The comment section of the live broadcast room immediately became excited when seeing this paragraph, and the comments began to be filled in frantically.

"ah? ? ? So this containment statute of limitations was deliberately created by Dr. Dan?"

"What is life-changing?"

"I just said that the SCP Foundation cannot be so stupid as to come up with something as flashy as the SCRAMBLE device. It turns out there is a mole!"

"So why did Dr. Dan collude with Dr. Oleksei to do this? ? ? This is not good for them, and it also kills a lot of people!"

"I get it, they did this disgusting thing to execute SCP-096. Dr. Dan reiterated the dangers of SCP-096 several times before, because no one knows when someone will see a never-before-discovered photo of his face."

"So the fear of SCP-096 and the desire to destroy him overwhelms reason?"

"Yes, the series of things he did after causing the containment breach of SCP-096 were all to prove to the SCP Foundation that SCP-096 was indeed dangerous and get O5 to approve his execution plan!"

"Does he want his life? Now after killing SCP-096, he will be shot too!"

"Maybe he thinks it's worth it……"

"It’s so funny, so many SCP Foundation members were tricked into death, and in the end they only ended up being executed. I feel like it’s better to demote him to D-class personnel."

"Are you really a genius?"

"This time it only took 47 minutes. Player No. 100 will not be the first to submit every time! It’s really awesome"

"I really want to learn how fluent he is in writing. At his speed, I suspect that he was told what today’s keywords are in advance."

"The show crew must have taken his money! (The dog’s head saves life)"

"If it hadn't been for the dog heads upstairs, I would have bombarded the rats crossing the street."


"By the way, if this 096-1A accident is changed, it can become another short story, right?"

"So contestant No. 100 actually wrote two stories……"


At the same time, Yang Feng clicked upload and submit after checking the complete text.

When the backstage team saw this name, they suddenly realized it and notified the host who was enlivening the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

"Let us congratulate contestant No. 100 for once again being the first to complete this keyword creation! Now let’s ask the judges to comment!"

With the host's enthusiastic voice, the full text of SCP-096 was quickly projected on the screen.

However, this time it took the judges nearly 10 minutes to read the entire text, but it took so long mainly because of Judge Li.

The other judges finished reading it in five minutes, but he scanned the entire text back and forth, his brows furrowed.

"The special containment measures are well written, the sense of reality is well created, the images described are also visual, and the various records that follow further improve the logic of the entire story. This time I give 10 points."

The first person to comment was Judge Wang. After he finished speaking, Judge Mo continued:

"I personally think it is very novel to describe the content of the video in the form of words. This method allows the viewer to quickly construct a large number of pictures in his or her brain. This is a big step in the progress of archival literary creation and is of historical significance. I also give 10 points"

"SCP-096's abilities are also very interesting, and the accident records cleverly construct an independent story. Some of the hints in the article are also interesting. But I personally think it could be shorter, so I give it 9 points this time."

After Judge Xu finished speaking and sat down, Judge Li stood up and spoke:

"I agree with what the previous judges said, but I think this SCP-096 seems to be missing some content.---"

After a long pause, he continued:

"That is SCP-096's self-healing ability. The article mentioned that it was blasted with a large hole by anti-tank weapons, but it never mentioned what happened behind it. However, based on the full text, I can tell that SCP-096 has the ability to self-recover, but contestant No. 100 did not write it down. So this time I give 6 points"


Live broadcast room comment area

"Holy shit, the total score is 35 points, and I almost missed the chance to reach the Hall of Fame level."

"Ah, so I witnessed history? Archival literature has taken another step forward in the hands of contestant No. 100?"

"Judge Mo’s historic evaluation is too high.……"

"After listening to Judge Li’s words, I realized that SCP-096 had written out a paragraph... I didn’t realize it when I read it."




"Having said that, SCP-096's self-healing ability is quite terrifying. Even if most of its body was blown away, it could still recover quickly.……"

"It makes me laugh. Contestant No. 100 finished writing it at such a fast speed. Will there be any loopholes? Has the falsehood been exposed by the judges? I don’t know why SB always wants to help him become a god!"

"I wonder if anyone has said that he should be made a god?"

"The street rat is anxious again. Even if there are loopholes in the work written by contestant No. 100, he still rushed to the hall level. I don’t know why a certain contestant numbered 19 has never entered the palace level."

"Yes, yes, I remember that contestant No. 19 participated in the 16th competition before. His number at that time was 97, and the highest-scoring work so far is only 33 points."

"Isn't he just a loser compared to our No. 100 player?"

"The street mouse was right about one thing. Contestant No. 100 was really too eager to write the complete article and submit it quickly to win first place."

"But after this reminder, he will probably remember it."

"But with his writing speed and fluency, even if he checks the full text several times later, it won’t be much slower.……"


When Yang Feng heard Judge Li's words, he also realized that he didn't write about SCP-096's self-recovery ability at all.

The reason why he didn't write it is also very simple, that is, SCP-096 in the SCP official website did not write this paragraph, so he did not think of this.

(But speaking of it, I haven’t written it yet, and I haven’t mentioned the self-healing ability at all.) It seems that I have to pay more attention and think more when writing in the future. I can’t write it to the end in one go. I almost didn’t even get the palace level..

Looking at the page showing [Work has been submitted], Yang Feng thought happily.

At this time, his computer speaker suddenly emitted a pleasant ringtone.

That was the special attention he set, which was the prompt when the company that specialized in building websites sent messages.

Yang Feng quickly clicked in to take a look.

【Dear customer, we have completed building the website you requested. Please enter this website and enter your information and password to take over the website. ]

He hurriedly clicked on the URL below, then entered the information and the password given by the company, and officially took over the website.

And because the camera in his room had not been turned off at this time, countless netizens also saw that message.

(The password and information were blocked by the protagonist's body. Netizens only saw the protagonist asking a company to build a website and entering the website)


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes for the new book! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!

I noticed that everyone in the comment area seems to want me to write articles related to the Supreme Godhead, and there are some very well-written works, but I feel that it is inappropriate to write this now.

Because the SCP culture in this parallel world is still very"weak" and the foundation has not been laid well, it is inappropriate for the protagonist to take out this kind of literature at this time.

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