As night fell, Chen Yuxin's heart softened again.

This was probably because she realized that this fool didn't seem to be completely ignorant of the outside world, and even stubbornly insisted on a little kindness.

According to her original idea, when the door is closed at night, she will first ask Watt to throw this fool to the gate of the Imperial Welfare Institute, and then send home the money she got in the past two days before returning.


Now her plans have changed.

She left the idiot in her stall, and she led Watt to her home.

Along the way, Chen Yuxin kept holding on to the money that fool gave her.

That's not imperial paper money.

Chen Yuxin recognized it, it was a federal banknote.

In the starry sky, although the Federation and the Empire still use the old-fashioned currency model, the "paper money" they use is no longer made of pulp, but a metal paper money made of a special precious metal. It is almost indistinguishable from banknotes, and it is portable and easy to carry.

Although, for star civilizations such as empires or federations, there are also models such as credit points and information banks, but this is not applicable to all situations. The huge land area makes non-electronic money still have enough significance , Of course, once the coins of the Federation and the Empire leave the Empire and the Federation, it is meaningless to exchange and circulate among the starry sky races. For civilizations, the value of the currency system is not great, it can only play a certain role for this civilization, and the interaction with the currencies of other civilizations is mostly completed by the exchange of equivalents.

The current F-075 has become the transfer zone between the Empire and the Federation. It is not surprising to see the coins of the Federation here. The coins of the Federation can also be passed at the border of the Empire, but the value is lower, such as in the territory of the Federation. A coin worth one yuan becomes eight cents or even seven cents in the empire. This has nothing to do with the exchange rate between countries, because strictly speaking, the federation does not recognize the currency of the empire, and neither does the empire. Recognizes federally issued currency, so it's effectively a derogation.

Therefore, Chen Yuxin recognized the federation's currency.

But what surprised Chen Yuxin was that the denomination of the money that the fool gave her was not small, it was a thousand yuan bill.

This piece of money, even if it is exchanged for the imperial currency, minus the loss, is enough to support Chen Yuxin's livelihood for nearly a week, but she only gave that fool a few beef patties.

"After taking her money, let's keep the fool for a few more days-he is also to blame."

I don't know if it's because of this large banknote or because of kindness, Chen Yuxin changed her mind and led the robot Watt forward. She seemed to be talking to herself or to Watt.

It's a pity that Watt would not respond to her words, but walked behind Chen Yuxin in a muffled voice.

Chen Yuxin didn't care either.

Her home is actually not far from her small stall, about two kilometers away, which is already a pretty short distance in a city of this kind of interstellar civilization. She and Watt braved the wind and sand in the dark night back home.

This is also a corner of the slums, a dilapidated tube building with the style of the last century, but humans from the interstellar era live.

Their family has a small house of more than 30 square meters here, with one bedroom and one bathroom.

The room is also very old and dilapidated, with mottled wall paint and a musty smell in the room.

Chen Yuxin's mother opened the door for her in a wheelchair.

Chen Yuxin's father's condition didn't get worse, but it didn't get much better either. He was still lying in the life support device, and he didn't know when he would really wake up.

Chen Yuxin walked into this small house, there was no place for her to live here, and for the sake of convenience, Chen Yuxin lived in her own small house all the time.

The old mother, who hadn't seen her child for several days, held Chen Yuxin's hand worriedly, asking about the events of these days.

Chen Yuxin poked her head, looked at her father who was lying on the bed, and talked casually.

She felt a little depressed.

Every time she came back here, she would think of those things before the war, and there was an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Chen Yuxin forgot all the foolish things she was thinking about just now. She was afraid that her mother would worry, and she didn't say that she picked up a stranger and returned to her small stall, nor did she say that the business was bad recently. All the odds and ends earned by the day were handed over to his mother, saying: "You take the money first, and use it for food and daily life. Your legs and feet are not good, so be careful when going up and down the stairs in a wheelchair, and... I I was thinking about opening up some other businesses, such as selling some noodles, and we will definitely have money."

Mother grabbed a handful of messy money in her hand, looked down for a while, and said in a low voice, "Your father's life support device is almost running out of nutrient solution..."

At this point, she couldn't go on.

The nutrient solution in the life-support cabin is the key to supporting his father's survival. Without nutritional support and life-support equipment alone, he can no longer live.

And nutrient solution is quite expensive stuff.

With the little money Chen Yuxin earns, he can buy about one and a half bottles of nutrient solution in a month, and those nutrient solutions can only last for half a month in theory, and if you save it, it can only last about 20 days.

Chen Yuxin nodded, and said, "I know, Mom, I've been trying to find a way these two days. Don't worry, I will definitely make money, and we will definitely have money. And... this month's minimum living allowance in the empire will be It's about to be sent, with that money, the money for this month's nutrient solution should be enough, just wait for me, I'll buy it and deliver it in two days."

When leaving her home, Chen Yuxin stood at the door for a while, and she heard a long sigh coming from the room.

Before, her home was not like this.

Chen Yuxin was a little bit blamed.

Blame it on her incompetence, the catastrophe comes, but she can't do anything, she is incompetent, and even supporting a family is difficult.

On the way back, Chen Yuxin's footsteps became a little heavy, and she was preoccupied, as if she didn't even care about the road.

The robot Watt has also become less relaxed, but the reason is not from the plight of Chen Yuxin's life. In fact, it can't understand the plight of human beings.

The eyes of those shadows were full of greed and covetousness, they kept falling on Chen Yuxin's left and right sides, and they followed all the way out of Tongzilou before disappearing.

Watt's eyes kept looking there, and the scarlet electronic eyes flashed a dangerous light, as if warning those shadows in the shadows.

And just like that, Chen Yuxin returned to her small booth, the idiot was still the same, sitting in the corner, in a daze.



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