I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 767 Reopening

Liu Huaxing still likes this small temple very much. Although it is dilapidated and old, after all, he grew up on this mountain, and this temple doesn't have much money, so he bought this wishing tree for them, which is considered Do him a favor. As a descendant of the child raised by this mountain, he should also help it survive.

Although he didn't get any nourishment from this mountain, Liu Huaxing's parents got a lot of help.

When Liu Huaxing's parents were children, the country was still very poor at that time, and they had to rely on food stamps to buy food, so his parents would often come to this mountain to search when they were young, and catch some frogs, sparrows and the like back home. , or pick some wild vegetables such as fungus to enrich the menu at home.

Therefore, Liu Huaxing felt that now that he was developed, he should help the temple survive. So he left his family and wandered around the temple, looking for someone to ask how to donate incense money.

But there are so few monks here that he doesn't even know if there are any monks in this temple.

Finally, he saw a Buddha statue in a dilapidated Buddhist hall. The color of this Buddha statue was badly faded, and the gold plating on the surface was almost gone, but the Buddhist hall was quite clean, obviously someone had been cleaning it for a long time.

There were three futons placed in front of the Buddha statue, Liu Huaxing looked around, and then called out, "Is anyone there?"

No one answered for a while, so Liu Huaxing knelt down on the futon, put his hands together, bowed to the Buddha statue in front of him, and then said silently in his heart: Thank you for your blessings over the years, and please continue to bless me and my family in the future. family.

"This benefactor is very pious." At this time, a call came from behind.

Liu Huaxing stood up and saw an old monk in his fifties. He didn't have a beard on his face, but his skin was wrinkled due to old age, which made his facial features look a bit blurred. Judging from the monk's robes, he should not be a monk with a particularly high status, probably like other monks, he is only one of the members who practice meditation in this temple.

"Master, excuse me." Liu Huaxing smiled. "I want to donate some incense money to the temple. I don't know who to contact? The abbot of this temple? The person in charge or something?"

"The poor monk is the abbot here, and his dharma name is Daoguang." The old monk smiled, "I don't know how much the benefactor wants to donate?"

"Is there any funding gap for this temple at present?" Liu Huaxing asked tentatively. After thinking for a while, he was worried that the other party would not understand what he meant, so he asked more straightforwardly: "How much money does this place need to operate every year? "

"This place is self-sufficient every year, and there is no shortage of any funds." Monk Daoguang smiled. "There are not many people who practice Buddhism these days, and we only have a few dozen monks here. We can grow vegetables ourselves, except for what we eat. In addition, the surplus will be sold. And our vegetarian restaurant here is very famous, just next door..."

Then, Monk Daoguang pointed to the restaurant next door, and Liu Huaxing suddenly realized.

He did know that there was a restaurant next door, but he had never been there. He didn't expect it to be a vegetarian restaurant, or a vegetarian restaurant opened by this temple. In this way, he knew why the temple was functioning well despite not having many guests.

From this point of view, the monks in the temple should also go to the restaurant to help during the day.

"That's it." Liu Huaxing grinned, knowing that the temple is not short of money, he felt relieved a lot, but it is still necessary to express his heart: "Then donate one million, how will the money be used?" , Master, you decide for yourself."

Monk Daoguang looked at Liu Huaxing with great interest: "Oh? Unexpectedly, the benefactor is actually a man of wealth? Forgive the poor monk, the benefactor does not have the luxurious aura of ordinary rich and noble families."

"I don't really care about those things." Liu Huaxing explained, "Money is only spent where it should be spent."

"So that's how it is." Monk Daoguang smiled neither humble nor overbearing, "The poor monk thanked the benefactor first, but..."

After speaking, Monk Daoguang stared into Liu Huaxing's eyes, and said with a smile: "This benefactor looks more vicissitudes than his actual age. Generally speaking, people at the benefactor's age are full of vigor and fighting spirit, and benefactors look It seems to be full of gratitude and contentment, this kind of temperament is usually only seen in people in their fifties and sixties, presumably they have experienced a lot, right?"

