The curved plough is a kind of plough born in the Tang Dynasty, but it has been improved step by step in the following eras, shortening and bending the plough, reducing the forehead, pressure and other parts, and the structure of the plough body is more lightweight, flexible in use, and easy to use. Efficiency is also higher.

The information sent by the Dragon and Snake World is the information on the most improved Quyuan Plough.

The manufacture of the Quyuan Plough is not complicated. The Gongshu family made one in just a few days, and mass production began in less than ten days. Now it has appeared in the fields of Daqin.

There are also waterwheels related to agriculture. The most important part is the axle, which is the place where the public losers are most proficient. There are as many as three sets of waterwheel gears manufactured, which can transport water to dry fields, without farmers having to work hard to transport water.

As for cement, it has been initially applied to road repairs.

The stirrup was also a historic change for cavalry.

It can be said that such a small thing can increase the combat effectiveness of the cavalry by a few percent out of thin air.

There is also blast furnace ironmaking technology, which is also under study.

Most of the weapons of this era were made of bronze, except for those famous swords.

For example, Tian Wen, Yuan Hong, Tai A, Gan Jiang Mo Xie, etc., these are all made of strange stones such as meteorites from outside the sky.

Iron weapons have a much greater advantage than bronze weapons. Iron weapons are not like bronze weapons, which are brittle, hard and easy to break.

Also, in terms of weight, iron weapons are much lighter than bronze.

The reason why bronze ware is now the mainstream is because the iron smelting technology is generally too poor, and the iron weapons made are soft or brittle.

However, the steel pouring method and the more advanced blast furnace ironmaking technology were brought from the Dragon Snake World, and the factors restricting iron smelting technology no longer exist.

Because blast furnace ironmaking is more complicated, it has not been fully studied, but the steel pouring method, which was originally studied in ancient times, has been studied.

The weapons of the whole Daqin have begun to change, from bronze weapons to iron weapons.

Of course, this is not something that can be completed in a short period of time, after all, this is a large project with hundreds of thousands of people.

Iron weapons made by the method of pouring steel are lighter, harder, tougher, and sharper than bronze weapons. Imagine that soldiers in Daqin slashed over with iron weapons, and the enemy used bronze weapons to block, and the enemy's bronze weapons might be blocked by iron. The weapon is cut off, followed by the loss of life.

As for the research on alloy technology, it has not yet started. If the alloy technology can be thoroughly researched and popularized one day, the strength, toughness and sharpness of Daqin's weapons can be improved to a higher level.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, there are magic crossbows, stirrups, iron weapons, and all kinds of magical things, and it is just around the corner for Daqin to unify the world." The commander of the palace guards trembled with excitement.

"Unify the world! Just around the corner!"

"Unify the world! Just around the corner!"

"Wind! Wind! Gale!"

"Wind! Wind! Gale!"

The dozens of palace guards around Ying Zheng were so excited, their faces were flushed with anger, and some even had red eyes.

These palace guards are all old Qin people, and they have the deepest feelings for Da Qin. Following Ying Zheng to see these magical things with his own eyes, they all understand that Da Qin's unification of the world is unstoppable. Maybe they will be able to see this scene soon. , and even be able to participate in person.

"I really did not come to Da Qin wrong."

Genie was very emotional.

As one of Guiguzi's two disciples, although he and Wei Zhuang are both famous for their military power and have lost the face of the Guigu lineage, in fact, his art of war, vertical and horizontal techniques and other wisdom passed down from the Guigu lineage are not low.

Not to mention the divine machine crossbow, a battlefield killing weapon that represents blood and death.

Inconspicuous things like stirrups are things that can change the situation on the battlefield.

"Gallen, there must be no relaxation in the defense of this place. From today onwards, the defense must be more stringent, and no one is allowed to enter except for the order of the widow!" Ying Zheng gave a death order.

"As ordered!"

Garen's heavy armor shook and bowed slightly, his expression was extremely awe-inspiring, and his eyes were firm, as if he had accepted the most sacred order.

Chapter 60 The wise choice of Dugu seeking defeat

Garen and his Dreadnought Vanguard were drawn in the thirteenth lottery.

I have to say that the luck of the lottery is very important. Seven or eight times before the thirteenth draw, what he has drawn are some things that are tasteless and unfortunate.

It was not until the thirteenth time that the character finally broke out once, and Garen and the Fearless Vanguard were drawn.

The Fearless Vanguard Legion was the most elite army in the country of Demacia. The entire army consisted of only a thousand people, all of whom were summoned by Ying Zheng. Galen was the leader of the Fearless Vanguard.

The Fearless Pioneer is a heavy infantry regiment, all wearing armor weighing [-] kilograms, holding a two-meter-long giant sword, charging enough to collide with the cavalry.

As the leader of the Fearless Pioneer, Galen's strength has reached the level of a grandmaster. The entire Fearless Pioneer Corps has a hundred innate masters, and the rest are all Ninth-Rank strengths. Together with the heavy armor, they are given the ability to stand up and down on the battlefield. capital.

It can be said that the Fearless Vanguard Legion is a small tank on the battlefield.


"The messenger of Da Qin died in the territory of Han?"

Looking at the information on the table, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed a cold killing intent: "Did Han Guo give any explanation?"

Bei Yugong bowed his head slightly: "The response from the state of Han is that they are investigating who the murderer is, but so far, three days later, the state of Han has not given the identity of the murderer."

Ying Zheng laughed angrily: "My Daqin messenger died in Han country. For three days, Han country did not give out the identity of the murderer! Could it be that the whole Han country is eating shit?"

"Or is Han country not taking Daqin seriously? Since Han country can't find out, then Daqin will help them find out!"

Originally, the proton of the Han state was in the Qin state. When the time expired, the messenger sent the proton of the Han state back, and then replaced it with another proton to Daqin.

Unexpectedly, Da Qin's messenger died for no reason as soon as he entered the country of Han.

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