Big Killer – Poseidon Strategic Nuclear Submarine Launched
After explaining, Lin Yang went to sleep and played the game.
Half a month passed in a flash.
Late at night.
The sea is like a giant beast falling into sleep. Even in sleep, a breath or a sneeze of the giant beast can set off huge waves.
In the waters 340 kilometers away from Tangguoqin Island, a warship is sailing in the dark.
This is a frigate of the Tang Navy.
At this time, inside the warship.
The 40 sailors were arranged in four rows in order of height.
There is a face in front of themTV screen.
No one spoke, the 40 sailors stood straight, waiting for the signal on the TV screen.
Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye. The TV screen has no signal yet.
The 40 sailors were still standing upright, and no one showed an impatient expression.
Half an hour passed.
They just stood there, motionless.
Not to mention half an hour, even half a day can’t beat this group of submariners.
That’s right, the forty sailors are all submarine soldiers, and they are also nuclear submarine sailors.
Let’s put it this way, among the various branches of the army, submarines, especially nuclear submariners, are tough.
To put it simply, nuclear submarine soldiers are inside the submarine all the year round, and they may not go ashore every year.
One year, in a small space, do you know what it feels like?
It is unimaginable that ordinary people have not experienced it.
Why did forty nuclear submarine soldiers appear on the warship?
Naturally, they need to replace the new nuclear submarine.
As for what kind of new nuclear submarine, they also don’t know.
Hey, the TV screen has a picture.
“It’s General Lin!”
When it was clear that Lin Yang appeared on the screen, the submariners were shocked.
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A submarine soldier with the rank of lieutenant colonel stepped forward and said, “Crack!” First, he gave a military salute and said loudly: “All 40 soldiers of submarine No. 316 have arrived, please give instructions from the commander-in-chief!”
“I made you wait for a long time.”
Lin Yang’s voice came through the TV screen.
“It’s a pity that we can only meet in this way out of confidentiality. What you are about to receive is a nuclear submarine of the latest model of our army.
The information about this submarine is top secret and cannot be mentioned outside the submarine. I won’t say much here. I will introduce it to you when you enter the interior of the submarine. ”
“I’m here to wish you all success in receiving the new boat and fulfilling your mission!”
Hearing the words, the 40 submariners shouted in unison: “In peacetime I will deter, but in wartime I will strike!”
“Very good!” Lin Yang was satisfied with the talents selected from the Navy’s nuclear submarine force. They were all impeccable elites.
“let’s start!”
Next, is the handover ceremony of the new ship, which has been simplified for the sake of confidentiality.
At the same time, at a distance of 100 meters from the warship, a dark submarine quietly surfaced.
Ten minutes later, the warship approached the submarine.
“Get on the boat!”
With an order, forty submarine soldiers lined up, got off the warship, got on the submarine, and then entered the interior of the submarine through the exposed hatch on the back of the submarine.
Song Jianfei was the last to enter the submarine.
Soon he discovered the anomaly.
What about people?
There wasn’t a single soldier inside the submarine. Except for the forty soldiers who had just come down, didn’t they see anyone else in other cabins?
No, Song Jianfei heard other soldiers muttering, “Why don’t you see others?”
“What about people?”
Shouldn’t the veterans of this new ship explain their operations and precautions?
Why can’t I see no one.
They don’t know anything about this new ship now.
Just when the soldiers were puzzled, a mechanical sound rang in the ears of all the soldiers, “Welcome to the Sea God 001 boat, I am the artificial intelligence Sea God No. 01. You can ask if you need to know anything.”
artificial intelligence?
For a while, none of the soldiers responded.
It was the captain Lu Bin who reacted first, “I’m the captain Lu Bin, why are there no other soldiers in the ship?”
“Poseidon 001 is controlled by artificial intelligence and does not require soldiers to operate. After you are familiar with the operation, you will be authorized to operate.” The artificial intelligence replied.
“Ah?” Song Jianfei snorted, “Artificial intelligence can’t, right?”
Is it so advanced?
“I’m the commander-in-chief Lin Yang.” At this time, Lin Yang’s voice came in, “You know now that this Navy’s most advanced nuclear submarine is controlled by artificial intelligence.
The existence of artificial intelligence is the top secret of the military. You are the officers and soldiers of nuclear submarines. I don’t need to say more about the confidentiality regulations, you understand? ”
“Understood!” The soldiers responded in unison to the people.
Soldiers are soldiers, and they quickly put down the doubts in their hearts.
“I will now introduce you to the Poseidon 001, the latest generation of the Navy’s strategic nuclear submarine.
Equipped with 24 J-Wave 3 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, this performance is world-leading. The only strategic nuclear submarines in the world that can carry 24 nuclear missiles are the Ohio-class equipped by the Lighthouse Navy. Even the Egoland Typhoon-class nuclear submarine with a displacement of nearly 30,000 tons has only 20 nuclear missiles. The Aeolus-class nuclear submarine is also equipped with only 16 Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missiles…”

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