At the same time, Yang Feng wrote the description part

【Description: SCP-2662 is a cognitohazardous entity, approximately 4 feet tall and weighing approximately 200kg.】

【SCP-2662 has a roughly human appearance, with 20 muscular limbs resembling cephalopod tentacles on its back. These limbs can move normally, allowing SCP-2662 to perform up to 10 different tasks at the same time】

【SCP-The primary anomalous effects of 2662 will only occur after long-term and repeated exposure to it, which generally requires being in the same room or having daily contact with it.】

【Subjects exposed to SCP-2662 for more than 6 months will begin to strongly perceive SCP-2662's needs and develop an urge to help them satisfy those needs. Subjects may experience intermittent psychotic symptoms if prevented.】"633"【SCP-2662 cannot affect humans whose mind influence resistance index score is greater than 2. According to a large number of calculations, it is found that it can only affect about 5% of humans and 2% of SCP Foundation personnel.】

【Therefore, this is considered a low-threat cognitohazard. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"Although this image was constructed in my mind, it was both terrifying and oppressive. But why does the thought of SCP-2662 enjoying reading newspapers, playing games, and surfing the Internet make it so funny again?"

"This god is a bit broken"

"All I can say is that the contrast is extremely strong. This should be the keyword [contrast] for the 7th Keyword Creation Competition."

"Being able to do ten different jobs at the same time? Hey guys, I have a bold idea……"

"For those upstairs, don’t think that it’s easy to get hung up on a street lamp and be unable to get down."

"I really want this superpower that can make others feel their needs clearly and strongly.……"

"And in the end, people will have to complete these requirements, what a magical skill!"

"Isn’t there some kind of psychic influence resistance index? Although I don’t know the specific settings, I guess we won’t be so lucky as to be one of the 5% of people!"

"Thank you, Mengguren. It turns out to be a rubbish skill!"

【SCP-The secondary abnormal effect of 2662 is that a group of religious believers who worship it will spontaneously appear every once in a while, with at least one group appearing every month.】

【The creation of these groups is not under SCP-2662's control, and the latter displays strong feelings of disgust and dislike for them, and is extremely distressed by the existence and behavior of these groups.】

【Religious groups spawned from SCP-2662 generally focus on breaking into its containment chamber and performing various rituals】

【These groups display a high degree of organization and adapt with each failed break-in attempt】

【However, after long-term investigation, it was found that there was no connection between different batches of believers. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"This skill is relatively strong, but I can only say that the specific performance is very strange."

"Isn't it quite baffling? Every once in a while, a group of people will appear who crazily worship themselves."

"One month is quite a long time, right?"

"A must-have skill for prison inmates... These guys will also find ways to break in... Although they are doing some superstitious rituals"

"Putting it into perspective, I feel a bit sympathetic to SCP-2662. I can’t directly control the group of admirers, and I don’t like them. I have to meet them every other month.……"

"M’s can also iterate on its own, right? It is recommended to send them to the battlefield to fight the enemy with all their strength!"

"The most disgusting thing is that there is no way to investigate who will be the next batch of admirers. After all, there is no connection between them."

Yang Feng twisted his sore hand and began to write the accident part.

【An incomplete list of incidents related to SCP-2662. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Incident 2662-07: A religious group called the"Hymns of Hajj" successfully broke into SCP-2662's containment chamber.】

【(22:50) SCP-2662 is taking a bath and getting ready for bed. Then, a loud noise was heard, and an explosion occurred underground beneath SCP-2662's containment chamber.】

【(22:51) Five injured civilians crawl out of the hole after the explosion, while SCP-2662 stops bathing to check on】

【(22:52) Several agents tried to prevent the initial five civilians from entering the containment cell, but five hostile armed men followed..........】

【(22:56) After a brief resistance, the agents were tied up in civilian uniforms】

【The intruders approached SCP-2662. The uninjured civilian stabbed his own palm with a knife and drew some unknown symbols on the wall with blood.】

【(22:58) SCP-2662:"Oh guys, come on. This is unhygienic. It's unnecessary."】

【SCP-2662 suddenly froze when he saw the symbol, and the injured civilian forced him into the corner of the bathroom.】

【(22:59) The injured civilian begins to squeeze blood from the wound, singing and smearing the blood on SCP-2662】

【SCP-2662:"Oh God! Stop! Please! This is really unhygienic! I just finished taking a shower!""】

【(23:00) Task Force Tau-9 arrived at the containment room, successfully subdued all intruders, and took SCP-2662 to the temporary containment room, waiting for the original containment room to be repaired.】

【Incident 2662-13: A religious group called the"Betrothed" broke into SCP-2662's containment chamber.】

【(8:22) SCP-2662 is eating breakfast and reading the newspaper】[]

【(8:24) Security guards entered the SCP-2662 containment chamber with a researcher, Researcher 1.7 holding a piglet】

【(8:25) SCP-2662:"What's the matter?"】

【(8:26) Researcher:"Oh my Lord, please accept this suckling pig that was orphaned because its parents were slaughtered! Let the loss of its soul become your food!"

【The researchers then killed the piglet and placed some of its body parts into SCP-2662's breakfast.】

【(8:28) SCP-2662:"Uh... no thanks. I'm full. Go home. Your, uh, Lord loves your offering"】

【At the same time, Task Force Tau-9 was informed of the break-in. ]

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