This old monk's eyes are quite vicious. Liu Huaxing smiled secretly, he was twenty-seven years old before he came back from reading the file, and spent 14 years with Yang Xiaoxiao after he came back, plus the time covered by the large and small file readings in these years, so theoretically speaking Now his mental age is indeed almost fifty years old.

"It has indeed been through a lot." Liu Huaxing replied with a smile, "Then, which account should the funds be transferred to?"

After communicating with the old monk, Liu Huaxing notified He Li to complete the transfer of the money in the next few days.

After finishing this, he planned to take his family and leave. However, the old monk muttered to himself at the side, as if he was reciting an unknown Buddhist scripture: "The light and cloud shadows in the sky flicker faintly in the years, some people see resurrection in it, and some people see it in it." Encounter death. You have experienced the coming and going of parting and reunion, meditating in the world, or doubting, or enlightening, but you will eventually understand that on the road of life, whatever cause you plant, you will get what result.”

Listening to what the old monk said, Liu Huaxing suddenly fell into deep thought.

Vaguely, he felt that the words of the old monk seemed to be talking about his life in reading files.

Liu Huaxing glanced at the old monk, but the old monk just sat cross-legged in front of the Buddha statue, closed his eyes and recited scriptures silently, as if he was not talking to him.

Liu Huaxing hesitated for a while, and thought about it carefully, but in the end he turned and left the Buddhist hall without saying anything.

At this moment, his joining also hung the wishing paper on the wishing tree, and then burned incense in the Buddhist hall.

"It's over, go home." Liu Huaxing took Liu Yuxi from Yang Xiaoxiao's arms, and kissed her on the face.

"It's over, go home!" Liu Yuxi imitated his tone and said.

"Xiao Mitao, have you made a wish with the Buddha?" Liu Huaxing asked Liu Yuxi while touching Liu Yuxi's braid. Liu Yuxi nodded and said seriously, "Yeah! But I can't tell Dad, because it won't work..."

"Really? Then you have to be a good boy, because only a good boy's wish will come true." Liu Huaxing scratched her little nose and said, Liu Yuxi grinned, revealing her cute row of missing teeth : "Yeah! Yuxi is obedient."

So, they left the temple next, but instead of going home in a hurry, they went back to their old house to have a look. Their old housing area has now been completely demolished, but no new buildings have been built.

"A subway station will be built here in the future." Yang Chengzhi explained, pointing to the intersection in front, "Look over there, on the road from your house to our house, all the old buildings before have been demolished and rebuilt into A department store."

"McDonald's!" Liu Yuxi said excitedly, pointing to the store on the first floor of the department store.

"Yeah, can I take you to eat later, okay? Let's go and see first." Liu Huaxing lifted her up and smiled.

Yang Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "It's completely changed there. I remember that when we passed by, there was a video store there. I used to go to Xing Xing's house to watch movies and I rented discs from there..."

"Who still watches DVDs now, they moved long ago." Yang Chengzhi said unhappily, Yang Xiaoxiao continued: "There is also a kang potato shop, and their potato chips are very delicious! The chili sauce is sour and sweet Sweet, very, very spicy... It's gone. There's also a tape store, where I used to buy Jay Chou's new album... It's gone, it's gone."

"The times are advancing." Liu Huaxing put his arms around her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead, "I'm still here."

"Gu..." Yang Xiaoxiao frowned and puffed up her cheeks, with an aggrieved expression on her face.

Her appearance was almost exactly the same as when Liu Yuxi was acting like a baby, and she wanted to laugh when she looked at Liu Huaxing.

"Okay, okay, let's go to McDonald's." Liu Huaxing replied with a smile, Hao Qian raised her hand and said positively at this time: "Then I will eat pineapple sundae and McNuggets, and then add a jujube Overlord package."

"You woman..." Yang Xiaoxiao gave her a disgusted look, "Why do you eat so much?"

"My boyfriend said that I am too thin now and he felt distressed, so he asked me to eat a little fatter." Hao Qian smiled proudly.

"Look at how you're pulling..." Yang Xiaoxiao sneered, then turned to Liu Huaxing: "Husband, I want a strawberry sundae."

