I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 105: happy New Year

In the chaos, Chen Xiu was colorless and tasteless.

His soul fell in the darkness.

Suddenly, light appeared, gorgeous and eye-catching.

Chen Xiu's eyes turned around. There were mountains and rivers and trees and flowers all around. This land was full of vitality, abundant aura, and rich resources.

The vast expanse of the continent is vibrant.

The crane was empty, the big fish went north, and the bird was singing.

Auspicious beasts can be seen everywhere, and Chen Xiu thought he had strayed into the fairy realm!

"How am I here?"

"Where is this?"

Chen Xiu looked at her almost transparent body.

He should still rest in Black Crow Forest.

Is it a dream forever?

Is this a dream? The sight in front of me is vivid, as if physically immersed, Chen Xiu's body passes through the trees, and it can be determined that it is not true here.

Man does not dream about his own unclear dreams. Such strange dreams are by no means constructed by himself.

He can shuttle freely in this world.

One thought spanned thousands of miles.

He found a human tribe in the mountains.

The tribal people believe in gods. There are temples in the tribe.

A plume of blue smoke rose into the sky.

Chen Xiu looked up, and in this dense virgin forest, there were still a lot of green smoke.

The tribe people pray for freedom.

The old patriarch Shen said, "Let's go and build a statue for Emperor Yan!"

In addition to ignorant young children, the entire family went to the mountains to mine megaliths. In the temple square in the distance, a stone statue soared into the clouds.

This is dedicated to the gods of the divine realm.

The statue of Emperor Yandi is under construction, not only here, but also its millions of celestial beings.

Chen Xiu was shocked that this place is much larger than that in the Imperial City. This is just the tip of the glacier, and there are many places with such sacrifice places.

Chen Xiu frowned. Only the statue of Emperor Yan was new, and countless tribes were building temples for him.

Chen Xiu walked through many places.

This land is full of vitality, and the river is formed by rich aura, which is comparable to the paradise on earth.

The statue of Emperor Yandi is being built everywhere. He is the new Lord of the Gods and the new Heavenly Emperor.

The supremacy of this heaven and earth.

All peoples of the world place their hopes on this new emperor, hoping that he can abolish the old system.

Every temple is guarded by heavenly people, and the spirits are enslaved. They build temples day and night. Slackers will be hung by the heavenly people on the spear to emulate.

People can only drink rain dew and eat rice.

They dare not have desires and can only work non-stop.

Chen Xiu shook his fist, and the scene here is the same as recorded in the Secret Code of the Heavenly Sect.

Human races are oppressed by protoss slavery.

Even the monsters were not spared. The monsters were responsible for consignment of boulder.

Chen Xiu entered the newly-built new temple, which contained only the statue of Emperor Yan. The stone statue was high and magnificent, looking down at all beings.

There are many people in the temple.

They bowed reverently in the temple, put on incense, and prayed for the apparent spirit of God.

"The supreme Emperor Yan, and Yuebei Ming prayed for good weather in the coming year and a good harvest."

"Big Emperor Yan, I want a son."

"The Emperor Yandi, my daughter is seriously ill, and I ask you to show your spirits and save her."

They will come to the temple if they wish.

Emperor Yan will not fulfill everyone's wishes, but will also "occasionally" manifest his miracles and drop miracles.

The temple priests voice said loudly: "As long as you sincerely worship Emperor Yan, your voice will reach the thirty-sixth heaven and reach Emperor Yan."

In the five-legged bronze tripod, the incense is exuberant, and there is a green smoke rising to the sky.

That is the power of faith.

Chen Xiu walked through many places, but did not see the Xiu Xiu, at this time far from the age of immortals.

This should be a sight before ancient times.

The sight in front of him gradually blurred. Chen Xiu's Yuanshen left the bronze mirror. He suddenly realized that he was in the mirror just now. What did the bronze mirror want to tell him?

Dense text appears on the bronze mirror, which is projected on Chen Xiu's Yuan Shen.

"Yangshen, Yuanshen Gongfa!"

This is a complete Yuanshen method, is it the reward for extracting bronze pieces?

When the exercises were projected on the Yuanshen, Chen Xiu quickly merged, and he immediately operated the exercises. After a short while, the Yuanshen sacred light appeared.

The tiredness disappeared immediately.

Late at night, most of Chen Xiu's soul power recovered.

He woke up from a drowsiness, Lin Qingyu lay beside him, snuggling snugly.

Chen Xiu felt a familiar atmosphere outside.

He got up quietly and left the room.

Warmly standing in the yard, plain white skirt, flawless face, dim white eyes.

"Sister Wen."

Chen Xiu arched hands, respectful.

