The only thing that can still work in this black fog is the Max system, which uses light as an energy source.

In space, the monitoring of the Ubunju fleet was also blocked by the black fog. The black fog is now being parsed.

Black fog has no mass reaction and cannot be eliminated by physical means, and it carries a special plasma capable of corroding machinery, living beings, and even effectively interfering with radio waves.

After the analysis, the corresponding means were used to shield the interference of the black fog, and the monitoring of the blue star was quickly restored.

Gatanjee's true body was also exposed in front of Ubunjuri.

The size of more than 200 meters is not very huge, but his strange appearance still makes people shudder.

The people sent by Yubunju to solve Zoga were also greatly disturbed in the black mist.

However, it is only under such difficult circumstances that the effect of military training can be achieved.

Otherwise, let them easily solve the opponent, and the effect will not be achieved at all~

"That's what you call Ga-Tanjee, the Dark Dominator!"

"That's right, it's him!"

"It's really disgusting! That one is called Dagu, no, can Ultraman Tiga defeat him?

"With the strength of Ultraman Tiga, which Dagu can play now, there is really no way to deal with Gatanjee.

However, even if he knows that he will be defeated, he will still come out!"

After Yumanjushri's words fell, Diga came to Gatanjee.

"He's not afraid of death, isn't he?"

When you rebelled against Hua Ye, weren't those female angels who came after you afraid of death?

Time can dilute everything, but there are some things that must never be forgotten!"

"yes! How could I ask such a question!"

Liang Bing reflected on himself, where did he lose his original intention for so long.

Her original intention has been lost, what about Keisha? Where will the angelic civilization led by Kaisha, who is not in her original intention, go?

After all, Liang Bing was distracted, and his thoughts didn't know where to go.

The battle between Tiga and Gatanjee was over in a matter of minutes.

All of Tiga's attacks, including punches, kicks, and rays, had no effect on Gatanjee's snail shell.

Instead, Tiga was restrained by Gatanjee's tentacles, and was finally robbed of all the light by a move that pierced the light, turning into a stone statue and sinking into the sea.

Tiga can be said to be the hope of the entire human race, and now this last hope is also shattered. An aura of despair enveloped the entire Blue Star.

And this desperation made Gatanjea's power even stronger.

Keigo Masaki was also captured by Ubunjushri, and the humans didn't even have a chance to save Tiga.

"Alright, Tiga's expected defeat! Let's try the results of this time!"

"Research results?"

"Load the Light Factor Energy Cannon! Full power!"


"Light Factor Energy Cannon?

"With the light factor as the carrier, a large amount of light energy is gathered and released in a very short time.

Compared with traditional particle cannons, laser cannons have a shorter energy storage time and are more powerful. "

In fact, this is similar to the principle of the Max cannon of the victory team, except that the victory team does not have the technology to load the light factor, and the energy used by the max cannon only comes from ordinary light.

The full-power Light Factor Energy Cannon pierced through the outer sky and sparked on Gatanjee's snail shell, but it still failed to penetrate Gatanje's snail shell.

"This guy's shell is really hard! Aim at the position just now and continue to fire, and the other warships will also fire. "

"Yes, my God!"

Dripping water pierces stones, and is just as effective as the snail shell of Gatanjee.

After a continuous round of light factor energy cannon bombardment, Gatanjee's snail shell finally couldn't stand being shattered.

"Okay! Let's finish it off with one blow!"

"Hehe! Finish it, I don't need to do it! Locate the Tiga statue, and shoot a light factor transformation beam at the statue. Send this message to the humans of Blue Star at the same time!"

[Children, do you want Tiga to be revived? Then summon up your hope and call Tiga's name!]

"Huh, what are you doing?"

"Wait a minute, you'll be there!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The light factor transformation beam passes through the black fog and sea water and falls on the Tiga stone statue. However, this alone still can't wake up Tiga, and even if he awakens normalcy, Tiga is not yet Gatanjee's opponent.

0 begging for flowers

What's more, Gatanjee, who had just been broken through the defense, was in the furious stage.

The waves also make the beam effect even more compromised.

And at this time, the voice sent by Yu Wenshu was also transmitted to the various shelters of the Blue Star.

These will be nonsense for adults, and there is no feeling, but for innocent children, they are a beacon of despair.

One by one, the children shouted out Tiga's name, and their hope turned into light and converged on the statue of Tiga.

"What's that?"

"The power of idealism, the light of hope for children! It's time to wake up, shine Tiga!"

Shining with golden light, the body has also doubled the sparkle Tiga revived.

"Do you know he's going to revive in such a way? This kind of idealistic power is so unscientific!"

"The power of idealism is naturally unscientific! Alien energy is also idealistic, and the stronger the belief, the stronger the power.

Materialistic science keeps the lower limit, and the infinite upper limit depends on the power of idealism!

Just like now, the power of idealism has exploded, and the crisis of extinction, which was originally impossible for the Blue Star human race, has now passed smoothly!"

Shining Tiga combined with the children's rays of hope to shatter Gatanjea with a sparkling Jappelio ray after a round of critical hits.

The ruler of darkness also fell in the light of idealistic hope.

It occurred to Ubunju that it would be interesting to add Ultraman's setting to the Digimon world.

Tigamon, Dinammon, Rabbitmon, it's interesting to think about.

Of course, now is not the time to talk about this, after Gatanjee was defeated, the black fog finally dissipated.

The members of the Victory Team also welcomed the return of the great hero Dagu aboard the Atlantis.

Lina even offered a kiss to confirm their relationship.

It's just that the divine light stick in Dagu's hand turned into ashes and disappeared, and he can no longer transform into Ultraman Tiga.

But in fact, it was Dagu who gave up the transformation.,He feels that the task has been completed.,He should give up the identity of Tiga.,Live a good life as a human being.。。

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