I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 524 Wagyu's Jedi Counterattack! Killing Qinglin Beef?

Chapter 524 Wagyu's Jedi Counterattack! Killing Qinglin Beef?

Plaster country.

In Liushan Ranch, a middle-aged man walked in with a lonely heart.

After Yoshiro Yanagiyama committed suicide, his wagyu ranch seemed a bit depressed, and the wagyu cattle inside had almost died under the high-temperature coagulation plague.

Moreover, in addition to the fact that Yoshiro Yanagiyama hired a killer with all his property, the ranch was completely bankrupt, and all the employees ran away, leaving only the original assistant to help Yoshiro Yanagiyama handle the follow-up matters.

Today is also the last day that Yoshiro Yanagiyama's ranch will be closed.

The assistant saw the middle-aged man and stepped forward to greet him: "Mr. Huiyuan, you are here."

Huiyuan Shanshita is one of the most famous gourmets in their plaster country, and there is a large food industry in the plaster country.

Moreover, the other party has made great efforts to promote the wagyu beef in their plaster country, and the other party is also a friend of the late boss Yoshiro Yanagiyama.

Huiyuan Shanshita looked at the assistant and nodded, and sighed: "The old friend's ranch is going to be closed, and I always have to come and see it. It's really a sad thing."

The assistant was full of resentment: "It's all targeted by that eastern country. They didn't even support our pharmaceuticals. If they supported our pharmaceuticals, our wagyu industry would not be like this."

"Moreover, after knowing that our last batch of wagyu cattle was infected with the plague, they actually reduced the export of medicines. Now we have no choice but to buy second-hand medicines in other countries."

When Hui Yuanshan heard this, he also said with resentment on his face: "Damn it indeed, they are all a bunch of animals without humanitarianism."

He is also very concerned about the wagyu industry.

Since he was young, he participated in international food festivals and would promote his country's Wagyu.

After more than 30 years of publicity, Wagyu has become the pride of gourmets in their country.

They are at the Niu High-End International Food Festival, and when they talk about Wagyu, they will become the focus.

Now, all that seems to be a thing of the past.

At this moment, a woman with a good figure hurried in, and the pair of nipples in front of her were shaking wildly. When she reached the foot of Huiyuan Mountain, she said: "Mr. Food festival invitation."

Huiyuan Shanshita frowned and said, "What's wrong with the food festival invitation? Haven't I received too few invitations?"

The woman with a good figure said anxiously: "Mr. Huiyuan, this is an invitation letter from that eastern country, it is the Qinglin Ranch, they want to change the name of Wagyu to Qinglin Niu, and they also say that the quality of Qinglin beef is better than that of Qinglin Ranch. Our wagyu beef is stronger, and we have invited gourmets from other countries besides yours."

"What?" Huiyuan Shanshita suddenly showed anger on his face.

That eastern country didn't give them medicine resources, and after they and their cattle were infected with the plague, that Qinglin Villa actually made this happen again.

What is this not for?

Moreover, the other party wants to replace their plaster country and cattle internationally.

Mind you it took them over 30 years to get Wagyu to this status.

The opponent now wants to step on Wagyu's head directly and replace it.

"We can't let them succeed." Huiyuan Shanshita said angrily: "They want to prove the quality of their beef at the food festival, so I will take out better ones and let them shoot themselves in the foot without any face. .”

Yoshiro Liushan's assistant also understood what was going on, and immediately said after hearing this: "Mr. Huiyuan, but the Qinglin Villa did produce beef with better quality than our Quanxue and beef, not to mention, now We have no Wagyu to take out."

Huiyuan Shanshita said coldly: "It is absolutely impossible for the other party to have Quanxue Wagyu that is better than ours all the time. If the other party dares to make this one, we are sure. We can't produce Wagyu now, and we can't question the other party."

"But the other party seems to have forgotten that it is not only our country that has wagyu beef in the world, but also Australia. Their wagyu beef is generally similar to ours, but they still have a mutant wagyu."

"It's the wagyu from the Rist family?" Yoshiro Yanagiyama's assistant said in surprise.

If you want to say which country produces the most delicious Wagyu beef in the history of Wagyu, then their plaster country can't really say that they are the first.

Because Australia’s Quanxue Wagyu beef is no worse than them, but Australia’s introduction of Wagyu beef from them is relatively short, and the output is far from comparable to theirs, so it cannot shake the reputation of Wagyu beef in the plastered country. Location.

However, the Arrest family in Australia still has two mutated Wagyu.

