: Ban Dajiang UAV Company
Yin Duyang, the First Fleet.
One month after the restoration of the organizational system, there are several more destroyers in the naval port of the First Fleet, and the construction of a new aircraft carrier has already begun.
The Lighthouse State started to build three aircraft carriers at the same time, which broke the record of Tang State’s construction of two aircraft carriers, and demonstrated the strength of the number one military power.
Early in the morning, Commander Stearney was watching a video of two suicide drones transformed from J6 attacking oil tankers.Tank fleet.
“Is there any more detailed information?” Stilney asked the assistant officer after watching the video.
“Yes, this is Tang’s latest suicide drone, which is transformed from an old-fashioned J6 fighter.” The assistant officer said: “Intelligence confirms that the Tang people are carrying out a project to transform 3,000 J6 fighters in stock into suicide drones. project.”
“Oh?” Steely’s eyes flashed, “This kind of modified drone is nothing, but the number of 301,000 is a threat.”
“Yes, General, a small number of such drones is not a big deterrence, but if there are too many drones, it’s terrifying. Hundreds of drones are attacked at a time, and it’s hard to prevent them,” the assistant officer replied.
After a pause, the officer continued: “There is also an important piece of information. Tang Guopanshi Weapons Company received an order for 400 Wing Loong drones, and Tang Guo’s Shenzhou Technology also received an order for 1,000 Rainbow drones. The order is worth 50 billion yuan. This is a large-scale equipment of drones by the Tang military.”
“UAVs have indeed shown their advantages in the Pakistani battlefield and represent a form of future warfare.” Stillney pondered, “The era of drone warfare has arrived, and we haven’t invested enough in the field of drones. , you drafted a detailed assessment report on the Tang UAV in the Pakistan battlefield.”
“Yes!” The assistant officer nodded, turned and left.
Stillney continued to read Tang’s intelligence.
After 400 Y20s, Tang’s military purchased 1,400 drones in a short period of time, and transformed 3,000 suicide drones. Naturally, this series of big moves could not hide the lighthouse country’s eyes and ears.
The Lighthouse State military is highly concerned.
In particular, Tang Guoren’s big moves in the field of drones attracted Steelney’s attention.
He believes that it is necessary to take countermeasures and cannot let Tang Guoren lead the way in the field of drones.
A week later, Stillney returned to China to report on his work.
The Spring Festival is coming.
Niuyue Chinatown, the atmosphere of the Spring Festival is strong, gongs and drums, lion dances, and guessing lantern riddles can be seen everywhere in Chinatown, attracting many foreigners to spend the Spring Festival with overseas compatriots in Tang.
A street away from Chinatown, in a building with the flag of the Lighthouse State, a high-level military meeting is being held.
It was Steelney’s assistant officer who presided over the meeting.
“Generals, members and gentlemen, the Tang contingent has invested 300 drones of different sizes and models in the Pakistani battlefield, which has become the most dangerous weapon for us.” A picture appears on the screen.
“According to statistics, in the past six months, about 35,210 casualties have been caused by drones for soldiers of our camp in Pakistan. This number of casualties exceeds the casualties caused by the exchange of fire between the ground forces on both sides, which is shocking.”
There are more than a dozen authors in the conference room, including generals and congressmen, all of which are in their hands.
“Intelligence has confirmed that Tang’s military has purchased 1,400 drones and plans to transform 3,000 J6 suicide drones.”
“In the field of private drones, Shenzhou Technology’s valuation exceeds the US$100 billion mark. It is the world’s largest drone technology company, accounting for 40% of the global drone market.”
“Last year, Shenzhou Technology acquired three drone technology companies, namely AscTec, Parrot and EHANG, and their market share increased from 15% to 40%. Shenzhou Technology is expanding rapidly in the field of drones. Half a month ago, Shenzhou Technology made an acquisition of Guigu-based Microdrones Technology, a technology company that makes drone cameras.
More details on the development of Tang Guoren’s drones are in the document. Generals and members can read it carefully. ”
The assistant officer finished.
There were more than a dozen people in the conference room, some were reading materials, some were chatting.
“Gentlemen, we must curb Tang Guo’s development trend in the field of drones. My suggestion starts with preventing Shenzhou Technology from acquiring Microdr270ones Technology Company.” Steely was the first to speak.
“Agreed.” Seventh Fleet Commander Thors said, “We should go further to prevent the government, military, banks, and big companies from purchasing Shenzhou Technology’s products.”
“I propose that the parts and components of UAVs can be embargoed to Shenzhou Technology Company.” He expressed his opinion for the congressman.
“There needs to be a reason to rashly block Shenzhou Technology Company against the will of free trade… Shenzhou Technology’s Rainbow UAV is a military product that involves the field of national security, and procurement is prohibited for this reason.”
Soon, this group of senior leaders of the Lighthouse State reached a unified opinion, and made countermeasures against the field of drones in Tang State, starting with preventing the acquisition of Shenzhou Technology.
Three days later.
Shenzhou Technology’s company in Niuyue received a reply from the Foreign Trade Commission of the Lighthouse Country and did not agree to Shenzhou Technology’s acquisition of Microdrones Technology.
The news was reported back to China, and when it arrived in Lin Yang’s hands, relatives came to pay New Year’s greetings at home and were giving red envelopes to children.

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