I am Vardy

Chapter 505 Inter Milan is stronger than Manchester United

Before Inter Milan and Manchester United jointly announced Vardy's transfer, Vardy had already reached a personal agreement with Inter Milan, otherwise, the news would not be publicly announced.

The old man Moratti will never be stingy with the people he really loves, and this has been proved countless times.

Regardless of extra income such as bonuses, Vardy's annual after-tax salary at Inter Milan is 5.5 million euros, which is definitely a sky-high price in this era.

This annual salary is directly double that of Manchester United.

Prior to this, the highest annual salary in world football was Terry, who had just completed his contract renewal. The captain of the Blue Army received a weekly salary of 13.1 million pounds, which is equivalent to 10 million in euros. ,

And this 10 million euros is before tax. In the UK, half of it has to be taken out to pay taxes. Therefore, Terry's actual income is 5 million euros.

Vardy's last renewal at Manchester United received a weekly salary of 7.5w pounds, which is 570w euros when converted into euros. After tax, it is actually less than 300w euros.

This increase is very exaggerated, and it is important that Vardy is now the player with the highest annual salary in world football, matching his status.

That's right, if Inter Milan pays a lot of money for the transfer fee, but they can't satisfy Vardy in terms of annual salary, wouldn't they be laughed at?

In fact, Vardy really doesn't care much about salary. Anyway, in his income structure, salary accounts for a pitifully small proportion. If investment income is included, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

But in world football, you have as much say as your annual salary. If the annual salary is less, not to mention Vardy, even the fans will disagree.

Of course, Vardy's annual salary has not been reported, otherwise the world football will trigger a new wave of salary increases, which no one can bear.


The system has entered the update process again, and judging from the prompts given by the system, this time the update is quite strong, and it is estimated that there will be no way to restore it for a while. I am afraid that it will really have to wait until the start of the season before it can be used normally.

The last update of the system brought Valdi a financial crisis and inflation. Valdi really doubts whether the system will have a 2012 end of the world this time. Anyway, judging from the urine nature of the system, there is nothing impossible.

So Vardy has always had a sense of urgency. The improvement of the system is one aspect, and he has to practice all kinds of stunts. Otherwise, one day the system will play Chen Shimei and abandon himself, and he will be dumbfounded.

Before going to Inter Milan, Vardy has a lot of preparations to do, renting or buying a house, disposing of things in Manchester, and saying goodbye to a lot of good friends. Although it may not be gone forever, but now I really want to Say goodbye!

The friends held a farewell party for Vardy in the form of a memorial service. If it wasn't for Vardy's desperate refusal, I'm afraid these bastards could push themselves to the ground and bow three times to bid farewell to the body.

Of course, after the funny part, it must still be a decadent moment. If Vardy hadn't tried his best to keep his chastity, he wouldn't know how many crazy women he would have eaten this night.

"I've been looking forward to you leaving for a long time. This time I am the core. When we meet in the Champions League, I will lead Manchester United to defeat you and your Inter Milan. You have to believe that I will do what I say!" Ronaldo hugged Holding Vardy's shoulder, he was obviously drunk and almost unconscious, but he still said stubbornly.

"Yes yes yes, you are amazing, you have the virtues of martial arts, you will last forever, can you rule the world?" Vardy said helplessly, pulling off Ronaldo's arm.

She obviously drank too much and still didn't go to bed obediently, so she had to be brave?

Don't say that you are not the peerless double pride of the future, even if you are, don't I grow up?

But it’s okay, give Ronaldo a proper growth environment, Vardy also hopes that one day his good friend can stand on the top of the world football,

Compete with yourself.

As for Rooney, this guy is looking for comfort in the arms of a mature woman, heartless.

Goodbye, friends!

Bye now!


On the plane to Milan, Vardy closed his eyes and rested, but kept thinking about everything about Inter Milan.

There are many reasons for choosing Inter Milan.

First of all, Inter Milan's conditions moved Manchester United, which is a prerequisite, otherwise Vardy would not be able to fight Manchester United in order to join Inter Milan;

Secondly, the Inter Milan club is a traditional giant with a history of competing for the championship. Moratti, the helm of the team, is not a politician or rich man who is not concerned with football at all;

Then, Inter Milan has a good lineup. With Moratti's investment regardless of cost, it is no problem for Inter Milan to dominate Serie A. With their own participation, they can definitely advance to the top of Europe;

Then, Inter Milan coach Mancini is not an idiot, nor is he a person who disregards the interests of the team for the sake of face. On the contrary, he has the characteristics of a leading brother and is very protective of his weaknesses. Although he has various shortcomings such as worrying about gains and losses and indecision, no one is perfect , how could it be all advantages?

Finally, and most importantly, Vardy remembered that Balotelli was at Inter Milan...

After coming to the Inter Milan youth team, Balotelli performed very eye-catching in the U17 and U19 games, which attracted the attention of Mancini. In the new season, Balotelli will officially be promoted to the first team and become a member of the Inter Milan first team. member.

