【Class A】

【A-level personnel are personnel essential to the continued operation and stability of the SCP Foundation. For safety reasons, personnel of this level are not allowed to have direct contact with any anomalies under any circumstances.】

【When contact is necessary, such as entering a site containing an SCP object, Class A personnel are not allowed to enter the containment area and should always remain in a safe area.】

【In the event of an emergency security situation such as a containment breach or invasion by a hostile organization, Class A personnel are to be evacuated immediately and moved to a safe location for protection.】

【Members of the O5 Council are always Class A personnel, but on a practical level, they have more flexible criteria for judging certain aspects of their actions. 】

(O5 violating various regulations is also a standard program of the SCP Foundation.)


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"Are you going to play so big when you come up? But the highest level is A-level? Why can't there be an S-class?"

"Are you stunned when you look at certain works?"

"So it is still compulsory not to be exposed to all kinds of supernatural beings. Shouldn’t it be possible for A-levels to be exposed to all kinds of supernatural beings if they want to? So lacking in autonomy?"

"Don't even think about it. According to this setting, Class A personnel are the most important people in the SCP Foundation. Each of them probably possesses a lot of information or knowledge that only one of them has. If they die inexplicably because of the supernatural, Well, the SCP Foundation has become a clown!"

"Support the one above. Didn’t you see that it says in the back that if a dangerous situation occurs, people will be evacuated to a safe area immediately?"

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that everyone in the SCP Foundation is surrounding these A-levels? These people are all little princes and princesses, right?"

"The responsibilities and work they bear must be huge...otherwise they wouldn't be able to occupy such an important position in an organization like the SCP Foundation that protects humans."

"But it seems that although this O5 council member is technically an A-level personnel, they seem to be a bit higher. More flexible judgment criteria……"

"Fits some of my stereotypes"

"It seems that player No. 100 has not mentioned this hostile organization in detail.……"


Yang Feng blinked his eyes that were sore from looking at the computer for a long time and continued to type on the keyboard.

【Class B】

【B-class personnel are indispensable people needed for the sustainable operation of the SCP Foundation's relevant forces in a certain area. Personnel at this level are only allowed access to anomalies that are already contained or deemed safe.】

【If the above emergency safety situation is discovered, Class B personnel should evacuate immediately and enter a safe area. If there are Class A personnel at the same time, they will be evacuated as the second echelon.】

【Class C】

【C-class personnel have direct access to most anomalies not considered too hostile or threatening, as well as potential psychoactive effects, memes, and cognitohazards】

【However, relevant security personnel should allow them to undergo movement restrictions or mental evaluation when they deem it necessary.】

【If encountering the above emergency security situation, non-combat sequence C-level personnel should immediately report to the safety lockout area. However, if encountering a larger level of crisis, they should evacuate under the instructions of the site security personnel.】


"This B level is the beggar’s version of A level, right?"

"I laughed when I saw the second echelon……"

"This C-level personnel should be the main personnel component of the SCP Foundation."

"Yes, you can directly contact those dangerous supernatural beings"

"But it seems to me that the level of protection for their life safety is quite high?"

"Is this person upstairs watching King Crimson? The well-protected C-level personnel you are referring to are non-combat sequence personnel. Yes, those are not the ones who just rush in and fight when there is a dangerous situation."

"I am now thinking about the level of these relevant security personnel. After all, it seems that they can restrict the movements of C-level personnel at any time."

"I now suspect that these levels also have so-called branches."

"It seems that the organizational structure of the SCP Foundation is becoming more and more complex."

"It seems that contestant No. 100 is well prepared!"

"So this hostile organization has been mentioned before and now, so what exactly is it, the supernatural KB organization Snake's Hand mentioned before?"

"Then it depends on when player No. 100 wants to complete the relevant settings on a whim."


【Class D】

【D-class personnel are expendable and have direct access to any anomaly, no matter how hazardous or offensive it may be】

【To ensure safety, personnel of this level are not allowed to come into contact with Class A and B personnel】

【Class D personnel typically come from prisons around the world and include inmates with violent criminal backgrounds, particularly those sentenced to death. 】

(I won’t include the details of Agreement No. 12. It’s enough for everyone to understand.)

【Class D personnel are to undergo routine mandatory psychiatric evaluations under the guidance of site security or medical personnel and be administered amnestics of at least Class B strength once or terminated at the end of every month.】

【In the event of a site security emergency, D-class personnel are to be terminated immediately unless site security personnel deem otherwise necessary to ensure that no unforeseen circumstances occur.】


【Class E is a temporary classification. Field agents and containment personnel are classified as Class E when securing or initially containing a new anomalous object, entity, or phenomenon that may be exposed to potentially hazardous effects.】

【For E-class personnel, they should be placed alone in a special room as soon as possible, and their behavior, personality or spirit should be monitored and checked for potential abnormal effects.】

【Only after psychological and medical personnel conduct a complete examination and confirm that the abnormal effect has been completely eliminated will the level be lifted and the person return to work.】


Live broadcast room comment area

"Okay, now the question about what D-class personnel are that everyone has been arguing about before has been written down. Pure consumables, right?"

"Even A-class personnel and B-class personnel are not allowed to come into contact? Reminds me of India……"

"Once again, it successfully demonstrated how powerful the SCP Foundation is, and it can actually recruit people from all over the world.……"

"Okay, okay, they are all damned death row prisoners, right? Now I have to support them."

"Is there still an execution to be carried out at the end of the month? Although I have no sympathy, I also think this is too……"

"When I think of a certain D-class personnel who has worked hard for a month through various experiments, only to find out in the end that he is still going to die... Why do I want to laugh so much?"

"If the guy upstairs can't hold it any longer, stop holding it tight."

"This E-class personnel feels more like a classification for people affected by the supernatural.……"

"Why do I feel like a temporary worker?"

"Why do I think a new letter should be used? E-class personnel feel literally lower than D-class personnel.……"





PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes for the new book! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!

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