A gust of wind blew by, and the wind and sand hit his face.

Chen Yiming half-closed his eyes and made a gesture to turn around and leave.

"Little friend, wait." Liu Liyuan hurriedly stopped him.

"What else?" Chen Yiming pretended to be confused.

"I heard that little friend is looking for Zidian stone?" Liu Liyuan said directly.

"That's right." Chen Yiming replied.

Although he went directly to Liu's house after leaving the trading point, it was inevitable that he would reveal what he wanted to some stall owners through occasional inquiries during the stall visit.

A person with a flexible mind will immediately sell this news to the Liu family.

There is nothing surprising about this.

"It just so happens that in my Liu family's treasury, there is a treasure similar to a purple calcium stone, which will be used as an apology for Wanqing's reckless behavior." Liu Liyuan said in a deep voice.

Chen Yiming fell silent when he heard the words, pretending to be thinking about it.

Treasures similar to purple electric stones are likely to be dedicated to Tongbi Boxing Gym.

The Tongbi Boxing Gym may not have given a clear answer, but perhaps they have already determined that this item belongs to them.

If this is the case, Liu Liyuan gave him this treasure as an apology, which not only divided the two martial arts schools, but also involved Chen Yiming in the game.

After Tongbi Boxing Gym found out about this, they believed 100% that the relationship between Liu Wanqing and Chen Yiming was unusual, and they would shift their attention from the Liu family to Chen Yiming.

It was even speculated that Chen Yiming deliberately helped Liu Wanqing conceal his whereabouts.

A minute or so passed.

"Go and have a look." Chen Yiming nodded.

With strength close by, he has complete initiative.

As long as you get a treasure similar to purple electricity stone, pretend to practice behind closed doors for a while.

As soon as he came out, he announced that he had broken through to nine physical transformations. No matter how displeased he was in the Tongbi Boxing Gym, there was nothing he could do about it.

It is impossible for the owner of the museum to trouble a junior like him just because of a small holiday.

If the worst happens, his real state is the warrior state, so why not be afraid.


Liu Liyuan's big cloudy eyes suddenly regained their brilliance, and his whole demeanor changed suddenly.

The two of them entered the villa directly, one behind the other, and came to Liu Liyuan's study.

The study is very spacious, about 100 square meters in size, and the overall decoration style is quaint.

There are three rows of bookshelves inside, each of which is full of books.

"Let's sit down and have a cup of tea first. I have told my eldest son Liu Daolong to go to the treasure house to get the treasure." Liu Liyuan invited Chen Yiming to sit opposite him at the desk, and then boiled water to make tea.

The two chatted casually for a while, and Liu Daolong knocked on the door and came in.

He was about twenty-five or six years old, with a strong build and a pair of big eyes similar to his father's, but the eyes were pure and seemed to have no intentions.

As soon as he entered the door, he said, "Dad, I am opposed to giving this thunder wood to Chen Yiming. What about the Tongbi Boxing Gym? We only have this treasure in our house, which can make the Tongbi Boxing Gym look good."

Chen Yiming raised his eyes and saw the person coming.

Thinking in his heart that Liu Daolong was too upright, a single sentence completely exposed Liu Liyuan's thoughts.

Did they not discuss it in advance, or did they want to deliberately sabotage the matter.

"Put your things down, and you can go out first." Liu Liyuan suddenly scolded with a straight face.

Liu Daolong's face was suffocated, and his footsteps stopped.

After all, he didn't dare to say anything more, put a wooden box on the desk, turned and left.

"Little friend, my elder son has been studying hard at home for a long time, and he is not very sensible to go out less. Don't take it to heart." Liu Liyuan pushed the wooden box to Chen Yiming.

Chen Yiming looked down at the wooden box.

A golden ribbon was tied on the surface of the wooden box, and the body of the box was made of some kind of precious wood, which looked soft in color.

Opening the wooden box, I saw a cylindrical section of scorched wood.

"Is this Yinlei wood?" Chen Yiming asked doubtfully.

This lightning trigger wood looks no different from ordinary branches that have been struck by lightning.

"That's right, this is the Lightning Tree, collected from a special tree in another world.

The reason why no abnormality can be seen is because no one in the Liu family dared to try it, and the original lightning power stored in it had been naturally drained away.

You just need to wait for a thunderstorm and don't need to go to another world. You can do it on Blue Star's side, and place the Lightning Tree on the top of the mountain in the minefield.

The lightning-inducing wood can naturally trigger the lightning to strike down, automatically replenishing the power of lightning. "Liu Liyuan laughed.

"There are several cracks around this section of wood. It won't be scrapped after being used twice." Chen Yiming raised his eyes and asked directly.

"I don't know. After all, I haven't dared to try it since I got the Lightning Inducing Wood." Liu Liyuan said bluntly, without intentionally concealing it.

"Understood, then I'll go first." Chen Yiming nodded.

He re-tied the gold ribbon on the wooden box and put it in his pocket, then stood up and walked out the door.


Liu Liyuan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't make a sound. He got up and sent the man to the gate of the villa, watching Chen Yiming leave.


Tongarm Boxing Gym, Martial Arts Hall.

Xie Quan and the other two core disciples were packing up and stuffing some field survival tools into their backpacks.

Suddenly, a mobile phone rang.

"Hey, auntie, what's the matter... yes, definitely." Xie Quan said seriously to the phone.

Xie Quan and Meng Tai are cousins, and they practice martial arts in the same martial arts gym.

"Family's phone number?" Ren Zhengxin hung his backpack on his shoulder and walked over.

He was wearing a short-sleeved exercise suit, showing his muscular outlines, and with a cropped cut, he gave people an invisible pressure just standing in front of him.

"Yes, my aunt has only one son, Mengtai, and asked me to kill that woman Liu Wanqing directly, and pay for her life." Xie Quan whispered.

"Xie Quan, the three of us have transformed our bodies six times. As long as we find out the trace of that woman Liu Wanqing, I can't think of how she can hide." Zhang Shaoshou also packed up his equipment at this time, walked over, and said with a smile.

He was only wearing a pair of trousers, his muscular upper body was naked, and a tiger's head was tattooed on his chest, giving off a manic and violent look.

"With your help, of course there is no problem." Xie Quan thanked.

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang again.

"Hey, Liu Daolong, what's the matter?" Xie Quan asked into the phone.

In a room of the Liu family villa.

Before Liu Daolong made the call, he sealed all the doors and windows to ensure that no one would hear him.

"Brother Xie, there's something wrong with me. The Lightning Tree has been given to Chen Yiming." Liu Daolong said directly.

Liu Daolong and Xie Quan were considered ordinary friends, so after this incident happened in the Liu family, he went directly to Xie Quan and asked him to help him intercede.

The use of Yinlei wood as an apology was also discussed with Xie Quan. Xie Quan took charge of the arrest of Liu Wanqing, and Yinlei wood as an apology would naturally be disposed of by Xie Quan.

But now the plan has changed, and Liu Liyuan has given the Yinlei wood to Chen Yiming. Liu Daolong can only tell the truth, hoping that Xie Quan will transfer his anger to Chen Yiming.

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