I am Vardy

Chapter five hundred and sixty second painstaking planning

A beautiful goal, Vardy's scalpel-like through ball assisted Figo to score the opening goal.

The Inter Milan fans in the stands screamed with excitement. This is the cooperation between the two world footballers. Although one has entered the end of his career and the other is rising, there is such a fit between them.

Figo hugged Vardy excitedly and thanked Vardy for his assist. Vardy could have come directly for the ball, but he chose to pass it to himself, and he finally lived up to it.

Figo has entered the time to enjoy football, and being able to score a goal in the much-anticipated Milan Derby is definitely the most perfect feast at the end of his career.

Although Vardy is celebrating with Figo, he is also reflecting on whether he should also improve his ability to pass threatening balls.

Although it seemed that his through ball just now was very beautiful, he knew very well that his pass was a bit too big.

If the strength was just right, Figo didn't need to make any extra moves just now, and he could have hit the goal directly, but because his pass was a little bit bigger, Figo could only choose to smash the ball past the opponent's defender before hitting the goal.

Sometimes the opportunity is fleeting, and an extra move may lead to the end of the offense.

If Milan's defense had been more vigilant just now, or if someone quickly defended the past and made Figo unable to shoot, wouldn't Inter Milan have wasted this excellent opportunity to score?

Therefore, improving the ability to pass the threatening ball should also be put on the agenda.

After the celebration, the game restarted. Inter Milan's morale was rapidly inflated because of the goal, and it directly pressed to Milan's half. The stormy attack made Milan breathless.

At this time, Kaka can only go back to participate in the defense, because his "Stride Meteor" has no effect.

Although Kaka's long-distance attack is amazing, but compared to his explosive power, he is not as good as Vardy. Under Cambiasso's close marking, it is not so easy for Kaka to get rid of him and catch the ball, and it is also difficult for Milan. to the ball.

In the 19th minute of the first half, with Cambiasso marking Kaka full-time, Vieira rushed up and took a long shot, but the long shot ended up hitting the plane;

In the 22nd minute, Vardy threw a grenade out-of-bounds ball. Ibrahimovic shook his head in the penalty area and attacked the goal. The ball was punched by Dida. Stankovic grabbed the second spot and shot the ball violently. Lowski flew to block;

In the 24th minute, Inter Milan made a comeback. Vardy and Figo went out from the left and hit the wall to cooperate. on the beam.

Seeing this scene, the Inter Milan fans in the stands moved exactly the same as Vardy, holding their heads with incredible expressions on their faces.

In fact, the fans have concluded that on the court, it is not the opponent's player that can prevent Vardy from scoring, but the red card or the opponent's goal frame.

Needless to say, red cards, Vardy debuted for three and a half years, the number of red and yellow cards received is more than the number of red and yellow cards received by most professional players in their entire career;

And the number of hits on the door frame is even more exaggerated, surpassing the sum of other people's entire careers in one season.

If all those shots off the woodwork are scored, then Vardy's goal count will almost certainly double.

I really don't know where Vardy messed with the door frame, but I have never seen a door frame that has a good relationship with Vardy.

Others pray before the game to ask for God's blessing, but Vardy doesn't need it, he just needs to pray that the door frame will stop messing with him.

After several attacks came back without success, Milan successfully wiped out the high morale of Inter Milan, and then slowly began to press forward, and started a midfield competition with Inter Milan.

In high-end battles, everyone knows the importance of controlling the midfield, and Milan's strongest point is the midfield, how could they give up control of the midfield.

Ancelotti changed his strategy. The midfielders strengthened their running and sprinting and frequently mobilized Inter Milan's midfield defense. Although it may not be possible to see obvious results for a while, Ancelotti actually did not place his bets on Now.

Compared with Milan's midfielders, the average age of Inter Milan's midfielders is not low. Cambiasso is okay, just in his prime. Stankovic is 30 years old, and he is considered young and vigorous, but whether Figo or Vigoro Ella is an out-and-out veteran. It is difficult to hold on to the whole game in normal games, not to mention the faster-paced and more intense derby.

Now Ancelotti will increase and speed up their consumption, and then they will have a showdown in the second half. I believe that by that time, the two old guys will no longer be able to run.

Even if Mancini makes substitutions and adjustments, the strength of the substitute players is not as good as the two former superstars. If they are used well, it is also an opportunity for Milan.

Inter Milan did not realize Ancelotti's plan, but simply meant that Milan was so desperate to equalize the score as soon as possible, so they just accelerated the pace to fight against it.

