I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 99 Persuasion

After Liu Huaxing's birthday passed, there were no special events worth looking forward to in the past two months. There were no special events in November and December except for the monthly exam. What they did every day was to study and eat together. The only thing that changes is the weather. In just one month, Beichang City has entered winter from summer, and everyone put on thick coats.

For Liu Huaxing, the occasional new thing is probably meeting Zheng Zhi on Saturday and teaching him boxing.

"Hey, let me ask you, if there are two girls, one likes you and the other you like, which one would you choose?" Liu Huaxing asked after handing Zheng Zhi a bottle of drink.

"I like mine." Zheng Zhi said without hesitation.

"Then what if that girl doesn't look good?" Liu Huaxing asked subconsciously. Although Yang Xiaoxiao is as beautiful as a fairy, when faced with this question, everyone can't help but follow this question.

"For a person like me, if someone really likes me, even if she is not good-looking, I will hold her in the palm of my hand as a treasure." Zheng Zhi replied, and then smiled, "The girls I like, in the end, most of them They all look down on me, right?"

"Then be more promising and work hard to achieve some results." Liu Huaxing sneered, then sighed: "Oh, it's really difficult."

"You are such a dick, you are good at playing and studying well, you are also so good at sports, you are not ugly, and there are girls who don't like you? If I were you, I would definitely choose the one who likes me and me." Zheng Zhi couldn't believe it Asked, Liu Huaxing waved his hand: "Well, emotional matters are very delicate and complicated, you don't understand. Let's talk about it after you have more romantic relationships."

"Oh? I've been in a relationship once, how about you?" Zheng Zhi asked angrily, and Liu Huaxing was speechless: Indeed, he is still in a state of being in a relationship that has never been in a relationship, and Zheng Zhi has been dumped Once, there is no comparison.

"Okay, you're awesome." Liu Huaxing nodded angrily, "It's almost time to increase your training."

"You're fucking revenge!" Zheng Zhi frowned and said dissatisfied.

"You're not sure, right?" Liu Huaxing said with a malicious smile, and then he asked again: "Have you thought about it? Which school will you go to in the future? Work a little harder?"

"I said, I don't plan to go to high school, you want me to finish the nine years of compulsory education." Zheng Zhi replied, drinking a drink.

"Student days are very precious." Liu Huaxing smiled. "The important thing is not what knowledge you have learned, but these experiences. When you look back many years later, that is your life. If you have not experienced it, you will always I feel regretful. Therefore, even if you can’t get into a good high school, you can go to a second-tier, third-tier high school, or even a college.”

As he said that, Liu Huaxing looked into the distance and sighed: "To experience various events and meet various people, some people will look down on you, but some people will follow you. If you avoid, you will only grow up The more lonely you are; face it, and there will be more and more people around you. In fact, going to school is not all bad, right? At least the fights we fought together were great, right?"

"Tsk." Zheng Zhi couldn't help laughing, and scratched his nose a little embarrassedly, "It's really fun to fight with you." Zheng Zhi suddenly replied with a straight face: "But it's impossible for me to take the exam with you. to the same school."

"It doesn't have to be me who fights with you." Liu Huaxing continued, "You will meet the next me."

"Oh, those things are too far away, and I don't know." Zheng Zhi scratched his head anxiously and said, "Besides, is it too late to start studying now? I can't get more than 20 points in any subject .”

"That depends on whether you are willing or not." Liu Huaxing said with a charming smile, "Xiaoxiao has jumped from the bottom of the class to the top ten in the class. She can do it, even if you are not as good as her, you should not be so bad Too much, right?"

"Has that Yang Xiaoxiao become a good student too?" Zheng Zhi laughed a little self-deprecatingly, "Are you going to take the normal high school?"

Liu Huaxing shook his head: "I plan to take the entrance exam to Beichang High School. There seems to be a second-class high school near Beichang High School, the No. 6 Middle School, right? It's only two stops away from Beichang High School. Do you want to try it?" Which school to try? At that time, our Beiyuan duo can meet again occasionally, and we can take care of each other when we need help, can't we?"

In fact, saying these words made Liu Huaxing feel that he was in the second grade, but if it can arouse Zheng Zhi's fighting spirit, then the second grader should be the second grader.

Sure enough, Zheng Zhi liked this very much. He folded his arms and bowed his head in thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay! For the title of Beiyuan Shuangxiong, I will work hard! Isn't it just a second-class high school?" Can it be harder than punching?"

"That's it. If you have any questions about study, you can come and ask me." Liu Huaxing nodded in satisfaction.

"It's fine to ask you, I'd better trouble the teacher, isn't it just to let them teach by paying their tuition?" Zheng Zhi said, standing up and slapping his butt, "However, I won't let my studies affect my boxing. Yes, let’s talk about this first!”

After finishing speaking, Zheng Zhi trotted away, looking at the direction, he should be going home. Liu Huaxing looked at the time, it was only past ten o'clock in the morning, which was quite early, and he didn't have anything to do when he went back, so he might as well go shopping outside.

Thinking back, today is the time for his favorite weekly magazine to go on sale, why not buy a copy and read it on the bed. After all, ten years later, physical weekly magazines have basically disappeared, and it has been a long time since I read books.

He and Zheng Zhi practiced at the Liujiao Pavilion, so he came to the bookstore near their school to buy books. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a familiar figure from the back, so he stepped forward and stroked the smooth black hair :"Beauty."

Yang Xiaoxiao immediately turned her head and glared at him with murderous eyes, causing Liu Huaxing to take a step back trembling in fright, but when she found out that it was Liu Huaxing, the murderous look on her face dissipated immediately, and she asked in surprise: "Liu Huaxing? Why are you here?"

"Your expression changed so quickly..." Liu Huaxing said in shock.

"Isn't today Saturday? You should rest at home, right?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked while brushing her hair.

"Well, I just came here and I'm going to buy a magazine before I go back." Liu Huaxing replied, and then looked down at the book in Yang Xiaoxiao's hand. Seeing this, Yang Xiaoxiao immediately hid the book behind her. Huaxing has seen it.

"Huh? It's a new exercise set again? Have you finished the previous one?" Liu Huaxing asked with interest, Yang Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and put the book in her arms, "Don't you have to continue to improve? Of course I need to do a few more…”

"I've been working hard recently." Liu Huaxing looked down at Yang Xiaoxiao's pretty face carefully, "I have dark circles under my eyes."

"It's long-winded... I'll just go back and apply a mask." Yang Xiaoxiao said with a blush on her face, turning her eyes away.

Yang Xiaoxiao's thoughts are very delicate, Liu Huaxing thinks that she should have sensed that he has paid more attention to her recently.

"What about at noon? Is there anyone at home?" Liu Huaxing asked. Yang Xiaoxiao's father is very busy at work and often works overtime, while her mother is in charge of community work, and her rest time is not so fixed, and she is sometimes absent on Saturdays and weekends.

Sure enough, Yang Xiaoxiao shook her head: "I'm going to go out and do some shopping."

"Let's go, eat at my house." Liu Huaxing waved his hand and said, "I can teach you how to solve problems in the afternoon."

Yang Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly when she heard the words, "Then I won't be polite."

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