In the previous life, in the Doubi world, this was a great prelude, and the Doubi Emperor began to walk towards the life of Niu (er) than (bi) Shan (chao) Shan (tian).

It's just that now, due to Vardy's sudden appearance, I'm afraid Balotelli is just an ordinary member of the huge follow-up team. When most people comment, Balotelli is more natural, but it is still fundamental It cannot be compared with Vardy.

Is Vardy willing to be a tease?

He himself doesn't know, from the beginning of resistance and resistance, to slowly accepting, and now to the present joy, this kind of mental journey is really unpredictable.

But Balotelli must be willing to be a douchebag, or in other words, he lives happily in his own world, but his world, in the eyes of others, is a douchebag world.

If Vardy's teasing is deliberate, then Balotelli's teasing is like an antelope with no trace of horns, so natural, so no trace of performance.

Whether in Everton or Manchester United, Vardy is lonely. This is not to say that he has no friends, but that he is just alone on the road of teasing.

Even though the system has updated the missionary section to allow Vardy to cultivate teasers, even if Carsley and Rooney have been led astray by Vardy in their lives, Vardy knows that all these are performances. In essence, I am still alone!

But it's different now, with the first ancestor of the previous life and the ancestor of the current master, the whole world will tremble, right?

When I and Balotelli get together, what kind of sparks of passion will collide?

When Vardy thought about it, he felt his heart surge.

Maybe many years later, when someone asks Balotelli why he is so funny, then Balotelli's answer may be-it's all because of Vardy!


Well, thinking a little far, but it is undeniable that Vardy is already looking forward to his future at Inter Milan.

Inter Milan's lineup is indeed not bad. Although the degree of optimization is not as good as the Triple Crown season, it will not be inferior to any team, especially with its own joining, I am afraid it is worse than Manchester United last season.

The goalkeeper position has just introduced Brazilian national goal Cesar to replace Santordo, who is close to retirement. In this important link, the national goal does not lose to Manchester United;

There are many talents at the central defender position. In the World Cup, Materazzi, who was shocked by Zidane, Samuel, the Argentine Dinghai god, and the top marking central defender Cordoba, three super strongmen compete for the two main positions. , At the same time, there are fierce Burdisso on the bench, as well as the Romanian captain Chivu who debuted as a central defender.

In this position, Inter Milan's starting lineup is not inferior to Manchester United, and the substitute players are even stronger.

The left back is Brazilian international Maxwell, with Chivu as a substitute, and the right back is Maicon, who is currently recognized as the world's number one right back. If captain Zanetti does not go to other positions to fill the void, Maicon must be used as a substitute.

So on the defensive line, Inter Milan is ahead of Manchester United.

The midfielder is currently the strongest part of Inter Milan, throwing Manchester United out of the way.

The young Vieira, the all-round fighter Stankovic, the offensive and defensive Cambiasso, the former World Footballer of the Year Figo, the attacker Solari who has been playing for the giants, and the captain Zanetti who often plays as a defensive midfielder. .....

Perhaps Inter Milan's midfielders are generally older, but they are far better than Manchester United in terms of combat effectiveness and experience.

Of course, this does not mean that Inter Milan has no shortcomings in the midfield. Obviously, Inter Milan still lacks in terms of impact and creativity.

The arrival of Sneijder in the previous life changed this embarrassing situation. His performance in the midfielder position is definitely at the Golden Globe level, and it is his outstanding performance that Inter Milan can win the Triple Crown.

Vardy is also considering at this time, should he persuade Moratti to introduce a midfielder similar to Sneijder?

Although he can frequently retreat and advance with the ball, staying away from the goal means a decline in attack ability. Vardy prefers to face the opponent's goal directly instead of wasting physical energy on frequent retreats.

It's just that after spending a huge transfer fee on himself, Inter Milan is so poor that they can hardly pay their wages. How could it be possible to buy a player of Sneijder's level?

Forget it, let's take one step at a time!

As for the striker line, Inter Milan can also do it well. After all, Moratti is famous for hoarding strikers.

Da Fengxian is now in Inter Milan. You know, Ibrahimovic is a league champion predator. Vardy feels that Inter Milan can dominate Serie A in these few seasons, not because of their strong lineup, nor because of Juventus. The door plummeted, and it was only because of the existence of Ibrahimovic.

Just like Vardy's funny halo, Ibrahimovic also has the halo of harvesting the league championship...

In addition, the first-class striker Crespo is also in the team. Although he is 32 years old, he will never lose to young people in terms of scoring ability.

Needless to say, Balotelli, who has just been promoted to the first team, may not bring much improvement to the team's combat effectiveness, but he can become the team's mascot just like Vardy.

Of course, Inter Milan also has a former Inter Milan king who is about to be forgotten - Adriano, but now he is no longer the super shooter who can't be stopped by anyone on the green field. Now Inter Milan is more concerned about how to deal with it drop him.

Ibrahimovic plus Vardy are two super shooters, and Crespo is a substitute. With such a striker configuration, who would not envy Inter Milan? )!!

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