Taiyi is the holder of the badge of courage, and the most important thing is courage, and Ah He also stood up.

"Awu, come too!"


"We believe in you!"

"Ah Wu understands!Angelmon, my arrow of hope!"

"Celestial Maiden, my arrow of light!"

The power of the Badge of Light and the Badge of Hope appears in the hands of the Celestial Maidens and Angelmons as arrows.

Taiyi and Ah He also held hands, and they also had fear in their hearts, but courage and friendship overcame fear.

When the arrows of hope and light pierced their bodies, a miracle occurred.

Agumon evolved into the Ultimate Combat Tyrannosaurusmon, and Gabumon evolved into the Ultimate Steel Garruru.

"Is this a miracle? This miracle is too cheap!"

Liang Bing didn't have a good impression of these two evolved Ultimate Bodies, although the appearance of Steel Garuru and Battle Tyrannosaurus was still okay.

In fact, what she wants to see more is the evolution of the Celestial Maiden, and she wants to know what kind of angel the Celestial Maiden will be when it evolves into the ultimate body.

However, if you let Liang Bing know that the Celestial Maiden will become a pink husky after evolving, I don't know if it will be angry and jump to the feet.

Steel Garruru, who has completed the ultimate evolution, and the Battle Tyrannosaurus immediately attack the Ultimate Vampire Beast.

Although they are also the ultimate body, or even two against one, their battle is down.

The body of the Ultimate Vampire Demon Beast has condensed too much and too strong dark power.

His special move, the Poison Streamer, was not touched by Steel Garuru and the Battle Tyrannosaurus.

If it is consumed, it will be the chosen child who loses.

At this time, the other selected children also came.

Eight Digimon attack the Ultimate Vampire Beast at the same time, and finally make up for the disadvantage.

With the combined efforts of the eight Digimon, the stomach of the Extreme Vampire Demon Beast was finally drilled a large hole by the Battle Tyrannosaurmon's Battle Tornado.

However, the Ultimate Vampire Demon Beast did not die, but came out of the hole with his body.

The dark power it unleashed overturned all eight Digimon in an instant.

At the same time, the fear of the dark forces completely frightened the chosen children.

At this moment, the badge in the chosen child's hand glowed, and these lights turned into ribbons that bound the hands, feet, and even neck of the ultimate vampire beast, making him unable to move.

"Damn, you hateful chosen imps, let me go."

Hesitantly, he spoke, so he was guessed.

"That's his body! Quick, now!"

There are also the combat power of the steel Garuru and the battle tyrannosaur beast, which launched a special move against the ultimate vampire demonic beast.

Gaia's energy cannon and absolute cryogas finally destroyed the body of the Ultimate Vampire Demonic Beast, and his huge body disappeared with it.

Liang Bing and Yu Wenshu were watching the whole time, and Liang Bing couldn't help but say.

"It's cheating, isn't it? If you can't beat it, you'll have to play it! If it's the chosen kids who have to win in the end, why do you have to make all this drama? Is it for sabotage?"

Indeed, the battle between the Ultimate Vampire Beast and the chosen child has destroyed the surrounding area, and there is no high-rise building to be seen.

To use a metaphor that is not graphic! The adventures of these chosen children are the process of anti-virus house arrest.

The virus will definitely be cleaned up, and the process of killing the virus will definitely not be less. "

"Okay, that makes sense, can we find out the main server in the digital world?"

"Haven't I been doing it all along? I've collected a lot of data now! Maybe the next action will force both the Constantness and the World Tree out!"

"World Tree, Constantness, Why did two words come out of the world that I didn't understand?"

"I'll explain it to you then! Look at the sky!"

"Hmm, what's going on?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

With the death of the Ultimate Vampire Demonic Beast, the dense fog has dissipated, but the night sky, which should have been the same as the stars and the moon, has now turned into a striped suit.

The rifts one by one reflect the scenery of the Digimon world.

"The Digimon world and the real world have been distorted!

When the two worlds are completely distorted and fused, the dark forces of the Digimon world will be drowned along with the real world. "

"It's really a ring, a ring, a ring, and we're going to see these kids in action?"

"No, that's the end of the children's adventure, it's grown-up time!"

Ubunju contacted the fleet, and although the two worlds have been distorted, with some adjustments, there is no problem in opening the door to the Digimon world.

Ubunju and Ryobing return to the battleship and go to the Digimon world through the open Digimon Gate.

Ubunju deliberately told the chosen children that they didn't have to go to the Digimon World. As for whether they will listen or not, it is not known.

At this point, the Digimon world has been completely distorted, and these distortions have formed the Dark Tornado.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, Iron Sea Dragonmon, Puppet Beast, Mechanical Evil Dragonmon, and the Clown Emperor rule the area.

It was also they who defeated the Four Sacred Beasts, which maintained the balance of the Digimon world, and allowed the dark forces to spread in the Digimon world.

However, the return of the Ubunjushri fleet to the Digimon world did not lure them to the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness.

By the time Yu Wenju found out where they were, they happened to be together to dismount the chosen children.

The chosen child defeated the Ultimate Vampire Beast, but his heart was actually a little inflated.

The appearance of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness (Lee's) completely knocked back their little conceit.

Even if Steel Garruru and the Battle Tyrannosaurus are on the same page, they are not the opponent of the Clown Emperor at all.

It can be seen that darkness is the most desperate moment for them.

It's also the Clown Emperor who wants to play tricks on them, otherwise, they might have been killed.

"'Alright!'Who do you choose to die?'"

The Clown Emperor's words completely collapsed Meimei, and he became hysterical because he was not strong enough.

"It's noisy, let's start with you!"

The Clown Emperor's flying knife shot towards Meimei, and the Zhimeng beast stepped forward and blocked the Clown Emperor's flying knife for Meimei.

At this moment, sadness and despair haunt the hearts of these children at the same time.

But at this moment, a huge laser shrouded the four heavenly kings of darkness in it.

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