It was late at night, Armin, Mikasa and Eren were lying in their rooms.

The roof was hollow, and they had no extra energy to fill in the missing bricks. Just preparing the bed was already exhausting.

Through the hole in the roof, one can see the stars in the sky, the Milky Way is bright, and the moonlight shines on their faces.

"Ian, he is such an incredible person." Armin rested his hand on his head and looked up at the Milky Way: "When I listen to him speak, I don't know why, but he becomes very calm."

"Armin, do you think the waterwheel that guy mentioned is useful?" Allen looked at Mikasa's side face through the gap between his fingers.

Mikasa was already asleep, lying on a bed made of banana leaves.

Ian taught them to make these three beds. Mikasa was curled up towards Allen, wrapped in the red scarf, breathing steadily.

"I don't know." Armin said softly: "Didn't Ian say that it is still in the design stage of drawings? We won't know if it is useful until the finished product is made."

"Do you believe what that guy said?"

"Yeah." Armin said, "I think Ian will definitely succeed. He has a special power."

"Really." Allen withdrew his gaze and looked at his palms.

"Alan, are you still unconvinced?" Armin whispered, "Forget it, Ian is a good man. He even gave us food today and helped us choose a room."

Allen was silent for a while and said: "Starting tomorrow, let's help that guy build the waterwheel."

"Eren.伱." Armin opened his mouth slightly and looked at Eren's face.

"Go to sleep." Allen turned his back to Armin: "Tomorrow we have to solve the food problem by ourselves. We can't let that guy look down on us."

Armin smiled: "I know, come on, we will definitely be able to live in the pioneer land."

The next day, when Ian opened his eyes, he saw the three of Allen, two bundles of bamboo shoots and a large bag of red berries on the ground, as well as some dug wild radishes. The radishes were very small, and one was no bigger than a fist. But fortunately there are a lot of them, more than ten.

It was not yet completely bright at this time, and the faces and hands of the trio were covered with mud.

"This is yesterday's gift in return." Allen pointed to the food and said, "How to make that waterwheel? What materials are needed?"

"You guys got up so early." Ian sat up and stretched.

"Ian, the three of us are all orphans who escaped from the Shiganshina area." Armin stood forward: "We discussed yesterday about the water tanker. Please let us help. Let's go together to convince Han Mr. Nice."

"Really?" Ian took out a grain of wheat gunpowder from his pocket, picked up a handful of dry straw, and put some dry bamboo on it.

He picked up the flint and rubbed it to create sparks, and the gunpowder was ignited. Suddenly, the straw ignited, and black smoke came out.

"Anyway, let's sit down and eat something first." Ian took out the knife he carried with him and processed the bamboo shoots and radishes: "If you don't have a full meal, you won't have the strength to work."

The three of them looked at each other and sat around the fire.

Ian roasted bamboo shoots and radishes by the fire, took out the gunpowder bag, and poured the grains of gunpowder into the palm of his hand.

"Do you know this?" Ian spread his palms.

"It's gunpowder," Armin said.

"That's right." Ian nodded: "This is the wheat gunpowder I made myself. I want to entrust you to help me sell the gunpowder."

"Why are you selling gunpowder?" Allen asked doubtfully, "Aren't you going to make a waterwheel?"

Ian put away the gunpowder: "Although it is said to be a waterwheel, in fact, there are still some imperfections in the design. It will take me about twenty days to draw the design before I can start. Construction and testing of waterwheel models.”

"Furthermore, the waterwheel is not something that children can make. We need carpenters with dexterous hands and feet, and hiring them requires money. Therefore, I hope that we can make enough money to hire a carpenter within twenty days." money."

"You want to make money with gunpowder?" Allen asked.

"Yes." Ian nodded: "Including collecting materials, I learned how to make wheat grain gunpowder from a person. This stuff is more stable than ordinary gunpowder, so it should be easy to circulate on the black market."

"You can take this as a test. I don't need companions who will hold me back. I don't want you to say you want to help me and then ask me to wipe your butts."

"But wouldn't it be too difficult for us three children to sell gunpowder on the black market?" Armin licked his lips.

"If a little girl who can't find her mother cries in front of me, I will be happy to hold her hand and help her find her mother. Are you little girls who can't find their mother?"

"Isn't it just selling gunpowder?" Allen stood up: "Just leave such a small matter to us!"

"But Eren," Armin interrupted: "We are residents of the pioneer land now. We are restricted from even going out, and we don't even know where the nearest black market is. It is a gathering place for criminals! We don't even have weapons. None, you will be killed if you go there!"

"You don't have to worry about this. I will take you to the black market for the first time." Ian said calmly: "I hope you will think carefully before deciding whether to do this. Once you join, you will not be able to withdraw. "

"Tch, do you think I'm a coward? I'm going, I've already decided!" Allen said.

"I knew you would say that." Ian smiled: "Clean up the room during the day, and I will take you to the black market at night."

"Ian. Is it really okay?" Armin looked worried.

"It's okay." Ian filled a piece of firewood into the fire: "I'm very familiar with the black market. The person in charge behind the black market is usually related to the local corps. That is a market that is tacitly allowed to exist. There are very few people. Dare to make trouble there."

"Just follow my instructions and I will show you what to do, but the second time, you have to rely on yourself."

Ian poked the fire with a fire stick. If you don't understand the rules of the black market, it is indeed a very dangerous place.

But Ian is not an outsider. The so-called black market is ultimately a place for profit. As long as you learn the principles of behavior that are more humane, you can get along like a fish in water there.

The key is to grasp the balance between benefits and risks. The benefits you earn should not make others too jealous, but let them see the risks involved in grabbing this business.

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