Live broadcast room comment area

"It seems that this classic beginning will not be changed, the ancestral recipe"

"SCP-096? It feels like a cue to get rich."

"So why are all the SCPs he writes currently rated Euclid? When do you change the word?"

"Who knows?"

"I think there is a possibility that he hasn't thought of other words yet"

"I went and felt that the special containment measures written by contestant No. 100 this time were so strict!"

"It feels the same, but there aren't even any gaps. It's unprecedentedly strict."

"But why can’t even cameras and equipment for transmitting pictures be deployed? Still have to use infrared? It feels a bit unnecessary"

"It's all supernatural"

"Could it be possible to die if you see SCP-096? Or is it just eye contact?"

"I feel like it is. Look below. There are not even pictures."

"The guy upstairs didn’t look carefully! Talking about face pictures"

"It is now basically certain that the O5 Council is the top leadership of the Foundation."

"So what is the direct connection between SCP-096 and stubbornness?"

"Just keep watching"


During the heated discussion in the live broadcast room, Yang Feng was still writing

【Description: SCP-096 is a 2.38 meter tall humanoid creature. According to analysis of the subject, it has little muscle mass and is mildly malnourished.】

【SCP-The ratio of 096's arms to the body does not meet the theoretical values. Its arms are 1.5 meters long. Most of the skin is completely free of pigment and hairless】

【SCP-The jaw opening angle of 096 can reach 4 times the normal jaw opening angle of ordinary humans. Facial features are similar to humans except that the eyes have no pigment】

【According to its theoretical calculation, SCP-096 may have been blind. From its behavioral pattern, it can also be determined that SCP-096 does not have the IQ and thinking ability of normal humans.】


Live broadcast room comment area

"Finally, a living monster has arrived. 173 Big Peanut is a statue, and 049 Little Angel looks like a cosplaying medieval doctor."

"Damn, according to this description, SCP-096 looks really scary, but this time there is no picture."

"It is written in the special containment procedures that there are no pictures. Contestant No. 100 must abide by his own world view."

"The last paragraph is so classic, combined with the previous one, it is a classic image of a murderous monster."

"So what does it have to do with stubbornness? Not seen yet"

"Anyway, with his strength, he will definitely not write off-topic questions in the end."


【SCP-096 is generally not aggressive; pressure detectors in the containment chamber indicate that SCP-096 has been pacing the east wall for most of the day.】

【However, when someone sees SCP-096's face, whether directly, in a video, or even in a photo, it quickly turns aggressive.】

【After being shown its face, SCP-096 will first cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and making inarticulate sounds. Within two minutes, SCP-096 will charge at anyone who sees its face (the latter is designated SCP-096-1)】

【In the records, SCP-096's speed is as low as 35km/h and can reach as high as███km/h, according to analysis, the object's forward speed depends on the distance from SCP-096-1】


Live broadcast room comment area

"I rely on you! Are you going to rush over to find someone when your face is seen?"

"It appears that SCP-096 is aware that his face is being seen. But it doesn’t matter if he just looks at it. Why would he judge that he saw it if he looked at pictures and videos?"

"It feels like some kind of rule judgment"

"SCP-096 is too pretentious, right? I have to cry for a minute or two before I start taking action."

"By the way, putting this thing in a strong cell in advance should be able to prevent it from rushing towards SCP-096-1, right?"

"It's hard to say"

"Holy shit, the minimum speed is 35km/h? What a great athlete!"

"There should be a bright future as an athlete"

"According to the number of black blocks behind, the maximum speed should not exceed 999 kilometers per hour"

"Listening to what you said, I think there is no need to build this black block. Anyway, we can calculate the theoretical maximum value."

"I just want to know how SCP-096 can run with such body proportions."

"Asking is that the supernatural is omnipotent, omnipotent, and miraculous"

"Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?"


【At this point, no known materials or methods can stop SCP-096 from advancing, and it will not stop until it reaches the location of SCP-096-1.】

【SCP-096-1 cannot block SCP-096's reaction no matter where it is. The subject seems to be able to detect the location of SCP-096-1 in an instant.】

【Note: Observation of artistically painted images of faces will not attract SCP-096's attention. (In one recorded experiment, a D-class personnel was asked to observe the abstract painting in question, but nothing happened.)】

【SCP-Upon reaching SCP-096-1's location, 096 will kill and [DATA EXPUNGED]SCP-096-1, no body tissue remains until SCP-096-1】

【Next, SCP-096 will sit calmly for a few minutes, then enter a non-aggressive state, and will not respond to external interference until its face is seen again.】


Live broadcast room comment area

"Will he chase you to the ends of the earth if you see your face? Now it can indeed be related to stubbornness."

"The person in front was slapped in the face, I just said that it is impossible for the SCP Foundation to think of locking him in a strong cell. It turns out that there is no cell that can hold him."

"I have a theory that the person who sees SCP-096's face has established a telepathy with him, which is why the location of the person who sees the face can be found instantly"

"The truth is out……"

"So why is it OK after viewing artistic or abstract facial images? Everyone must vote to push this issue up during the creator dialogue session!"

"I bet contestant No. 100 will definitely leave the answer blank for something as ambiguous as this, so there is no need to add a meaningless question."




"A new vocabulary was coined: [DATA EXPUNGED]"

"I can understand the meaning, but I think it’s the same as the previous black block, and it’s unnecessary to use it. It is written later that the person whose face is seen will not have any body tissue left in the end. Doesn’t that imply that SCP-096 has eaten it?"

"When you say that, it sounds a bit scary and creepy."

"Fits my stereotype of this monster."

"In fact, I think SCP-096 is easier to contain, as long as no one can see his face."

"Have you ever thought about a question? That is a picture or video of SCP-096's face that may be found everywhere in the world."

"It's true what you said"

"By the way, it’s unlikely that Contestant No. 100 will be finished just like this, right? I feel like I have completed the full text and it is also connected to the key words."

"I'm so stupid! If you write a little more, the number of words will reach the standard.……"


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes for the new book! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!

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