"As for how it was done, of course I can't tell you. Otherwise, would you still invite me to record the show?"

Teacher He laughed when he heard it.

"What we want is the miraculous effect you bring. Why is it so miraculous? I won't explore it. But Xia Shen, we are all your fans now. Before the show is recorded, can you open our eyes again? Give us a show."


Sister Po and Wu Xin nodded repeatedly, and the director Liu Wei came over and coughed twice.

"God Xia, we also need to make sure before we start recording the show, so you should show your hand first."

"Director, you are using power for personal gain, but I support you."

Liu Wei had already written on his face that he wanted to see it too, causing a group of people in the Happy family to boo, and Xia Liang laughed.

"It seems that I really can't refuse such a reason, so let's treat it as a dress rehearsal."

As he spoke, he took out an iron ring from the bag he brought with him, about ten centimeters in diameter, and handed it over.

"Look at this first."

Sister Po immediately took it, looked at it and said.

"It's just an ordinary hoop. Do you want to use this to perform?"

"Of course not one. I have three more hoops like this."

Xia Liang took out the other hoops, raised his hand to show them, and then took back the one in Sister Po's hand, and continued.

"This magic is called Four Links, and it has something in common with the rubber band magic I performed last night, and that is penetration."

"You are watching."

Xia Liang had an iron ring in each hand, and after a hard knock, the iron rings that seemed to have no openings were connected together in series, and when they were cracked, they jumped up.

"I really didn't say anything, I didn't say anything at all. I just saw it, but why did they get together."

"God Xia, can I take another look?"

Du knelt and knelt and couldn't help but want to find out, Xia Liang didn't refuse, and handed over the two connected ones for them to check one by one.

The four-linked chain is not close-up magic, but stage magic, which he specially prepared for the recording of the show. After showing it to the happy family members, the real performance will be during the recording of the show.

There are also many different ways to play the four-linked ring by untying and knotting the ring. Just like a flower rope, many different patterns can be made. In the presence of hundreds of spectators, his wonderful performance caused applause after another.

For these viewers, Xia Liang's appearance gave them enough surprises. No one thought that Xia Liang would be a guest on this program before. This can explain why he suddenly appeared in Shonan. It turned out that It's for recording a show.

At the end of the four-series performance, Mr. He was the first to come on stage.

"Thank you God Xia, thank you God Xia for the wonderful performance."

"Actually, there is one thing I need to tell everyone, that is, when we were backstage, we strongly asked Xia Shen to perform for us first, but this did not affect our appreciation at all. Even now, I still can't help but want to watch it again. .”



Sister Po followed.

"Shen Xia's magic is so miraculous, it can always make possible things that we have repeatedly confirmed to be impossible, so I, like many people, have always believed that God Xia really knows magic."

He praised Xia Liang for a few words, and then made a gag, which made the audience laugh, Teacher He said again.

"Xia Shen, I believe that many audience friends must be as curious as I am about this magic trick. Can you introduce this magic trick to us?"

Xia Liang picked up the microphone and said,

"This magic is called Silianhuan. I didn't actually create it, but it has a long history. It can be said to be a manifestation of the wisdom of the ancestors of the empire."

"Ah, is it so powerful?"

Teacher He was really shocked again, not just saying this for the effect of the program. He is recognized as a very knowledgeable person, but he has never heard of this.

"God Xia, tell us about how long the history is."

At this time, Du Kneeling also acted like a pupil who was eager to learn.

Xia Liang said.

"Because of the general decline of magic, many people don't know that our Dragon Kingdom is actually one of the birthplaces of the three major magics. Magic is an imported word. It was generally called tricks in the ancient empire, but we now call it ancient color tricks. "

"Oh, I know that."

Mr. He said right away.

"In fact, there are introductions to tricks in various ancient books of our empire. It is one of the traditional acrobatics. Juggling has a long history in our country, but some tricks have been lost due to various reasons. It is very regrettable."

