Muto and Titan turned on the Void Interference at the same time, and Angel Hiko and Angel Leng did not have a Void Engine on their bodies, so they were greatly affected.

"Sure enough, it will be the Void that will be the most effective against you!"

"Deal with them directly. "

The titan carried a sledgehammer and hammered it on Angel Leng's body, and Angel Leng flew out upside down and was not lightly injured.

Angel Leng was also injured a lot, and the influence of the void made them powerless to resist.

"I'll stop them, you go!"

"Do you still want to fight for this strength at this time?"

"I'm not fighting with you for this, someone has to call for the breath to be sent back to Queen Keisha and protect Anicid!"

The angel coldly resisted the influence of the void to fight with the Titans, and the result was naturally not too good.

Angel Yan didn't choose to leave, "Four-Seven-Three" She knew very well that she couldn't leave. Rather than being caught up by someone when you leave, it's better to fight them to the death here.

Angel Hiko and Angel coldly carried the influence of the Void and fought for several rounds, and now they have almost lost their combat effectiveness.

And at this time, Sneef, who had been knocked unconscious by Angel Cold, got up.

The sleeping super gene in his body also awakened at this moment.

His eyes were red, and a layer of red steam filled his body and the weapon in his hand.

It was as if he had completely lost his mind and attacked everything he saw. And the closest to him happened to be the Titans and Muto.

Sneef slashed Muto's head with a knife, and Muto dodged sideways, but he didn't expect that the device in his hand that emitted void interference was shattered by Sneef's knife.

It stands to reason that the equipment given by Carl is impossible to be destroyed by ordinary people's weapons, but at this moment, the strength of Sneef's awakening gene has soared to the level of a second-generation super soldier.

It was Muto's mistake that buried the previous good situation.

Only one void jamming device in the Titan's hand remained, and the impact on Angel Yan and Angel Leng was much smaller.

"This is a great opportunity!"

Ignoring his injured body, Angel Yan summoned the power of thunder, and the thunder turned into a spear and shattered the void jamming device in the hands of the stunned Titan.

Although there was no void interference, the injuries of the two of them would not recover for a while. The situation remains quite dangerous.

It all happened in the blink of an eye, and Muto reacted and kicked Sneff away.


Muto is confident that he can kick a generation of super soldiers to death. But he didn't want Sneef to get up from the ground again and be unharmed.

"Are you kidney-deficient guys? You can't even handle a mortal, look at me!"

The Titan hammered Sneef with a sledgehammer, but was held back by Sneef with a broadsword in his hand.


Sneef's voice no longer sounded like a human being, it was like an angry beast.

The furious beast has no fear in his heart, and he will despise all enemies.

Not only did Sneef carry the Titan's hammer, but he also slashed the Titan's arm with a backhand. The red rage attached to the Sneef knife is also able to prevent the rapid healing of the super gene.

Angel Leng and Angel Hiko also took advantage of the time Sneef had bought to recover from their injuries.

And at this time, above the sky, the angel also came.

After Muto found out that the angel was burning, he decisively pulled the Titan and withdrew.

Having lost his opponent, Sneef let out another roar before falling to the ground and dying.

After Burning Heart landed, he checked the situation of Angel Yan and Angel Leng, and saw that although they were injured, their injuries were not serious, and they were relieved.

"Burning Heart, why are you here?"

"When Queen Keisha saw that you were not in the right state, she hastily sent me over! "

"We should have been disturbed by the Void! I really didn't expect the power of the Void Interference to be so great, and it directly caused us to lose most of our combat effectiveness. "

"Sister Leng, Sister Yan, this is for you?"

"What is this?"

"This is a bracelet that shields from Void interference! I've built a program on it to shield Void interference.

As long as the opponent's Void Interference does not reach the upper limit of my Void Engine's computing power, the opponent's Void Interference will not take effect. "

"The Void Engine plus the Void Controller, coupled with your knowledge reserves, are a perfect match for you!"

"Blazing Heart, go and see that Fraser warrior over there! If it weren't for him today, Hiko and I might be in danger."

Burning Heart went over to check Sneef's condition, frowning. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"He's in a bad condition! The vitality of his whole body seems to have been hollowed out! It should be the sequelae of the super gene in his body being abnormally stimulated. "

"Can it be saved?"

"It's hard to say, if you bring him back to Merlot, the teacher should have a way to save him!

I'll report the situation to Queen Kesha, and let Queen Kesha decide!"

When Keisha learns of the situation, she asks Burning Heart to bring Sneff back to Merlot, and at the same time, Angel Hiko and Angel Leng come back together.

Frazier's situation was so serious, Keisha wondered if she should go there herself.

On the other side, Jonin finally got new instructions from Carl.

"Carl, you told me to go to Fraser to catch Anicid!"

"Didn't you say that my current strength is not as good as that of Queen Kaisha?

"You can rest assured, I have my own plan and will definitely not send you to death!

Your mission is simply to capture Anicid and lure Keisha over for a while!"

"Okay, I'll trust you for the time being, if you dare to trick me, I won't let you go. "

"If you really become a ghost, then the happiest person must be me! Studying the existence after death has always been my 4.2 interest. "

"You're such an out-and-out pervert!"

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Jonin had no interest in talking to Carl at all, and she rushed to Fraser as fast as she could, not caring what the triangle would do next.

After Ruoning leaves, the triangles are scattered, and they will expand their power in the way that is most beneficial to them.

Then it will naturally be caught by the people sent by Yu Wenshu to search for them.

In the entire universe, there is no higher study of the triangle than natural civilization.

Although the evolutionary route of the triangle is chaotic, the essence will not change.

Defend against their waveform attacks, and then use interference to block their detection of wormholes, catching them is a breeze.

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