As soon as Ye Wanxi said this, everyone's eyes were focused.

Lu Jingyun showed curiosity: "Your family also has a cat?"

"It's not a cat, it's a rabbit."

"Rabbit? Is it the rabbit mentioned on the Internet?" Compared with other people, Wang Chengwen's news is relatively well-informed.

As early as the program group had decided on the candidate, he told him immediately, and he also had a general understanding of what happened on the Internet recently, so he naturally knew which rabbit Ye Wanxi was talking about.

"You raised that rabbit?"

"No, but they may occasionally be fostered with me in the future."

Lu Jingyun showed envy: "That's great, I also want to raise rabbits."

"If you have a chance in the future, you can come to my house to see it. It is very obedient and does not bite."

"is it okay?"


It was the first time the two met, but because they had a common topic of intimacy, they were like good sisters, and Wu Qianqian, who was following behind, was so angry that she almost gritted her teeth.

The peach grove that Ye Wanxi and the others are in charge of today is located halfway up the mountain, picking them is easy, but the hard part is transporting them down the mountain.

Peaches are also fragile items, and it is difficult to sell them at a good price if they are bruised.

A few big men came together and decided to let Ye Wanxi and the others pick peaches. They first went to the nearby farms to borrow some handy tools, and after they finished picking, they went down to transport them.

Even so, Wu Qianqian was still full of complaints.

"It's not good to pick anything. I have to pick peaches. What should I do if I get allergic after so many hairs?"

Ye Wanxi and the two of them glanced at her, but neither of them spoke.

Ye Wanxi picked a peach, touched it, and smelled it closely, her eyes lightened slightly: "This peach is red, big, firm and fresh, it must be delicious."

Lu Jingyun smiled: "I think so too, and I thought that if it's sweet, I can buy some to take home with me when I go home."

The two of them speeded up their movements while talking.

Wu Qianqian was already suffocating, but seeing Ye Wanxi getting more and more unpleasant, she didn't want to be with the two of them when she was working, so she found a tree farther away and picked it up herself.

When Wang Chengwen and others came back with borrowed tools, Ye Wanxi and the others had already picked one basket and were picking the second basket.

Wu Qianqian also picked half of the basket, but when she took a closer look, several people couldn't help frowning.

"Qianqian, what are you picking?"


"Of course I know it's peaches, but you..." Wang Chengwen pointed to her basket, and then to Ye Wanxi's basket, "Look at yours, and then at theirs."

Wu Qianqian glanced at the two of them in the direction Wang Chengwen pointed. The difference between the two baskets was clear at a glance, but she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

"What's the matter, isn't it just a little green? Don't peaches in the supermarket also have red and green? In case some people don't like to eat such red ones, isn't it just right for me?"

Wang Chengwen was also annoyed when she heard that she had never repented: "I emphasized before picking these peaches that we have to take them to the market in the afternoon, and they must be sold out today. They must be the freshest, biggest and reddest. Those. You took my words as nothing, didn’t you?”

"That's right, the peaches in the supermarket are indeed red and green. That's because most of the peaches are not sold on the same day they are picked. In order to prevent the peaches from rotting before they go on the market, it is natural not to pick those that are too ripe. It’s about to be sold, who would buy it if it’s so green? Are you going to spend hours ripening it for a performance?”

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