Shen Gu, who didn't want to be succeeded by Wu Jiayi, knew at the moment that he had to open the door to Wu Jiayi who had a "justified reason".

After all, he can see in the door mirror that Wu Jiayi has a lot of "guest process" materials.

In order to have a good guest performance on tomorrow night's "Team Night", Shen Gu himself also felt that the preparation work of "organizing the process" was indispensable.

He should now open the door and cooperate with Wu Jiayi to do this work together!

But in order to prevent her from actually letting in, the things she has to cooperate with are not limited to this matter.

Before Shen Gu opened the door for her, he asked her to wait outside the door for a while.

He first called Lin Mumu and asked her to come to his room now to help him "organize the process" with Wu Jiayi.

Shen Gu, who received a "coming soon" reply, let out a sigh in his heart after putting down the phone.

Because Wu Jiayi is also one of the "targets" released by the system for him, in fact, in Shen Gu's heart, she doesn't reject a closer relationship with her.

It's just the control of this intimacy, especially if you are alone with Wu Jiayi tonight.

He is very worried that there will be a kiss, even more intimate than a kiss.

And this kind of thing, he at least wants to happen with Su Ziqing first.

Although he and Su Ziqing are not clearly lovers, he still ranks Su Ziqing first in his heart!

"I'm a normal man, not Sage without desires."

"If a stunning beauty like Wu Jiayi has been persistently launching an "attack" on me."

"Then I guess it won't last long."

"The only way is to seize the opportunity to create opportunities and have certain things happen to Su Ziqing first."

"In this way, I feel that I can no longer refuse in the future. When some beautiful women take the initiative to "offensive", I can accept the mentality more calmly."

With this thought, Shen Gu felt that he was a little too innocent, and it was a little bit like a temporary "guarding oneself like jade" for Su Ziqing.

But he doesn't reject what happens with other girls in the future, because he himself understands that being too innocent is really a waste of the great luck of obtaining a "system".

At this time, Wu Jiayi outside the door saw that he was slow to open the door, and knocked softly a few more times, and gently urged:

"Open the door, Shen Gu!"

"Why so long?"

"Is it in the bathroom?"

Shen Gu heard Wu Jiayi's nice sound of "Yeah", and only felt that his whole body was at ease, and his psychological defense almost loosened in an instant.

He hurried into the bathroom next to the door, put his hands under the faucet and took warm water to wash his face.

Then he went back to the door, opened the door and concealed to Wu Jiayi:

"Sorry, just came out of the bathroom."

"Come in!"

After speaking, she turned sideways to let Wu Jiayi in, and then added another sentence:

"My assistant will come later and help me sort out the process with you."

He saw Wu Jiayi's face instantly darkened, but he quickly returned to smile.

Then he steadily entered the living room of Shen Gu's presidential suite and sat down on the luxurious sofa facing the long wooden table.

Then spread the "data" in the hand and spread it on the wooden table, and said softly:

"Okay, let's wait for her for a while!"

At this moment, Shen Gu's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and saw that the number displayed on it was from Lin Mumu, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Because he hadn't heard the sound of someone knocking on the door outside, he didn't know what Lin Mumu was calling him now.

After answering the call, Lin Mumu's voice came out immediately:

"Boss, the elevator from the 96th floor to the 98th floor is broken, and I can't go up temporarily."

When Shen Gu heard this, and thought of Wu Jiayi's "unexpected performance", he felt that a broken elevator might not necessarily be the cause of the malfunction.

"What about taking the stairs?"

"Hotels generally have safe stairs to go up and down!"

Shen Gu thought that the 96th floor is only two floors away from the 98th floor, and that this height should be reached quickly by taking the stairs, so he made such a suggestion to Lin Mumu.

However, Lin Mumu returned to him:

"I'm in front of the safety stairs on the 96th floor now!"

"But the door seems to be locked. I can't enter the corridor, so I can't get to you through the safety stairs."

When Shen Gu heard this, he felt that the probability of these "two things" happening at the same time was normal.

He glanced at Wu Jiayi, who was calm, looking down at the information in his hand.

I thought:

"I said Lin Mumu, is it difficult for you to lock the stairway door?"

"I used to sleep in the bedroom, and the door was obviously locked. How can you come and go freely? When I wake up, I see a cat lying next to me?"

However, he wanted to think so, but it was not easy to let Lin Mumu use her special ability to "open the lock" in front of Wu Jiayi.

I had to say something to Wu Jiayi: "I'll be out of company first!"

Then he took his mobile phone and walked to the door of his suite, opened the door and walked into the corridor. While letting the woods wait in place, he started looking for the safe stairway entrance on his level.

What he thinks is that if the entrance to the safety staircase on the 98th floor is unlocked, he can enter the corridor down to the 96th floor, and then see if he can open the entrance door of the safety staircase on the 96th floor from the inside of the corridor!

Wu Jiayi did not stop Shen Gu from leaving the room.

After Shen Gu went out, she instead showed a very proud smile on the spot!

It didn't take long for Shen Gu to be blocked at the entrance of the safety staircase on the 98th floor.

There is no difference, nor can he open the door leading to the safety staircase.

"This hotel is too courageous!"

"Such a high floor, dare to lock the door leading to the safety stairs!!"

Thinking of the Shen Gu here, he strode back to his room and used the landline in the room to call the front desk to complain.

I hope the hotel can send someone to repair the elevator as soon as possible, or open the door of the same safe staircase.

But the hotel receptionist immediately informed him:

"Sorry, honorable guest."

"The safety stairs on floors 95-99 are being refurbished, so the staff temporarily closed the stairs during work."

"Unless there is an emergency, this area will not be open to guests for the time being, please forgive me!"

Shen Gu heard the front desk clerk say that, there is indeed no emergency for him, and he really can't force the hotel to open the door to the safe stairs for him now.

So he quickly changed the direction of negotiations and asked the front desk clerk to immediately notify the maintenance staff to repair the elevator.

The answer is:

"Sorry, VIP."

"At present, the elevator just cannot run between floors 95-99, and other floors can be used normally."

"For this kind of system program error, we need to ask the technical personnel of the elevator company to come and check it. The problem should be solved in as little as one hour."

When Shen Gu heard the word "shortest", he immediately asked on the phone:

"What about the longest?"

The attitude of the front desk clerk is still very good:

"The longest time we can't identify VIPs, it all depends on the repair speed of the technical personnel."

"But don't worry, we will call you as soon as the repair is completed."

"Thank you again for your understanding!"

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