"But since it's all lost, how did you learn it, God Xia?"

Sister Po was very curious about this, and Xia Liang said it casually.

"I was also fortunate to learn from my teacher,"

Xia Liang could only make up his own story, as long as it made sense, he moved out the rhetoric he had prepared long ago.

"In recent decades, because of the decline of the magic industry, I have stood up. Almost all the magic tricks that have been circulated today have been cracked and lost the fun of viewing. Use me to develop new magic tricks. The ancient tricks have been lost. Then I'm trying to figure out a way to recover."

The eloquent passage touched everyone deeply, even Tian Yuanyuan, who was hiding in the auditorium wearing a mask, was the same. Teacher He also sighed,

"It turns out that there are so many hard stories behind it. It's really not easy. Xia Shen, you have such a miraculous ability and you deserve it, because you work harder than anyone else in magic performances."

Xia Liang nodded, and continued.

"Actually, the reappearance of the lost ancient color tricks is not only because I like magic, but also because I have the determination to carry forward traditional culture, so I am so persistent. Our Dragon Kingdom has a history of five thousand years, and we have a history of 5,000 years. With a brilliant culture, tricks are one of them, and they are also the crystallization of ancient wisdom. If they are just annihilated in history, wouldn’t it be equivalent to burying our historical civilization? I sincerely hope that the wisdom of the ancestors can be passed on, I think Let all descendants and people all over the world know how wonderful and splendid the culture of our Yanhua Empire is, so I used to be like this, and I will work hard to inherit and restore ancient color tricks in the future, so that everyone can see arrive."

"Xiashen, I believe you can do it. As a descendant of Yanhuang, I think the same as you."

Teacher He was really moved and choked up when he spoke, but Du Kneeled on one knee again and said loudly.

"God Xia, I support you. I believe you can do it and bring honor to our descendants."

Wu Xin quietly wiped away tears.

"Xiashen, after what you said, we want to see it even more urgently. The four-linked ring is so wonderful, and the wisdom of our ancestors is indeed worthy of our pride. Besides the four-linked ring, have you prepared other ancient color tricks today? ?”

"Of course I'm ready."

Xia Liang nodded.

"The next magic trick is called Immortal Picking Beans. It is also a very popular trick in the Song Dynasty."

The recording of "Happy Camp" was very smooth and very successful. Judging from the feedback from the audience, not to mention it is rare in recent years. Looking at the history of the program, this episode can also be regarded as one of the best.

Of course, the final situation can only be determined after the show is broadcast, but the direction of the wind can be seen from the reaction of the audience, and the ecstatic attitude of the director Liu Wei can be seen.

In fact, Liu Wei has already felt the unexpected joy before the show was recorded. He originally invited Xia Liang to come to record the show just to borrow the heat, but as soon as Xia Liang came over, he made a condensed water into ice, which reduced his attention. Pushed up again, for the show, there is nothing more favorable than this.

It seems that "Happy Camp" took a big advantage, but Xia Liang can also get a lot from this platform, and he really takes what he needs. For the recording of this program, he also took great pains and carefully considered how to present it.

Relying on traditional culture is a decision made under the balance of left and right. After he came up with this idea, he just said it casually and got Tian Yuanyuan's firm support. Since he can do this, then there is no need to think about other things. There is nothing more suitable than this. There is no World Magic Association in this world, and almost all ancient color tricks have been lost.

There are already many wonderful ancient color tricks worth performing, so why not perform them? By the way, promote traditional culture.

Xia Liang was also very satisfied with the final result. After he and Tian Yuanyuan flew back to the magic capital, Fruit Satellite TV had already checked out the trailer for promotion. It was at this time that people knew that Xia Liang was participating in the recording of "Happy Camp" .

Those who are Xia Liang's fans who have already become interested in magic are already looking forward to this episode, and even can't wait.

After the recording, Xia Liang and Tian Yuanyuan traveled here again for a few days before leaving.