These two wagyu cattle had a mutation for some unknown reason. One of them was slaughtered once, and the meat quality of the beef was even better than that of the best Quanxue wagyu beef.

It's just that the mutated Wagyu could not be bred at all, and even the Wagyu bred by this method became ordinary Wagyu again.

Otherwise, Australian Wagyu would have replaced them long ago.

"That's right, it's that wagyu." Huiyuan Shanshita nodded, as long as he got the beef from the mutated wagyu from the Rist family, it would definitely make Qinglin Villa speechless.

Yoshiro Yanagiyama's assistant frowned and asked, "Mr. Haibara, is the Narest family willing?"

"There is nothing you are willing or unwilling, it depends on whether the price you pay is high enough." Huiyuan Shanshita said coldly, and then told his very good-looking female secretary: "Book me a trip to Australia. Air tickets to Daya."

The female secretary nodded immediately.

Huiyuan Shanshita's eyes were determined, even if part of the property was handed over to the Rist family, he would still get the beef from the mutated wagyu.

Because the wagyu industry also has a very special meaning in his life.

At the same time, other gourmets also received this invitation.

Wagyu beef is definitely an important part of the American recipe, so after knowing the specific situation, these gourmets are still very interested.

They are also very curious whether the Qinglin beef in Qinglin Villa is really better than wagyu beef.

Moreover, they have all eaten wagyu beef, so as long as they have eaten beef from Qinglin cattle, they can tell immediately.

If they can't compare, they must tell the public that they are very strict about food and absolutely do not allow cheating.


Qinglin Villa, but Qin Lin didn't know this, and after another 4 days, he went to Qinglin Ranch, because tomorrow night is the night of food.

Now the representatives of Qinglin Villa and Youcheng are counting the chefs and tourists who entered the gourmet night.

Arrangements can be made after the food festival ends tomorrow, and then we can wait for the food night later.

When Qin Lin arrived at Qinglin Ranch, the wagyu had already been slaughtered.

The whole wagyu beef has been cut open and the internal organs removed.

It can be seen that the butcher's skills are very good.

The whole wagyu beef is handled cleanly.

After all, it was the first Wagyu beef to be slaughtered, and the master he invited was also the best butcher in Youcheng, so we still have to pay attention to this aspect.

This Wagyu beef was obtained by stealing from the game, so part of the meat is quality 2 full snow Wagyu beef.

This part of the meat will also be used for gourmet nights.

"Qin Dong, you're here." Yang Dong saw Qin Lin and immediately stepped forward to meet him.

Several wagyu breeders nearby also greeted Qin Lin in unison.

Although Qin Lin knew the quality of the wagyu beef produced in this game, he still asked, "Several masters, how is the quality of the wagyu meat?"

One of the breeders immediately said: "Dr. Qin, we have already been able to distinguish which of these beefs has better meat quality. For example, the meat quality of Quanxuehe beef next to the tendon meat here is better than that of other places."

As he spoke, he pointed out the parts of the wagyu to Qin Lin.

Qin Lin nodded. Because of his cooking skills in beef, he has a very high discrimination ability for beef. He can know which meat is quality 1 and which meat is quality 2 by pressing, touching and looking at it. of.

After seeing the wagyu butchered, Qin Lin also went back to Qinglin Villa.

On the second day, the Food Festival entered its last day.

On this day, there are not many places left to enter the gourmet night.

Naturally, this number is also intentionally controlled by Qinglin Villa, so as to avoid all the quotas being obtained in the first half of the time, and the latter time will lose most of its meaning.

Therefore, even on the last day, there are still some places that have not been obtained.

This kind of black-box operation is normal. It can be said that no matter what kind of activities, private or official, this kind of operation is indispensable, without exception.

This kind of operation does not violate the principle of fairness, but only controls the process to a certain extent.

In Youcheng, in front of a light cake shop, Shen Dong was doing push-ups with a piece of light cake in his mouth, sweating profusely.

Guangbing is a special snack in Youcheng, and its taste and texture are good.

He didn't know why the boss wanted to make people bite into the pancakes and do push-ups.

To be honest, it's not difficult to do push-ups, but with something in your mouth, it's a little difficult to do.

Because you can't breathe through your mouth, you can only rely on your nose.

Once a person is tired, he will rely on his mouth to breathe to a large extent, which is a subconscious action.

Therefore, the person who completed this task subconsciously dropped the light cake from his mouth, which also led to the failure of the task.

However, for Shen Dong, this task is difficult, and it is better than completing tasks such as kissing his girlfriend, hugging his girlfriend by the princess, and carrying his girlfriend on his back.