In the rest of the first half, the two teams were like a firecracker, crackling, thundering, and the fire was so lively. Last second, Inter Milan might be besieging Milan's penalty area, but the next Seconds, maybe Inzaghi has already completed the shot in front of Inter Milan.

The pace is so fast that people can't handle it, and even the cameraman is a little tired.

However, the defense of both sides was pretty good, neither of them scored again, and the score of 1:0 was maintained until the end of the first half.

But at this time, Mancini has already noticed some clues.

No way, Figo and Vieira were already wheezing and wheezing when they walked off the court, and they were obviously exhausted. Even after a short break to adjust at halftime, I am afraid they will not last long in the second half.

On the other hand, Milan, because their players are young and strong, they didn't show any signs of exhaustion.

be cheated!

Mancini nodded mentally, and secretly cursed the old fox.

If he had noticed Ancelotti's plan earlier, then he would have tried to delay the rhythm as much as possible in the first half and played slowly.

But it's too late to say anything now.

After all, ginger is still old and spicy!

Back in the locker room, Mancini asked Vieira and Figo with concern.

"How long can you two last?"

Both Vieira and Figo are no longer hot-blooded teenagers in the second year. They know that they should tell the truth at this time, otherwise they will be irresponsible to the team.

They don't have the energy that they can burst out at any time even though their physical energy is exhausted in the comics.

Sure enough, as Mancini expected, Vieira and Figo's answers were both 20 minutes. In other words, at 65-70 minutes in the second half, the two must be replaced. At that time, they should have been unable to persist in the game.

He should think about who he should replace so that he can still maintain an advantage over Milan!

Soon, Mancini already had a draft.

Vardy is not too worried. Inter Milan's bench lineup is also quite luxurious, and Mancini is not unavailable.

At the beginning of the second half of the game, Milan still continued the strategy of the first half, constantly accelerating the impact of Inter Milan's defense, hoping to beat Vieira and other veterans off the field earlier.

But now that Mancini has seen through Ancelotti's routine, it is naturally impossible to make Milan proud, so the rhythm of Inter Milan has changed completely, just like the old man and the old lady walking their dogs in the park, very comfortable.

However, hidden dangers are hidden dangers after all. There will always be outbreaks. Just after 70 minutes, Figo has cramps, and Vieira is also sitting on the ground, looking weak.

Must be replaced!

Mancini called back Balotelli and Maxwell, who were warming up, and whispered to them for a long time, apparently arranging tasks for them.

Soon, the fourth official raised the substitution sign, and Balotelli and Maxwell came on the field, replacing Figo and Vieira who had already fought to the limit.

When the two veterans left the field, the San Siro applauded thunderously, and the fans thanked the two veterans for their dedication in this way.

At the same time, the fans are also thinking, how good it would be if they were five years younger. I am afraid that the gods will shy away from such an Inter Milan.

As for the two players who had just played, their positions were soon clarified.

Maxwell appeared at left back, Zanetti moved from left back to the midfielder, filling Vieira's position;

While Vardy pulled to the left, Balotelli was at the forefront.

The formation has not changed, but in terms of details, there have been major adjustments. The most noticeable one is naturally Vardy who has been pulled to the left.

Vardy always likes to play on the left side, so it would be no problem for him to be the left midfielder. He is completely capable of blowing up all the opponent's full backs on the side, so that they can't find the north, even if there are many people double-teaming. It is difficult to restrain him.

Of course, staying away from the goal will make Vardy's shots drop sharply. The reason why Mancini sent Balotelli is naturally to hope that he can form more outflanks with Ibrahimovic and make good use of the opportunities created by Vardy.

Of course, if Balotelli can continue his Super Mario magic, then Milan will be really sad.

Seeing Inter Milan's substitutions and adjustments, and looking back at the two or three kittens sitting on the bench, Ancelotti was extremely envious of Mancini.

After adjustments, the strength of Inter Milan has not declined particularly significantly, because the strength of Inter Milan's bench gangsters is actually not bad at all.

But looking at his own bench, there is simply no player who can do it.

Sure enough, people are more dead than people!

Depressed, he waved his hand and attacked wildly. If he didn't attack, he would really run out of time!

In any case, Ancelotti's routine worked, and after difficult planning and implementation, it finally paid off, and Milan scored.

In the 74th minute of the second half, Maxwell stepped forward for an assist and couldn't come back. Milan played a quick counterattack and penetrated the defense line on this side from the left of Inter Milan. In the end, Kaka shot through the goal guarded by Cesar. )!!

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