Return to Qingyun City.

Xia Liang began to repeat the three-point and one-line life again, going to the commercial street to perform.

Occasionally broadcast live.

Xia Liang also felt at ease.

However, it is clear that some people are not satisfied.

Especially the audience in the live broadcast room, they always want to make big news every day.

In order to satisfy these guys, Xia Liang also began to plan the next performance.

January 1st, New Year's Day in the Dragon Kingdom.

The entire Dragon Kingdom is silent in the joy of the festival.

Many people gathered in the commercial street of Qingyun City.

Even many defenders came to maintain order.

The reason for all this is that Xia Liangbite performed magic tricks on New Year's Day.


A burst of white smoke exploded.

In the center of the stage, Xia Liang appeared out of thin air.

The whole scene screamed, as did the audience in the live broadcast room.

【husband! Husband, you are so handsome! 】

【Yes! Husband I love you! 】

[Upstairs, I clicked on your profile, you seem to be a man. 】

[Fuck off, what's wrong with the man? My name is Zhinan Ershang! 】


Seeing the excited audience working, Xia Liang saluted very gentlemanly.

Then he said lightly.

"Happy New Year's Day everyone."

It was just a sentence, but accompanied by a strong aura of calmness and calmness, it instantly held the whole scene.

"Not much to say, next, I will restore a classic magic trick for everyone. Everyone must have heard of David Kebo. This great magician once made the Statue of Liberty in M ​​country disappear in front of 50 million viewers. And today, in front of all commercial street audiences, I will make the mall behind me disappear."

After Xia Liang's voice finished speaking, the whole scene boiled again.

"Fuck! Is it true?"

"God Xia made a move! It really is extraordinary!"

"It's great! I knew Xia Shen was going to perform in the live broadcast yesterday, so I booked a plane ticket to come over that night."

"Hahahaha! Me too!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

Of course, not everyone believes in Xia Liang so blindly, and some people even say it directly:

"Are you entertaining us? Don't think that you can do whatever you want if the policy improves. Believe it or not, I will smash your mess right now."

"Let the mall disappear, why don't you blow it up, you made the entire Blue Star disappear? If you can make this mall disappear under my nose, I'll wring my head off and use it as a chamber pot for you!"

"That's right, I've made some achievements in small troubles before, and now I'm going to challenge a world-class magician? If you can disappear the entire shopping mall on the spot, I'll give you that big Benz over there."


Of course, Xia Liang didn't make too many excuses for the violent rebuttals in front of him.

So Xia Liang ignored all voices of doubt, and continued on his own:

"Although this is just magic, in order to ensure that there are no accidents to the mall personnel, I only let him disappear for ten seconds in this mall. During these ten seconds, everyone can take pictures and videos at will. After ten seconds, I will restore the mall to its original state. I think ten seconds is enough for you to see everything that is happening before your eyes, now! I solemnly announce to everyone that after the countdown of thirty seconds, the magic will officially begin."

After saying this, Xia Hua still didn't put down the microphone, but watched the countdown and read the seconds, and started counting down.

"30, 29, 28..."

"It's really funny, and it looks like it's real."

"You did a few little magic tricks before, so we won't expose you, okay? Do you have to engage in such a big fight to make yourself unable to step down?"

At first, there were still many voices of doubt rising and falling, but many people who believed in Xia Liang, looked at the time, and someone started to read it.




When counting to the last ten seconds, all the audience at the scene started reading along with him.

Even the barrage in the live broadcast room. The countdown is also scrolling neatly.

Psychology The mob of mass psychology is perfectly represented at this moment.

As long as someone starts, no matter whether it is right or wrong, most people don't even know why everyone is doing it.

They will still go along with the loudest and most orderly voice.

This is the ragtag show, and it involves psychology too.

"11, 10, 9"

When the reading reached single digits, Xia Liang put down the microphone in his hand.

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