After Yang Feng completed checking and proofreading the full text of SCP-2662, he did not choose to rest.

Instead, I searched carefully through the SCP official website in the light curtain for articles related to the two keywords"Underground City" and"Color".

After searching for a few more minutes, he decided to write about the former.

As for the content, it is SCP-1678"Mirror London", a relatively famous SCP project in its previous life.

After confirming, after searching for relevant information about this city in the parallel world, he immediately started typing.

【The following content is from the SCP Foundation Confidential Database】

【Item Number: SCP-1678】

【Object Class: Euclid

【Special Containment Procedures: To date, SCP-1678 remains partially contained. Mobile Task Force Tau-4 Epsilon-6 has successfully established defensive fortifications around SCP-1678's Hyde Park area.】

【For some reason, SCP-1678-A has essentially stopped attacking areas controlled by the SCP Foundation, and a long-term research base is currently under construction.】

【The local SCP Foundation armed forces commander is preparing to launch an attack on SCP-1678's Natural History Museum in order to establish a forward command post and expand the area of ​​control.】

【Current short-term goals include occupying and expanding the defense perimeter of the SCP-1678 Natural History Museum, and researching and determining the origin, structure, and vulnerabilities of SCP-1678-A instances】

【Long-term goals include efforts to stop, hinder, or control the production of SCP-1678-A instances, and to apprehend and contain the beings, entities, or intelligence agencies believed to be responsible for the creation of SCP-1678】

【Currently, the possible headquarters mentioned above are believed to be SCP-1678's Capitol Building. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"Looking at this situation, contestant No. 100 is planning to finish writing all the content in one day and then take a rest..?"

"As I expected, he would first write about simple keywords like"underground city""

"SCP-Part 1678 contained? A new one was made, right?"

"According to the relevant information that contestant No. 100 searched before writing, this underground city may refer to the underground version of London."

"Looking at this content, the P Foundation armed forces are fighting against their own creatures within this P project?

"For the first time, I saw combat goals and plans in special containment procedures.……"

"The most cumbersome and difficult episode to contain"

"It feels less difficult than containing the Crimson King"

"We also need to launch a general attack on the headquarters of the mastermind behind it, right?"

"I don’t think this behind-the-scenes waver will appear directly. After all, with the consistent style of player No. 0……"

【Description: SCP-1678 is a 1:1 scale replica that is a complete mirror image of London, a city in the United Kingdom. It is located exactly 1km underground in London.】

【As of this writing, only the Hyde Park area of ​​SCP-1678 has been fully explored and controlled.】

【However, all the buildings in SCP-1678, at least in the area that has been explored, perfectly match the layout of the buildings directly above them, right down to their external shape and size.】

【Similarities in architectural style, building materials and internal structure are extremely rare.】

【In fact, the city is built to look like a re-creation of what London looked like in the Victorian era.】

【SCP-1678 has an architectural design similar to the gas lanterns that were prevalent in the Victorian era, and all modern buildings above ground were replaced by Victoria-style buildings, especially the skyscraper complexes in the business district.】

【Compared to cities on the ground, lighting is sparse and ineffective, and it is unknown how SCP-1678 obtains a sufficient supply of oxygen and fuel. 】

The comment area of ​​the live broadcast room. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No, is it really London?"

"I'm in this city right now, even walking in this park right now……"

"Hurry and find out if there is any mysterious passage leading underground!"

"Is it really just a mirror image? I hope the proportion described in this aspect will not exceed that of underground cities."

"The layout and appearance are modern, but the interior is from the Victoria Crow era? All I can say is that this setting feels like it can be expanded."

"Medieval style... Blessed are the second creators"

"You should be able to see the city's art works in a few days."

【SCP-All the buildings within 1678 are thought to have been built at the same time in some way, and its parliament building served as a"hub" in the construction process.】

【Evidence supporting this theory is that the further away from the Capitol, the higher the potential frequency of SCP-1678's construction defects.】

【For example, houses are all made of copper pipes, or other unusual materials; the"gas lamp" becomes a device with only a copper rod with a suspended light bulb on it; buildings without floors, and buildings farthest from the center Exploring the distance, I discovered a building without doors or windows.】

【In addition to the SCP Foundation stationed here where members reside and SCP-1678-A Outside of B and C, SCP-1678 is considered uninhabited】

【SCP-1678 is believed to have been built for the purpose of sheltering humans who survived an XK-class apocalyptic event. 】

The discussion in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room began to gradually increase.[]

"Built at the same time? Is there even a hub? Are you sure this city doesn't exist as a game?"

"I feel like it is. To be honest, this kind of stuck bug state is really similar to the game."

"My evaluation: This is a game with insufficient computing power, and it cannot even achieve full scene rendering and coverage recognition."

"Upstairs, this game has not even deployed NPCs.……"

"Looking at the last paragraph, I think it is to improve safety and sustainability. After all, we need to protect a large number of humans in the end of the world."

"I think the capabilities of this asylum organization are still a bit weak, and I feel they are not as good as SCP-2000."

"That thing is a trump card."

PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes! Please give me all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!

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