A warm smile: "Brother, I know you have a lot of confusion in your heart. Sister can't explain it, just want to remind you to keep your heart at all times."

"Yes, sister." Chen Xiu nodded, this time the town's magic mission hit him very hard.

Many known elders were killed, many disciples died, and others were eroded by the black mist.

Everyone desperately guarded Tiehe County, and finally sacrificed Tiehe County. At that time, his faith collapsed.

He was craving for strength.

Warm suddenly reached out.

Chen Xiu thought that sister should give himself a slap to keep him awake.

Chen Xiu felt cold, warm and warm. She smiled and shook her head, and said softly, "I'm not hitting you, I want to know what the young master looks like?"

"Hey, in fact, I look pretty." Chen Xiu's face was not red, serious.

Warmly retracted the fiber hand and smiled.

In the room, Lin Qingqi poked out his head and looked at the two curiously.

When I saw Lin Qingwen warmly, I heard her voice and responded with a smile: "Hello, my name is warm."

"I'm Axue."

Lin Qingyu smiled enthusiastically.

Chen Xiu beckoned and Lin Qingyu ran quickly. She held Chen Xiu's arm and blinked: "Brother Chen Xiu and I mentioned my sister and said you are very good."

The warmth is like the sister of warm heart, she smiled softly and said softly: "The demon king has been sealed, everyone is going to return to the ancestral gate, you two will follow me."

Chen Xiu awakened Li Qingyu.

The four left the village while it was night.

When leaving the Black Crow Forest, he suddenly looked at the black crow in the frozen treetops.

She groaned. "They said they've seen you."

The crowd was shocked, Lin Qingyu and Li Qingyu were unknown. Therefore, Chen Xiu was a little confused, "Sister, have you said that these crows have seen me?"

The black crow's eyes were strange.

One green and one red.

"They are the crows of the Styx River. They are immortal. They are rare in the world. These black woods are sacred trees. They grow on the earth and are indestructible."

"They also said that although these undergrowth trees withered, they could not be used as firewood, which is a great disrespect."

Warmly narrate the voice of the Black Crow to everyone.

Chen Xiu frowned: "What does it have to do with me?"

"They say that it is related to the sky fire. The world crow has existed for a long time, and maybe I have met similar people." She explained with a warm smile, but did not take it seriously.

Chen Xiu nodded slightly. He didn't expect the black crow forest to have such a weird creature. Think of the fairy in the crystal coffin below. The black crow forest has many secrets.

Everyone boarded the battleship of Huidaodaozong.

Tiehe County was shrouded in the magic-sealing formation. Chen Xiu shook his fist. He had too much regret here, and sooner or later he would come back and kill the demon king.

"Little master, the real demon is not weaker than the real immortal. If you want to suppress it, you have to cheer." Warm and solemn.

Chen Xiu nodded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ sooner or later.

No matter what gods and demons, they will lie at his feet.

The warship left the Quartet continent.

Returning to Tian Daozong, Sister Warm left with the battleship. Chen Xiu felt that Tian Daozong was a little different, and each peak was dead.

Quiet and terrible.

Chen Xiu returned to Nan Yunfeng, and Nangong Yi anxiously said, "Brother, we have declared war with Bliss!"

"The four elders went out of the customs one after another, three of them led 50,000 Tianzong disciples to fight."

"The remaining five major gates are on the same front as us, but Kek Lok Sect has the help of the demons and the situation is complicated."

Nangong Yi faced anxiety, and his father was also called up to fight, and was very anxious.

Chen Xiu's expression was tense, and the demons were in chaos. The Bliss Sect was the culprit, so he had to find a way to eradicate them.

This battle is about the future of the town.

Chen Xiu and Lin whispered to Lieyang Peak and found that there was only Mo Shifei, and she was holding the bluestone alone.

"Brother! You are back!"

Princess Mo Shi froze for a few seconds, suddenly excited.

Brother Long is not in Lieyang Peak, go to Chaoyang Peak, the master is not there, go to Xi Yunfeng, and Sister Wen is not there.

Even the Son of Heaven Taoism was sent out, and the scale of this battle can be imagined.

Chen Xiu shook his fist: "I have to go too."

He did not want the regrets of Iron River County to happen again.


His Holiness appeared beside Chen Xiu.

He squinted, his face kind.

Lin whispered and shouted, "Hello grandpa."

"Well, that's a good boy." His Holiness smiled back.

"Why can't we go?"

Chen Xiu was taken care of by Sun Lin in Tiehe County, and his heart was uncomfortable. This time, the Holy Son and the Virgin joined the war.

His Holiness Shen said: "Because you have more important tasks, it is about the battle situation."

ps: Less updated, I am guilty.

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