"Hey." Liu Huaxing responded, holding Liu Yuxi and pushing open the door of McDonald's, "Xiao Mitao, let's pick slowly."

After returning from the temple, Liu Huaxing asked He Li to transfer one million yuan to the temple. He hoped that the temple could use the money to renovate, so that this small temple can survive for a longer time, and it is also the tree that protects them. wishing Tree.

But what the old monk will do with the money, he doesn't know and doesn't care. In his opinion, this small temple is not the kind of temple that particularly values ​​incense money, so it should make good use of the money.

After returning from Silk Xiang City, Liu Huaxing continued his recovery. Although his body has basically recovered, it has not yet reached the state before the car accident, and he cannot perform normal exercise and high-intensity work.

So Liu Huaxing still needs about two weeks to recover, but Yang Xiaoxiao can't wait to open the restaurant. When doing rehabilitation training every day, he was listening to Yang Xiaoxiao talking about the plan after the restaurant opened.

"At that time, we will have a promotion first, and the old customers will get 50% off." Yang Xiaoxiao said excitedly, waving her little hand, "The first meal is free for new customers! Of course, only one set meal."

Speaking of this, Yang Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at Liu Huaxing, frowned and said, "Are you listening to me?"

"To be honest, no." Liu Huaxing looked at her beautiful curves with a smile, "You look really good in this sports vest and leggings. I always feel like you are seducing me, and I have been distracted."

Yang Xiaoxiao bit her lower lip and smiled, hesitated for a while, then suddenly opened the collar of her clothes to give him a glance.

"Do you want to talk about it later?" Liu Huaxing frowned, but Yang Xiaoxiao just stuck out her tongue at him mischievously, "Okay, be serious. If you recover sooner, we can open sooner."

"This recovery is very long. It will take at least two months to fully recover." Liu Huaxing said while sitting on the ground panting, and he was already sweating profusely.

"I know..." Yang Xiaoxiao knelt down in front of him and wiped his sweat, "I know you've worked hard, please work harder? I'll treat you well tonight. Come on, let's do another set, and then wait I'll change into my swimsuit and swim with you."

"I still need to wear a swimsuit..." Liu Huaxing frowned and asked, Yang Xiaoxiao gave a "tsk" and said coquettishly, "Of course I have to wear it. Our swimming pool is open-air, so who knows which high-rise building is on it?" In case someone has a telescope..."

"Tsk, okay." Liu Huaxing muttered unconvinced.

During the past six months, many things happened. After the first month of rehabilitation, everyone gradually knew the news of his recovery, and then slowly began to report various things to him.

The more important one is probably that Han Xu's script has already started filming.

The expected release time is about May of next year, the Labor Day schedule. After all, it is the successor of Liu Huaxing's "Dragon of the Dragon" series, both in style and content are almost the same as "Dragon of the Empire", but the layout is bigger and the main line is more complicated.

Whether it is the director or He Li, they are full of confidence in this "Fraudster", and believe that it will definitely have the hope of surpassing Liu Huaxing's "Royal Dragon" series. After all, this content is not so "Wolf Warrior" style, and it will be more popular in the world.

Speaking of Han Xu and Fang Yuqing, they got along relatively smoothly, but they haven't reached an agreement on the matter of marriage. It seems that Han Xu wants to get married early, but Fang Yuqing feels that the environment in her home is too unstable.

Regarding the matter of these two people, Liu Huaxing planned to talk to them slowly after the restaurant opened. After returning from Silk Xiang City, after another week of rehabilitation training, Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao returned to the restaurant and reopened it.

In the future, he will continue to do rehabilitation training every day, but the time will be shortened and changed to night.

This morning, they sent Liu Yuxi to the kindergarten, and then the two of them came to the restaurant.

Because it has not opened for half a year, a layer of dust has accumulated in the restaurant, and the two of them cleaned it up after a good job.

"Are you coming?" Liu Huaxing smiled at Yang Xiaoxiao, "Ladies first."

"Yeah." Yang Xiaoxiao smiled at him, then sighed, turned the sign in front of the door from "resting" to "opening", and then said with a satisfied smile: "finally, it's open again." La."

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