The police officer shook his head, but still said: "The specific autopsy report has not yet come out, but I do know the preliminary situation, there are traces of hot weapons at the scene, but they were mainly used to break the door.

The cause of your parents' death was excessive blood loss and two small holes in the neck, the assailant seems to be imitating a zombie vampire or something, maybe a paranoid or paranoid sociopath for that matter. "

"Vampire... Vampire..."

When Yao Fu heard these three words from the police officer's mouth, he couldn't hear anything else anymore.

Imitating vampires to commit crimes?

It was normal for the police officers to make such guesses. If it was before, he probably would not have believed that legendary monsters such as vampires really existed in this world.

But now...

His throat was a little dry.

Isn't his state infinitely close to that of a vampire, with a physical quality beyond ordinary people, and the ability of ultrasonic waves and echolocation that only bats have.

Bats, this is usually the incarnation and even synonymous with vampires.

What's more, he can also feel his sensitivity and desire for blood, the change of his nocturnal habit and his dislike for sunlight.

This kind of self, although not as thoroughly blood-sucking as in the legend, can't be seen, but it is infinitely approaching.

Since you can have yourself, why can't you have other vampires?

And if you look like yourself, isn't it the state that vampires most desire to get rid of all shortcomings?

If the thing accidentally injected into his body is really the 'blood' that can turn a person into a perfect vampire, then the lost person must be looking for it like crazy.

After seeing the so-called Batman who jumped out of his own initiative on the news, it is self-evident what will happen next.

Realizing that his parents might have been killed by his naive and ridiculous stupid behavior, Yao Fu was ashamed for a while, until the idea of ​​revenge emerged, which finally cheered him up.

"Officer, I can't think of anything in particular."

He did not express his guess.

The police obviously didn't know the existence of vampires, and it didn't make sense to say it out, and he didn't think the police could deal with vampires.

This may be a secret, a world truth known to few people. Vampires really exist and are quietly active in human society.

Even if you tell the police about these things, it may be difficult to win their trust. Even if you really believe it, it may cause trouble. Your own changes can even attract vampires. Who can guarantee that people who know these will not have delusions, and will not arrest themselves for research. Or sell the news to someone else.

What's more, what he wants at this moment is not to bring the perpetrators to justice, but revenge, simple, brutal, naked revenge.

"Son, don't indulge in hatred, you still have a long future."

The police officer who was talking seemed a little bit impatient, and comforted him: "Just leave it to us to catch the murderer. All you need to do is maintain your own life."


Yao Fu nodded dumbly, but it was obviously impossible to listen in his heart.

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