For him, those tasks are difficult in hell, and they cannot be completed at all.

Finally, Shen Dong finished enough push-ups to complete this task.

He immediately took out his mobile phone to scan and randomly draw tickets.

The next moment, the prompt appeared: Congratulations, you got a ticket to Food Night Part 3.

When Shen Dong saw this reminder, his eyes lit up immediately. After this week, he has been spending and doing tasks every day, and he has already spent thousands of dollars.

And what he lacks is the third part of the tickets, and the rest are duplicates.

The point is, many people who want to trade what others don't have are surprised to find that in each individual account, there is no way to trade at all.

Duplicated collections are also voided.

This is as deceptive as a goose factory.

Now he only needs to combine the 5 partial tickets on his mobile phone to get a new QR code, which is the ticket for the gourmet night.

At that time, take the QR code and scan it for the inspector at the entrance of the food night to enter.

Shen Dong synthesized excitedly.

In the next second, another prompt appeared: Sorry, the admission qualification for the gourmet night is full.

"???" The excitement on Shen Dong's face instantly turned dull.

He immediately checked the news and found that the last ticket was synthesized 2 seconds ago.

He was 2 seconds behind the others.

"Fuck..." Shen Dong scratched his head in frustration.

This is so...

He figured it out. The next time he comes to the Qinglin Mountain Villa Food Festival, he must get a girlfriend first, which is too aimed at singles.

If it weren't for the tasks that require a girlfriend to complete, he would have already qualified for the food night.

As all the places for the gourmet night have been obtained, it also means that the gourmet festival has come to an end.

Tomorrow, the special road section will also start to be cleared, and those foreign chefs will not be allowed to set up stalls.

After all, roads are always open to traffic.

After the representatives of Qinglin Villa and Youcheng finished counting the chefs and tourists eligible to enter the gourmet night, they also started to make arrangements.

Qinglin Villa.

Lin Lanzi arranged everything, and also compiled all the relevant information into a document and sent it to Qin Lin's office: "Dr. Qin, this is the specific arrangement of the gourmet night. Because of the addition of those invited gourmets, we will A judging table has been specially set up."

"The judging panel is different from the area where the chefs and tourists are located. There is an isolation. In addition to making food for tourists to taste and get evaluations from tourists, the chefs also have to make special food for these gourmets to taste and let these gourmets score. !"

"The person with the highest rating combined by foodies and tourists is number one, and so on."

"En!" Qin Lin nodded.

The invitation of these gourmets was temporarily decided due to the news that the Wagyu cattle in the plaster country would be extinct. However, this increased the gold content of the top three in the gourmet night to a certain extent.

After Qin Lin read it, he also signed on it directly, and the arrangement will be fine in this way.

And when Qinglin Villa arranged the gourmet night in an orderly manner, those invited gourmets naturally all came to Youcheng.

Because they were invited, these gourmets were also arranged in the bridal chamber of Qingli Mountain Villa.

The bridal chambers 1-10 that have been spared all the time can be used.

In addition, other bridal chambers have been reserved.

Huiyuan Yamashita was one of the invited ones, but when he arrived in Ming City, he set off with another gourmet from the plaster country, and the other party was Taro Inoshita.

Huiyuan Yamashita's face was dark the whole time, because he learned from Inoshita Taro that there were other gourmets from plaster countries who were invited.

The opponent's heart can be punished.

"Hey." Taro Inoshita sighed: "Mr. Huihara, the other party's purpose this time is obvious. If I didn't want to confirm the quality of the other party's beef, I really wouldn't want to come. This incident makes me uncomfortable."

Obviously, Sima Zhaozhi's heart in Qinglin Villa is well known to everyone, how could they not see it.

Huiyuan Shanshita looked at the special freezer at his feet, and said coldly: "Anyone can see the other party's purpose, but the other party really thinks that we and the cow are lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The other party is wrong."

"This time, I will let the other party know what Wagyu's Jedi counterattack is. The other party will definitely not expect it, and their jaws will drop in shock."

It’s okay if the wagyu in their country is extinct. As long as the reputation of the wagyu is still there, they can also import the wagyu from Australia. When the time comes to re-cultivate the wagyu, there is always a chance to restore the glory of the wagyu.

But if this time, Wagyu's honor and status are taken away by the opponent, then all this is empty talk.

In order to get the wagyu beef in this box, he gave the Narest family a large part of their property.

After paying such a high price, the other party must not be allowed to succeed.

This Jedi counterattack will give the opponent a huge surprise.

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